renv_scoped_sandbox <- function(scope = parent.frame()) { renv_scope_options(renv.config.sandbox.enabled = TRUE, scope = scope) sandbox <- renv_scope_tempfile(scope = scope) renv_scope_envvars(RENV_PATHS_SANDBOX = sandbox, scope = scope) old <- list(, .Library, .libPaths()) defer(scope = scope, { unlink(sandbox, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE) renv_binding_replace(base, "", old[[1L]]) renv_binding_replace(base, ".Library", old[[2L]]) .libPaths(old[[3]]) }) } test_that("the sandbox can be activated and deactivated", { renv_scoped_sandbox() # save current library paths libpaths <- .libPaths() # after activating the sandbox, .Library should be changed syslib <- renv_libpaths_system() renv_sandbox_activate() expect_false(identical(syslib, .Library)) # after deactivating the sandbox, .Library should be restored renv_sandbox_deactivate() expect_equal(syslib, .Library) # the library paths should be restored as well expect_equal(libpaths, .libPaths()) }) test_that("multiple attempts to activate sandbox are handled", { renv_scoped_sandbox() libpaths <- .libPaths() syslib <- renv_libpaths_system() # calls to renv_sandbox_activate() should be idempotent renv_sandbox_activate() renv_sandbox_activate() renv_sandbox_activate() expect_false(identical(syslib, .Library)) # deactivate the sandbox and assert we've restored state renv_sandbox_deactivate() expect_equal(syslib, .Library) expect_equal(libpaths, .libPaths()) }) test_that(" isn't used even when sandbox is disabled", { skip_if(renv_platform_windows() || empty( renv_scope_options(renv.config.sandbox.enabled = FALSE) sandbox <- renv_scope_tempfile("renv-sandbox-") renv_scope_envvars(RENV_PATHS_SANDBOX = sandbox) sitelib <- setdiff(, .Library) renv_sandbox_activate() expect_false(any(sitelib %in% .libPaths())) renv_sandbox_deactivate() }) test_that("renv repairs library paths on load if sandbox is active", { renv_scoped_sandbox() libpaths <- .libPaths() syslib <- renv_libpaths_system() # initialize the sandbox renv_sandbox_activate() expect_false(identical(syslib, .Library)) # check for sandbox marker file marker <- file.path(.Library, ".renv-sandbox") expect_true(file.exists(marker)) # set up R_LIBS, and then run a child process that reports # the library paths after loading renv script <- renv_test_code({ renv:::summon() writeLines(.libPaths()) }) output <- local({ renv_scope_envvars(R_LIBS = paste(.libPaths(), collapse = .Platform$path.sep)) renv_system_exec( command = R(), args = c("--vanilla", "-s", "-f", renv_shell_path(script)), action = "testing sandbox" ) }) expect_equal(output, .libPaths()) # deactivate the sandbox and assert we've restored state renv_sandbox_deactivate() expect_equal(syslib, .Library) expect_equal(libpaths, .libPaths()) }) test_that("multiple processes can attempt to acquire the sandbox", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_ci() renv_scoped_sandbox() # number of processes n <- 20 server <- tryCatch(renv_socket_server(), error = skip) defer(close(server$socket)) project <- renv_tests_scope() script <- renv_test_code({ renv:::summon() renv_sandbox_activate(project) conn <- renv_socket_connect(port = port, open = "wb") defer(close(conn)) writeLines(paste(Sys.getpid()), con = conn) }, list(project = project, file = file, port = server$port)) for (i in seq_len(n)) { system2( command = R(), args = c("--vanilla", "-s", "-f", renv_shell_path(script)), wait = FALSE ) } stk <- stack() for (i in seq_len(n)) local({ conn <- renv_socket_accept(server$socket, open = "rb", timeout = 10) defer(close(conn)) stk$push(readLines(conn)) }) expect_length(stk$data(), n) })