test_that("renv can bootstrap itself if not installed", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") # initialize bare project renv_tests_scope() init(bare = TRUE) # simulate bootstrap of renv from mock library renv_infrastructure_write_activate(version = "1.0.0") renv_scope_envvars( RENV_BOOTSTRAP_INSTALL_ONLY = "1", RENV_CONFIG_REPOS_OVERRIDE = getOption("repos") ) # perform bootstrap args <- c("-s", "-e", shQuote("library(renv)")) stdout <- stderr <- if (interactive()) "" else FALSE status <- system2(R(), args, stdout = stdout, stderr = stderr) expect_equal(status, 0L) }) test_that("renv can bootstrap a dev version", { skip_slow() renv_tests_scope() init(bare = TRUE, restart = FALSE) version <- "1.0.0" attr(version, "sha") <- "5049cef8a" renv_infrastructure_write_activate(version = version) args <- c("-s", "-e", shQuote("library(renv, warn.conflicts = FALSE)")) stdout <- stderr <- if (interactive()) "" else FALSE status <- system2(R(), args, stdout = stdout, stderr = stderr) expect_equal(status, 0L) # And should be fine if we run it again status <- system2(R(), args, stdout = stdout, stderr = stderr) expect_equal(status, 0L) }) test_that("activate_prompt behaves as expected", { renv_scope_options(renv.menu.choice = 2) expect_snapshot(val <- renv_activate_prompt_impl("snapshot")) expect_false(val) renv_tests_scope() renv_scope_options(renv.menu.choice = 1) expect_snapshot(val <- renv_activate_prompt_impl("snapshot")) expect_true(val) })