# NOTE: can't use renv_namespace_version() until the following commit is on CRAN # https://github.com/r-lib/pkgload/commit/907749a8efaf8fe65cfde4f4ade6e7c506f1afa5 test_that("renv itself doesn't mark itself as embedded", { expect_false(renv_metadata_embedded()) expect_equal(renv_metadata_version(), renv_package_version("renv")) }) test_that("renv can be vendored into an R package", { skip_on_cran() skip_slow() # create a dummy R package project <- renv_tests_scope() desc <- heredoc(" Type: Package Package: test.renv.embedding Version: 0.1.0 ") writeLines(desc, con = "DESCRIPTION") file.create("NAMESPACE") # vendor renv vendor() # make sure renv is initializes in .onLoad() code <- heredoc(' .onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) { renv$initialize() } ') ensure_directory("R") writeLines(code, con = "R/zzz.R") # try installing the package r_cmd_install("test.renv.embedding", getwd()) # test that we can load the package and initialize renv code <- substitute({ # make sure renv isn't visible on library paths base <- .BaseNamespaceEnv base$.libPaths(path) # extra sanity check if (requireNamespace("renv", quietly = TRUE)) stop("internal error: renv shouldn't be visible on library paths") # load the package, and check that renv realizes it's embedded namespace <- base$asNamespace("test.renv.embedding") embedded <- namespace$renv$renv_metadata_embedded() if (!embedded) stop("internal error: renv is embedded but doesn't realize it") # let parent process know we succeeded writeLines(as.character(embedded)) }, list(path = .libPaths()[1])) script <- renv_scope_tempfile("renv-script-", fileext = ".R") writeLines(deparse(code), con = script) # attempt to run script output <- renv_system_exec(R(), c("--vanilla", "-s", "-f", renv_shell_path(script))) expect_equal(output, "TRUE") # test that we can use the embedded renv to run snapshot code <- substitute({ # make sure renv isn't visible on library paths base <- .BaseNamespaceEnv base$.libPaths(path) # try to list ns <- base$asNamespace("test.renv.embedding") deps <- ns$renv$dependencies() saveRDS(deps, file = "dependencies.rds") }, list(path = .libPaths()[1])) script <- renv_scope_tempfile("renv-script-", fileext = ".R") writeLines(deparse(code), con = script) # attempt to run script output <- renv_system_exec(R(), c("--vanilla", "-s", "-f", renv_shell_path(script)), quiet = FALSE) expect_true(file.exists("dependencies.rds")) })