renv_test_scope_python <- function(scope = parent.frame()) { renv_scope_envvars( PATH = Sys.getenv("PATH"), RENV_PYTHON = NULL, RETICULATE_PYTHON = NULL, RETICULATE_PYTHON_ENV = NULL, scope = scope ) } test_that("we can activate Python with a project", { skip_on_os("windows") skip_on_cran() skip_if_no_python() renv_test_scope_python() renv_tests_scope("breakfast") use_python(python = sys_python(), type = "system") lockfile <- renv_lockfile_read("renv.lock") expect_true(!is.null(lockfile$Python)) }) test_that("we can activate Python with a virtualenv in a project", { skip_slow() skip_on_os("windows") skip_if_no_virtualenv() renv_test_scope_python() renv_tests_scope("breakfast") use_python(python = sys_python(), type = "virtualenv") lockfile <- renv_lockfile_read("renv.lock") expect_equal(lockfile$Python$Type, "virtualenv") }) test_that("renv uses local virtual environment for names beginning with '.'", { skip_on_os("windows") skip_on_cran() skip_if_no_virtualenv() renv_test_scope_python() renv_tests_scope("breakfast") use_python(python = sys_python(), name = ".venv") expect_true(renv_file_exists(".venv")) lockfile <- renv_lockfile_read("renv.lock") expect_equal(lockfile$Python$Type, "virtualenv") expect_equal(lockfile$Python$Name, ".venv") }) test_that("renv can bind to virtualenvs in WORKON_HOME", { skip_on_os("windows") skip_on_cran() skip_if_no_virtualenv() renv_test_scope_python() # work with temporary virtualenv home renv_scope_envvars(WORKON_HOME = tempdir()) home <- renv_python_virtualenv_home() expect_true(renv_path_same(home, tempdir())) # construct environment name, path name <- "renv-test-environment" path <- file.path(home, name) # clean up when we're done defer(unlink(path, recursive = TRUE)) # create a test project renv_tests_scope("breakfast") use_python(python = sys_python(), name = "renv-test-environment") expect_true(renv_file_exists(path)) lockfile <- renv_lockfile_read("renv.lock") expect_equal(lockfile$Python$Type, "virtualenv") expect_equal(lockfile$Python$Name, "renv-test-environment") }) test_that("installed Python packages are snapshotted / restored [virtualenv]", { skip_slow() skip_on_os("windows") skip_if_no_virtualenv() renv_test_scope_python() renv_tests_scope("breakfast") python <- sys_python() # initialize python python <- use_python( python, name = renv_scope_tempfile("python-virtualenv-"), type = "virtualenv" ) # install python-dotenv expect_false(renv_python_module_available(python, "dotenv")) pip_install("python-dotenv", python = python) expect_true(renv_python_module_available(python, "dotenv")) # snapshot changes snapshot() # check requirements.txt for install expect_true(file.exists("requirements.txt")) reqs <- renv_properties_read("requirements.txt", delimiter = "==") expect_true("python-dotenv" %in% names(reqs)) # uninstall python-dotenv expect_true(renv_python_module_available(python, "dotenv")) pip_uninstall("python-dotenv", python = python) expect_false(renv_python_module_available(python, "dotenv")) # try to restore restore() # check that we can load python-dotenv now expect_true(renv_python_module_available(python, "dotenv")) }) test_that("installed Python packages are snapshotted / restored [conda]", { skip_if_local() skip_on_os("windows") skip_on_cran() skip_if_no_miniconda("3.6") renv_test_scope_python() renv_tests_scope("breakfast") # initialize python quietly(use_python(type = "conda")) python <- Sys.getenv("RETICULATE_PYTHON") # install numpy cmd <- paste(shQuote(python), "-m pip install --quiet numpy") system(cmd, ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE) # snapshot changes snapshot() # check requirements.txt for install expect_true(file.exists("environment.yml")) # uninstall numpy cmd <- paste(shQuote(python), "-m pip uninstall --quiet --yes numpy") system(cmd, ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE) # can no longer load numpy cmd <- paste(shQuote(python), "-c 'import numpy'") status <- system(cmd, ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE) expect_false(status == 0L) # try to restore restore() # check that we can load numpy now cmd <- paste(shQuote(python), "-c 'import numpy'") status <- system(cmd, ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE) expect_true(status == 0L) }) test_that("python environment name is preserved after snapshot", { skip_if_local() skip_on_os("windows") skip_on_cran() skip_if_no_miniconda("3.6") renv_test_scope_python() # create and use local python environment renv_tests_scope() init() system2(python, c("-m", "venv", "virtualenv")) use_python(name = "./virtualenv") # check that the lockfile has been updated lockfile <- renv_lockfile_read("renv.lock") expect_equal(lockfile$Python$Name, "./virtualenv") # try to snapshot snapshot() # check that the virtual environment name was preserved lockfile <- renv_lockfile_read("renv.lock") expect_equal(lockfile$Python$Name, "./virtualenv") }) test_that("renv_python_discover() respects PATH ordering", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_windows() renv_tests_scope() renv_test_scope_python() # create a bunch of python directories wd <- renv_path_normalize(getwd()) pythons <- file.path(wd, c("1", "2", "3"), "python") for (python in pythons) { ensure_parent_directory(python) file.create(python) Sys.chmod(python, "0755") } # update the path path <- paste(dirname(pythons), collapse = .Platform$path.sep) discovered <- local({ renv_scope_envvars(PATH = path) renv_python_discover() }) # check that we looked at them in the right order expect_equal(tail(discovered, n = 3L), pythons) })