test_that("hydrate does not change library paths", { renv_tests_scope() lib <- renv_scope_tempfile() ensure_directory(lib) .libPaths(lib) before <- .libPaths() hydrate() after <- .libPaths() expect_identical(before, after) }) test_that("hydrate(update = FALSE) does not update older packages", { renv_tests_scope("bread") init() # set up project with older version of bread install("bread@0.1.0") # add dependency on toast writeLines("library(toast)", con = "deps2.R") # set up library for hydration sourcelib <- renv_scope_tempfile("renv-source-") ensure_directory(sourcelib) install("toast", library = sourcelib) # try hydrating without update expect_false(renv_package_installed("toast")) hydrate(sources = sourcelib, update = FALSE) expect_true(renv_package_installed("toast")) expect_true(renv_package_version("toast") == "1.0.0") expect_true(renv_package_version("bread") == "0.1.0") # try hydrating with update hydrate(sources = sourcelib, update = TRUE) expect_true(renv_package_version("bread") == "1.0.0") })