test_that("we can check out packages from our local repository", { # enter test scope project <- renv_tests_scope("breakfast") # check out a package + its dependencies; this invocation is # similar in spirit to a plain `install()` call checkout(packages = "breakfast") # check that they were installed expect_true(renv_package_installed("breakfast")) expect_true(renv_package_installed("bread")) }) test_that("we can check out packages from the package manager instance", { skip_on_cran() skip_if(Sys.info()[["machine"]] == "aarch64") renv_tests_scope() init() # ensure we reset repos on exit renv_scope_options(repos = getOption("repos")) # install rlang from an old snapshot checkout(date = "2023-01-02", packages = "rlang") # check that we installed the requested version expect_true(renv_package_installed("rlang")) expect_true(renv_package_version("rlang") == "1.0.6") })