test_that("overlap_circle", { skip_if_not_installed("VennDiagram") .old_wd <- setwd(tempdir()) # Saving to file (PDF or PNG) x1 <- overlap_circle(3.5) ggplot2::ggsave(x1, file = "plot.jpg", width = 7, height = 7, unit = "in", dpi = 300 ) expect_s3_class(x1, "gList") ggplot2::ggsave("plot.jpg", width = 7, height = 7, unit = "in", dpi = 300, path = NULL ) # expect_snapshot_file("plot.jpg") # Not working... # Score of 1 (0% overlap) x2 <- overlap_circle(1) expect_s3_class(x2, "gList") # Score of 3.5 (25% overlap) x3 <- overlap_circle(3.5) expect_s3_class(x3, "gList") # Score of 6.84 (81.8% overlap) x4 <- overlap_circle(6.84) expect_s3_class(x4, "gList") # Changing labels x5 <- overlap_circle(3.12, categories = c("Humans", "Animals")) expect_s3_class(x5, "gList") # Remove files unlink("plot.jpg") unlink("Rplots.pdf") setwd(.old_wd) })