### Mediator model Call: glm(formula = bili_bin ~ trt, family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = data) Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) 0.08577 0.38245 0.224 0.823 trt -0.08577 0.24091 -0.356 0.722 (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1) Null deviance: 382.49 on 275 degrees of freedom Residual deviance: 382.36 on 274 degrees of freedom AIC: 386.36 Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 3 ### Outcome model Call: survival::survreg(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ trt + bili_bin, data = data, dist = "weibull") Value Std. Error z p (Intercept) 8.8180 0.2476 35.61 < 2e-16 trt 0.0621 0.1316 0.47 0.64 bili_bin -1.2703 0.1668 -7.61 2.6e-14 Log(scale) -0.2917 0.0735 -3.97 7.3e-05 Scale= 0.747 Weibull distribution Loglik(model)= -1162.4 Loglik(intercept only)= -1203.8 Chisq= 82.77 on 2 degrees of freedom, p= 1.1e-18 Number of Newton-Raphson Iterations: 5 n= 276 ### Mediation analysis est se Z p lower upper exp(est) cde 0.07453720 0.15791407 0.4720112 0.6369188 -0.2349687 0.3840431 1.077385 pnde 0.07453720 0.15791407 0.4720112 0.6369188 -0.2349687 0.3840431 1.077385 tnie 0.02839131 0.07937794 0.3576726 0.7205884 -0.1271866 0.1839692 1.028798 tnde 0.07453720 0.15791407 0.4720112 0.6369188 -0.2349687 0.3840431 1.077385 pnie 0.02839131 0.07937794 0.3576726 0.7205884 -0.1271866 0.1839692 1.028798 te 0.10292851 0.17669777 0.5825117 0.5602221 -0.2433927 0.4492498 1.108412 pm 0.28619246 0.71391251 0.4008789 0.6885093 -1.1130503 1.6854353 NA exp(lower) exp(upper) cde 0.7905956 1.468209 pnde 0.7905956 1.468209 tnie 0.8805694 1.201979 tnde 0.7905956 1.468209 pnie 0.8805694 1.201979 te 0.7839636 1.567136 pm NA NA Evaluated at: avar: trt a1 (intervened value of avar) = 2.3 a0 (reference value of avar) = 1.1 mvar: bili_bin m_cde (intervend value of mvar for cde) = 1.4 cvar: c_cond (covariate vector value) = Note that effect estimates do not vary over m_cde and c_cond values when interaction = FALSE.