### Mediator model Call: lm(formula = bili ~ trt, data = data) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -3.4000 -2.5000 -1.7000 0.4434 24.3000 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 2.2132 0.8784 2.520 0.0123 * trt 0.7434 0.5532 1.344 0.1801 --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Residual standard error: 4.594 on 274 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.006548, Adjusted R-squared: 0.002923 F-statistic: 1.806 on 1 and 274 DF, p-value: 0.1801 ### Outcome model Call: survival::survreg(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ trt + bili + trt:bili, data = data, dist = "exponential") Value Std. Error z p (Intercept) 8.7034 0.3535 24.62 < 2e-16 trt 0.0528 0.2222 0.24 0.81 bili -0.1813 0.0458 -3.96 7.6e-05 trt:bili 0.0346 0.0263 1.31 0.19 Scale fixed at 1 Exponential distribution Loglik(model)= -1174.1 Loglik(intercept only)= -1206.3 Chisq= 64.39 on 3 degrees of freedom, p= 6.8e-14 Number of Newton-Raphson Iterations: 5 n= 276 ### Mediation analysis est se Z p lower upper cde 0.12144469 0.24247372 0.50085714 0.6164717 -0.3537951 0.59668446 pnde 0.08179118 0.25798599 0.31703730 0.7512153 -0.4238521 0.58743442 tnie -0.09079701 0.07000181 -1.29706666 0.1946083 -0.2279980 0.04640401 tnde 0.11881218 0.24359038 0.48775397 0.6257241 -0.3586162 0.59624055 pnie -0.12781801 0.09669378 -1.32188446 0.1862066 -0.3173343 0.06169832 te -0.00900583 0.26113730 -0.03448695 0.9724888 -0.5208255 0.50281387 pm 10.50645610 304.62327245 0.03449000 0.9724864 -586.5441868 607.55709896 exp(est) exp(lower) exp(upper) cde 1.1291269 0.7020188 1.816087 pnde 1.0852292 0.6545207 1.799366 tnie 0.9132031 0.7961258 1.047498 tnde 1.1261584 0.6986424 1.815281 pnie 0.8800135 0.7280873 1.063641 te 0.9910346 0.5940300 1.653367 pm NA NA NA Evaluated at: avar: trt a1 (intervened value of avar) = 2.3 a0 (reference value of avar) = 1.1 mvar: bili m_cde (intervend value of mvar for cde) = 1.4 cvar: c_cond (covariate vector value) = Note that effect estimates can vary over m_cde and c_cond values when interaction = TRUE.