context("Test fosr")

# test_that("fosr Penalized GLS works", {
#   skip_on_cran()
#   require(fda)
#   data("CanadianWeather")
#   ## The first two lines, adapted from help(fRegress) in package fda,
#   ## set up a functional data object representing daily average
#   ## temperatures at 35 sites in Canada
#   daybasis25 <- create.fourier.basis(rangeval=c(0, 365), nbasis=25,
#                                      axes=list('axesIntervals'))
#   Temp.fd <- with(CanadianWeather, smooth.basisPar(day.5,
#                                                    dailyAv[,,'Temperature.C'], daybasis25)$fd)
#   modmat = cbind(1, model.matrix(~ factor(CanadianWeather$region) - 1))
#   constraints = matrix(c(0,1,1,1,1), 1)
#   ## Penalized GLS
#   glsmod = fosr(fdobj = Temp.fd, X = modmat, con = constraints, method="GLS")
#   expect_that(glsmod, is_a("fosr"))
#   plot(glsmod, 1)
# })

# test_that("fosr.perm is working", {
#   skip_on_cran()
#   smallbasis  <- create.fourier.basis(c(0, 365), 25)
#   tempfd <- smooth.basis(day.5,
#                          CanadianWeather$dailyAv[,,"Temperature.C"], smallbasis)$fd
#   Xreg = cbind(1, model.matrix(~factor(CanadianWeather$region)-1))
#   conreg = matrix(c(0,1,1,1,1), 1)   # constrain region effects to sum to 0
#   # This is for illustration only; for a real test, must increase nperm
#   # (and probably prelim as well)
#   regionperm = fosr.perm(fdobj=tempfd, X=Xreg, con=conreg, method="OLS", nperm=10, prelim=3)
#   expect_is(regionperm, "fosr.perm")
#   # Redo the plot, using axisIntervals() from the fda package
#   #plot(regionperm, axes=FALSE, xlab="")
# })