context("Test mfpca") test_that("all mfpca functions work on the DTI example", { skip_on_cran() data(DTI) DTI <- subset(DTI, Nscans < 6) ## example where all subjects have 6 or fewer visits id <- DTI$ID Y <- DTI$cca <- = Y, id = id, twoway = TRUE) mfpca.face.DTI <- mfpca.face(Y = Y, id = id, twoway = TRUE) expect_equal(dim(mfpca.face.DTI$Yhat)[1], dim($Yhat)[1]) expect_equal(dim(mfpca.face.DTI$Yhat.subject)[1], dim($Yhat.subject)[1]) expect_equal(dim(mfpca.face.DTI$scores$level1)[1], dim($scores$level1)[1]) expect_equal(dim(mfpca.face.DTI$scores$level2)[1], dim($scores$level2)[1]) }) test_that("mfpca.face options work", { skip_on_cran() data(DTI) DTI <- subset(DTI, Nscans < 6) ## example where all subjects have 6 or fewer visits id <- DTI$ID Y <- DTI$cca mfpca.base <- mfpca.face(Y = Y, id = id) # visit argument mfpca.visit <- mfpca.face(Y = Y, id = id, visit = DTI$visit) expect_equal(mfpca.base$npc$level1, mfpca.visit$npc$level1) # weight argument mfpca.weight <- mfpca.face(Y = Y, id = id, weight = "subj") expect_equal(dim(mfpca.base$scores$level1)[1], dim(mfpca.weight$scores$level1)[1]) # pve argument mfpca.pve <- mfpca.face(Y = Y, id = id, pve = 0.95) expect_equal(dim(mfpca.base$scores$level1)[1], dim(mfpca.pve$scores$level1)[1]) # npc argument mfpca.npc <- mfpca.face(Y = Y, id = id, npc = 5) expect_equal(mfpca.npc$npc$level1, 5) expect_equal(mfpca.npc$npc$level2, 5) })