context("Testing functional PCR") test_that("Check that all 3 fpcr calls yield essentially identical estimates", { skip_on_cran() data(gasoline) # Create the requisite functional data objects bbasis = create.bspline.basis(c(900, 1700), 40) wavelengths = 2*450:850 nir <- t(gasoline$NIR) gas.fd = smooth.basisPar(wavelengths, nir, bbasis)$fd # Method 1: Call fpcr with fdobj argument gasmod1 = fpcr(gasoline$octane, fdobj = gas.fd, ncomp = 30) #plot(gasmod1, xlab="Wavelength") # Method 2: Call fpcr with explicit signal matrix gasmod2 = fpcr(gasoline$octane, xfuncs = gasoline$NIR, ncomp = 30) # Method 3: Call fpcr with explicit signal, basis, and penalty matrices gasmod3 = fpcr(gasoline$octane, xfuncs = gasoline$NIR, basismat = eval.basis(wavelengths, bbasis), penmat = getbasispenalty(bbasis), ncomp = 30) # Check that all 3 calls yield essentially identical estimates #expect_equal(gasmod1$fhat, gasmod2$fhat, gasmod3$fhat) tmp <- abs(c(gasmod1$fhat-gasmod2$fhat, gasmod1$fhat-gasmod2$fhat)) expect_lt(max(tmp), 1e-10) # But note that, in general, you'd have to specify argvals in Method 1 # to get the same coefficient function values as with Methods 2 & 3. }) test_that("Cross-validation is working", { skip_on_cran() set.seed(8659) data(gasoline) cv.gas = fpcr(gasoline$octane, xfuncs = gasoline$NIR, nbasis=seq(20,40,5), ncomp = seq(10,20,5), = TRUE) expect_is(cv.gas, "fpcr") ## expect_equal_to_reference(cv.gas$cv.table, "") })