context("commands - generic") test_that("DEL", { skip_if_cmd_unsupported("DEL") con <- test_hiredis_connection() key1 <- rand_str() key2 <- rand_str() on.exit(con$DEL(c(key1, key2))) con$SET(key1, "Hello") con$SET(key2, "World") expect_equal(con$DEL(c(key1, key2, rand_str())), 2L) }) test_that("DUMP", { skip_if_cmd_unsupported("DUMP") con <- test_hiredis_connection() key <- rand_str() on.exit(con$DEL(key)) con$SET(key, 10) expect_is(con$DUMP(key), "raw") }) test_that("EXISTS", { skip_if_cmd_unsupported("EXISTS") con <- test_hiredis_connection() key1 <- rand_str() key2 <- rand_str() key3 <- rand_str() on.exit(con$DEL(c(key1, key2))) con$SET(key1, "Hello") expect_equal(con$EXISTS(key1), 1) expect_equal(con$EXISTS(key3), 0) con$SET(key2, "Hello") expect_equal(con$EXISTS(c(key1, key2, key3)), 2) }) test_that("EXPIRE", { skip_if_cmd_unsupported("EXPIRE") con <- test_hiredis_connection() key <- rand_str() on.exit(con$DEL(key)) con$SET(key, "Hello") con$EXPIRE(key, 10) expect_gt(con$TTL(key), 9) con$SET(key, "Hello world") expect_equal(con$TTL(key), -1) }) test_that("EXPIREAT", { skip_if_cmd_unsupported("EXPIREAT") con <- test_hiredis_connection() key <- rand_str() on.exit(con$DEL(key)) con$SET(key, "Hello") expect_equal(con$EXISTS(key), 1) expect_equal(con$EXPIREAT(key, 1293840000), 1) expect_equal(con$EXISTS(key), 0) }) test_that("KEYS", { skip_if_cmd_unsupported("KEYS") skip_if_not_isolated_redis() # KEYS should not be used on production dbs con <- test_hiredis_connection() keys <- c("one", "two", "three", "four") on.exit(con$DEL(keys)) con$MSET(keys, 1:4) run_keys <- function(pat) { vcapply(con$KEYS(pat), identity, USE.NAMES = FALSE) } expect_true(all(c("one", "two", "four") %in% run_keys("*o*"))) expect_true("two" %in% run_keys("t??")) expect_true(all(keys %in% run_keys("*"))) }) test_that("MOVE", { skip_if_cmd_unsupported("MOVE") con0 <- test_hiredis_connection() con1 <- test_hiredis_connection(redis_config(db = 1)) key <- rand_str() on.exit({ con0$DEL(key) con1$DEL(key) }) con0$SET(key, "hello") expect_equal(con0$MOVE(key, 1), 1) expect_equal(con0$EXISTS(key), 0) expect_equal(con1$EXISTS(key), 1) }) test_that("OBJECT", { skip_if_cmd_unsupported("OBJECT") testthat::skip_on_os("windows") # need to find out what this produces here con <- test_hiredis_connection() key <- rand_str() on.exit(con$DEL(key)) con$LPUSH(key, "Hello world") expect_equal(con$OBJECT("refcount", key), 1) expect_true(con$OBJECT("encoding", key) %in% c("quicklist", "ziplist")) expect_is(con$OBJECT("idletime", key), "integer") }) test_that("PERSIST", { skip_if_cmd_unsupported("PERSIST") con <- test_hiredis_connection() key <- rand_str() on.exit(con$DEL(key)) con$SET(key, "Hello") con$EXPIRE(key, 10) expect_gt(con$TTL(key), 0) expect_equal(con$PERSIST(key), 1) expect_equal(con$TTL(key), -1) }) test_that("PEXPIRE", { skip_if_cmd_unsupported("PEXPIRE") con <- test_hiredis_connection() key <- rand_str() on.exit(con$DEL(key)) con$SET(key, "Hello") expect_equal(con$PEXPIRE(key, 1500), 1) expect_gt(con$TTL(key), 0) expect_gt(con$PTTL(key), 0) }) test_that("PEXPIREAT", { skip_if_cmd_unsupported("PEXPIREAT") con <- test_hiredis_connection() key <- rand_str() on.exit(con$DEL(key)) con$SET(key, "Hello") t <- as.numeric(con$TIME()[[1]]) * 1000 expect_equal(con$PEXPIREAT(key, t + 1000000000), 1) expect_gt(con$TTL(key), 0) expect_gt(con$PTTL(key), 0) }) test_that("PTTL", { skip_if_cmd_unsupported("PTTL") con <- test_hiredis_connection() key <- rand_str() on.exit(con$DEL(key)) con$SET(key, "Hello") expect_equal(con$EXPIRE(key, 1), 1) expect_gt(con$PTTL(key), 100) }) test_that("RANDOMKEY", { skip_if_cmd_unsupported("RANDOMKEY") con <- test_hiredis_connection() key <- rand_str() on.exit(con$DEL(key)) con$SET(key, "hello") expect_is(con$RANDOMKEY(), "character") }) test_that("RENAME", { skip_if_cmd_unsupported("RENAME") con <- test_hiredis_connection() key1 <- rand_str() key2 <- rand_str() on.exit(con$DEL(c(key1, key2))) con$SET(key1, "Hello") con$RENAME(key1, key2) expect_equal(con$GET(key2), "Hello") }) test_that("RENAMENX", { skip_if_cmd_unsupported("RENAMENX") con <- test_hiredis_connection() key1 <- rand_str() key2 <- rand_str() on.exit(con$DEL(c(key1, key2))) con$SET(key1, "Hello") con$SET(key2, "World") con$RENAMENX(key1, key2) expect_equal(con$GET(key2), "World") }) test_that("RESTORE", { skip_if_cmd_unsupported("RESTORE") con <- test_hiredis_connection() key <- rand_str() on.exit(con$DEL(key)) dat <- as.raw(c(0x0a, 0x11, 0x11, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf2, 0x02, 0xf3, 0x02, 0xf4, 0xff, 0x06, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x31, 0x5f, 0x1c, 0x67, 0x04, 0x21, 0x18)) con$RESTORE(key, 0, dat) expect_equal(con$TYPE(key), redis_status("list")) expect_equal(con$LRANGE(key, 0, -1), list("1", "2", "3")) }) test_that("TOUCH:prep", { key1 <- rand_str() key2 <- rand_str() expect_equal(redis_cmds$TOUCH(c(key1, key2)), list("TOUCH", c(key1, key2))) }) test_that("TOUCH:run", { skip_if_cmd_unsupported("TOUCH") con <- test_hiredis_connection() key1 <- rand_str() key2 <- rand_str() on.exit(con$DEL(c(key1, key2))) con$SET(key1, "Hello") con$SET(key2, "World") expect_equal(con$TOUCH(c(key1, key2)), 2) }) test_that("TTL", { skip_if_cmd_unsupported("TTL") con <- test_hiredis_connection() key <- rand_str() on.exit(con$DEL(key)) con$SET(key, "Hello") con$EXPIRE(key, 10) expect_gt(con$TTL(key), 0) }) test_that("TYPE", { skip_if_cmd_unsupported("TYPE") con <- test_hiredis_connection() key1 <- rand_str() key2 <- rand_str() key3 <- rand_str() on.exit(con$DEL(c(key1, key2, key3))) con$SET(key1, "value") con$LPUSH(key2, "value") con$SADD(key3, "value") expect_equal(con$TYPE(key1), redis_status("string")) expect_equal(con$TYPE(key2), redis_status("list")) expect_equal(con$TYPE(key3), redis_status("set")) }) test_that("UNLINK:prep", { key1 <- rand_str() key2 <- rand_str() key3 <- rand_str() expect_equal(redis_cmds$UNLINK(c(key1, key2, key3)), list("UNLINK", c(key1, key2, key3))) }) test_that("UNLINK:run", { skip_if_cmd_unsupported("UNLINK") con <- test_hiredis_connection() key1 <- rand_str() key2 <- rand_str() key3 <- rand_str() on.exit(con$DEL(c(key1, key2))) con$SET(key1, "Hello") con$SET(key2, "World") expect_equal(con$UNLINK(c(key1, key2, key3)), 2L) }) test_that("WAIT", { skip_if_cmd_unsupported("WAIT") con <- test_hiredis_connection() key <- rand_str() on.exit(con$DEL(key)) con$SET(key, "bar") expect_equal(con$WAIT(2, 10), 0) }) test_that("MIGRATE", { ip <- "" port <- 8765 db <- 0 timeout <- 5000 keys <- letters expect_equal(redis_cmds$MIGRATE(ip, port, "", db, timeout, KEYS = letters), list("MIGRATE", ip, port, "", db, timeout, NULL, NULL, list("KEYS", keys))) }) ## NOTE: not testing SCAN as tested extensively elsewhere ## NOTE: not testing SORT as tested elsewhere ## NOTE: not testing TOUCH as it's in too recent redis