library("testthat") library("recommenderlab") set.seed(1234) ## create a matrix with ratings db <- matrix( as.numeric(sample( c(NA, 0:5), 100, replace = TRUE, prob = c(.7, rep(.3 / 6, 6)) )), nrow = 10, ncol = 10, dimnames = list( users = paste('u', 1:10, sep = ''), items = paste('i', 1:10, sep = '') ) ) ## convert r <- as(db, "realRatingMatrix") ## do we get the original matrix back? expect_identical(as(r, "matrix"), db) ## Coersions: expect_identical(r, as(as(r, "matrix"), "realRatingMatrix")) expect_identical(r, as(as(r, "dgCMatrix"), "realRatingMatrix")) expect_identical(r, as(as(r, "dgTMatrix"), "realRatingMatrix")) expect_identical(getRatings(r[c("u1", "u2"), colnames(r)]), getRatings(as(as(r, "data.frame"), "realRatingMatrix")[c("u1", "u2"), colnames(r)])) ## subset expect_identical(db[9:10, 2:5], as(r[9:10, 2:5], "matrix")) ## number of ratings expect_identical(sum(sapply(as(r, "list"), length)), nrow(as(r, "data.frame"))) expect_identical(nratings(r), sum(sapply(as(r, "list"), length))) ## check ratings expect_identical(as(r, "dgTMatrix")@x, getRatings(r)) ## check subset assignment (preserves 0s) r[2, 1:5] <- 1:5 db[2, 1:5] <- 1:5 expect_identical(as(r, "matrix"), db) ## check row/colSums and counts expect_identical(rowSums(r), rowSums(db, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_identical(colSums(r), colSums(db, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_identical(rowCounts(r), apply(db, MARGIN = 1, function(x) sum(! expect_identical(colCounts(r), apply(db, MARGIN = 2, function(x) sum(!