library(recipes) library(testthat) test_that("simple skip", { rec_1 <- recipe(Sepal.Length ~ ., data = iris) %>% step_log(Sepal.Length, skip = TRUE) %>% step_dummy(Species) %>% step_center(all_predictors()) prepped_1 <- prep(rec_1, training = iris) juiced_1 <- juice(prepped_1) baked_1 <- bake(prepped_1, new_data = iris) expect_equal(baked_1$Sepal.Length, iris$Sepal.Length) expect_equal(juiced_1$Sepal.Length, log(iris$Sepal.Length)) expect_snapshot( prepped_2 <- prep(rec_1, training = iris, retain = FALSE) ) baked_2 <- bake(prepped_2, new_data = iris[, -1]) baked_3 <- bake(prepped_2, new_data = iris) expect_false( isTRUE( all.equal(juiced_1$Sepal.Width, baked_3$Sepal.Length) ) ) expect_equal(log(baked_1$Sepal.Length), juiced_1$Sepal.Length) expect_equal(setdiff(names(baked_1), names(baked_2)), "Sepal.Length") expect_equal(setdiff(names(baked_2), names(baked_3)), character(0)) expect_snapshot(prep(rec_1, training = iris, retain = FALSE)) }) test_that("check existing steps for `skip` arg", { step_check <- grep(pattern = "(^step_)|(^check_)", x = names(asNamespace("recipes")), value = TRUE) # These ones are not operations step_check <- step_check[step_check != "check_type"] step_check <- step_check[step_check != "check_nominal_type"] step_check <- step_check[step_check != "check_factor_vars"] step_check <- step_check[step_check != "check_name"] step_check <- step_check[step_check != "check_is_lat_lon"] step_check <- step_check[step_check != "check_new_data"] step_check <- step_check[step_check != "check_role_requirements"] step_check <- step_check[step_check != "check_bake_role_requirements"] step_check <- step_check[step_check != "check_step_check_args"] step_check <- step_check[step_check != "check_sparse_arg"] # R/import-standalone-types-check.R step_check <- step_check[step_check != "check_bool"] step_check <- step_check[step_check != "check_string"] step_check <- step_check[step_check != "check_name"] step_check <- step_check[step_check != "check_number_decimal"] step_check <- step_check[step_check != "check_number_whole"] step_check <- step_check[step_check != "check_symbol"] step_check <- step_check[step_check != "check_arg"] step_check <- step_check[step_check != "check_call"] step_check <- step_check[step_check != "check_environment"] step_check <- step_check[step_check != "check_function"] step_check <- step_check[step_check != "check_closure"] step_check <- step_check[step_check != "check_formula"] step_check <- step_check[step_check != "check_character"] step_check <- step_check[step_check != "check_logical"] step_check <- step_check[step_check != "check_data_frame"] has_skip_arg <- function(x) { x_code <- getFromNamespace(x, "recipes") x_args <- names(formals(x_code)) "skip" %in% x_args } has_skip <- vapply(step_check, has_skip_arg, logical(1)) if (any(!has_skip)) { print(names(has_skip)[!has_skip]) } for (i in names(has_skip)) { expect_true(has_skip[i]) } }) test_that("skips for steps that remove columns (#239)", { simple_ex <- recipe(Species ~ ., data = iris) %>% step_interact(terms = ~ Sepal.Length:Sepal.Width) %>% step_rm(Sepal.Length, skip = TRUE) prep_simple <- prep(simple_ex, iris) simple_juiced <- juice(prep_simple) simple_baked <- bake(prep_simple, new_data = iris) expect_equal( names(simple_juiced), c( "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width", "Species", "Sepal.Length_x_Sepal.Width" ) ) # Ordering relative to the original specification of the recipe is # preserved (i.e. Sepal.Length was the first column specified, and since we # skipped the step that would drop it, it appears first in the result) expect_equal( names(simple_baked), c( "Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width", "Species", "Sepal.Length_x_Sepal.Width" ) ) complex_ex <- recipe(Species ~ ., data = iris) %>% step_interact(terms = ~ Sepal.Length:Sepal.Width) %>% step_rm(Sepal.Length) %>% step_pca(contains("Sepal")) %>% step_rm(PC1, skip = TRUE) %>% prep() complex_juiced <- juice(complex_ex) complex_baked <- bake(complex_ex, new_data = iris) expect_equal( names(complex_juiced), c("Petal.Length", "Petal.Width", "Species", "PC2") ) expect_equal( names(complex_baked), c("Petal.Length", "Petal.Width", "Species", "PC1", "PC2") ) iris_dups <- iris %>% mutate( dup_1 = Sepal.Width, dup_2 = Sepal.Width ) corr_example <- recipe(Species ~ ., data = iris_dups) %>% step_corr(all_predictors(), skip = TRUE) %>% prep() corr_juiced <- juice(corr_example) corr_baked <- bake(corr_example, new_data = iris_dups) expect_equal( names(corr_juiced), c("Sepal.Length", "Petal.Width", "dup_2", "Species") ) expect_equal( names(corr_baked), c( "Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width", "dup_1", "dup_2", "Species" ) ) expect_equal( sort(names(corr_baked)), sort(names(iris_dups)) ) })