library(testthat) library(recipes) skip_if_not_installed("modeldata") data(Sacramento, package = "modeldata") set.seed(19) in_test <- 1:200 sacr_tr <- Sacramento[-in_test, ] sacr_te <- Sacramento[in_test, ] rec <- recipe(~ city + zip, data = sacr_tr) # assume no novel levels here but test later: # all(sort(unique(sacr_tr$zip)) == sort(unique(Sacramento$zip))) test_that("default inputs", { others <- rec %>% step_other(city, zip, other = "another", id = "") tidy_exp_un <- tibble( terms = c("city", "zip"), retained = rep(NA_character_, 2), id = "" ) expect_equal(tidy_exp_un, tidy(others, number = 1)) others <- prep(others, training = sacr_tr) others_te <- bake(others, new_data = sacr_te) tidy_exp_tr <- tibble( terms = rep(c("city", "zip"), c(3, 1)), retained = c("ELK_GROVE", "ROSEVILLE", "SACRAMENTO", "z95823"), id = "" ) expect_equal(tidy_exp_tr, tidy(others, number = 1)) city_props <- table(sacr_tr$city) / sum(!$city)) city_props <- sort(city_props, decreasing = TRUE) city_levels <- names(city_props)[city_props >= others$step[[1]]$threshold] for (i in city_levels) { expect_equal( sum(others_te$city == i, na.rm = TRUE), sum(sacr_te$city == i, na.rm = TRUE) ) } city_levels <- c(city_levels, others$step[[1]]$objects[["city"]]$other) expect_true(all(levels(others_te$city) %in% city_levels)) expect_true(all(city_levels %in% levels(others_te$city))) zip_props <- table(sacr_tr$zip) / sum(!$zip)) zip_props <- sort(zip_props, decreasing = TRUE) zip_levels <- names(zip_props)[zip_props >= others$step[[1]]$threshold] for (i in zip_levels) { expect_equal( sum(others_te$zip == i, na.rm = TRUE), sum(sacr_te$zip == i, na.rm = TRUE) ) } zip_levels <- c(zip_levels, others$step[[1]]$objects[["zip"]]$other) expect_true(all(levels(others_te$zip) %in% zip_levels)) expect_true(all(zip_levels %in% levels(others_te$zip))) expect_equal($city),$city)) expect_equal($zip),$zip)) }) test_that("high threshold - much removals", { others <- rec %>% step_other(city, zip, threshold = .5) others <- prep(others, training = sacr_tr) others_te <- bake(others, new_data = sacr_te) city_props <- table(sacr_tr$city) city_levels <- others$steps[[1]]$objects$city$keep for (i in city_levels) { expect_equal( sum(others_te$city == i, na.rm = TRUE), sum(sacr_te$city == i, na.rm = TRUE) ) } city_levels <- c(city_levels, others$step[[1]]$objects[["city"]]$other) expect_true(all(levels(others_te$city) %in% city_levels)) expect_true(all(city_levels %in% levels(others_te$city))) zip_props <- table(sacr_tr$zip) zip_levels <- others$steps[[1]]$objects$zip$keep for (i in zip_levels) { expect_equal( sum(others_te$zip == i, na.rm = TRUE), sum(sacr_te$zip == i, na.rm = TRUE) ) } zip_levels <- c(zip_levels, others$step[[1]]$objects[["zip"]]$other) expect_true(all(levels(others_te$zip) %in% zip_levels)) expect_true(all(zip_levels %in% levels(others_te$zip))) expect_equal($city),$city)) expect_equal($zip),$zip)) }) test_that("low threshold - no removals", { sacr_te_chr <- sacr_te others <- rec %>% step_other(city, zip, threshold = 10^-30, other = "another") others <- prep(others, training = sacr_te_chr, strings_as_factors = FALSE) others_te <- bake(others, new_data = sacr_te_chr) expect_equal($city),$city)) expect_equal($zip),$zip)) expect_equal(as.character(sacr_te_chr$city), as.character(others_te$city)) expect_equal(as.character(sacr_te_chr$zip), as.character(others_te$zip)) }) test_that("zero threshold - no removals", { sacr_te_chr <- sacr_te others <- rec %>% step_other(city, zip, threshold = 0, other = "another") others <- prep(others, training = sacr_te_chr, strings_as_factors = FALSE) others_te <- bake(others, new_data = sacr_te_chr) expect_equal($city),$city)) expect_equal($zip),$zip)) expect_equal(as.character(sacr_te_chr$city), as.character(others_te$city)) expect_equal(as.character(sacr_te_chr$zip), as.character(others_te$zip)) }) test_that("factor inputs", { Sacramento$city <- as.factor(Sacramento$city) Sacramento$zip <- as.factor(Sacramento$zip) sacr_tr <- Sacramento[-in_test, ] sacr_te <- Sacramento[in_test, ] rec <- recipe(~ city + zip, data = sacr_tr) others <- rec %>% step_other(city, zip) others <- prep(others, training = sacr_tr) others_te <- bake(others, new_data = sacr_te) city_props <- table(sacr_tr$city) / sum(!$city)) city_props <- sort(city_props, decreasing = TRUE) city_levels <- names(city_props)[city_props >= others$step[[1]]$threshold] for (i in city_levels) { expect_equal( sum(others_te$city == i, na.rm = TRUE), sum(sacr_te$city == i, na.rm = TRUE) ) } city_levels <- c(city_levels, others$step[[1]]$objects[["city"]]$other) expect_true(all(levels(others_te$city) %in% city_levels)) expect_true(all(city_levels %in% levels(others_te$city))) zip_props <- table(sacr_tr$zip) / sum(!$zip)) zip_props <- sort(zip_props, decreasing = TRUE) zip_levels <- names(zip_props)[zip_props >= others$step[[1]]$threshold] for (i in zip_levels) { expect_equal( sum(others_te$zip == i, na.rm = TRUE), sum(sacr_te$zip == i, na.rm = TRUE) ) } zip_levels <- c(zip_levels, others$step[[1]]$objects[["zip"]]$other) expect_true(all(levels(others_te$zip) %in% zip_levels)) expect_true(all(zip_levels %in% levels(others_te$zip))) expect_equal($city),$city)) expect_equal($zip),$zip)) }) test_that("novel levels", { df <- data.frame( y = c(1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), x1 = c( "A", "B", "B", "B", "B", "A", "A", "A", "B", "A", "A", "B", "A", "C", "C", "B", "A", "B", "C", "D" ), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) training <- df[1:10, ] testing <- df[11:20, ] training$y <- as.factor(training$y) training$x1 <- as.factor(training$x1) testing$y <- as.factor(testing$y) testing$x1 <- as.factor(testing$x1) novel_level <- recipe(y ~ ., data = training) %>% step_other(x1) novel_level <- prep(novel_level, training = training) new_results <- bake(novel_level, new_data = testing) orig_results <- bake(novel_level, new_data = training) expect_true(all($x1[testing$x1 == "C"]))) expect_true(!any(orig_results$x1 == "other")) training <- df[1:14, ] testing <- df[15:20, ] training$y <- as.factor(training$y) training$x1 <- as.factor(training$x1) testing$y <- as.factor(testing$y) testing$x1 <- as.factor(testing$x1) novel_level <- recipe(y ~ ., data = training) %>% step_other(x1, threshold = .1) novel_level <- prep(novel_level, training = training) new_results <- bake(novel_level, new_data = testing) orig_results <- bake(novel_level, new_data = training) expect_true(all(new_results$x1[testing$x1 == "D"] == "other")) expect_true(any(new_results$x1 == "other")) }) test_that("'other' already in use", { sacr_tr_chr <- sacr_tr %>% dplyr::mutate( city = as.character(city), zip = as.character(zip), type = as.character(type) ) sacr_tr_chr$city[1] <- "other" rec <- recipe(~ city + zip, data = sacr_tr_chr) others <- rec %>% step_other(city, zip, threshold = 10^-10) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, prep(others, training = sacr_tr_chr, strings_as_factors = FALSE) ) }) test_that( desc = "if threshold argument is an integer greater than one then it's treated as a frequency", code = { others <- rec %>% step_other(city, zip, threshold = 80, other = "another", id = "") tidy_exp_un <- tibble( terms = c("city", "zip"), retained = rep(NA_character_, 2), id = "" ) expect_equal(tidy_exp_un, tidy(others, number = 1)) others <- prep(others, training = sacr_tr) tidy_exp_tr <- tibble( terms = c("city", "zip"), retained = c("SACRAMENTO", "z95823"), id = "" ) expect_equal(tidy_exp_tr, tidy(others, number = 1)) } ) test_that( desc = "if the threshold argument is greather than one then it should be an integer(ish)", code = { expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, rec %>% step_other(city, zip, threshold = 3.14) %>% prep() ) } ) test_that( desc = "bad values of threshold are treated correctly", code = { expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, rec %>% step_other(city, zip, threshold = letters) %>% prep() ) } ) test_that( desc = "if threshold is equal to 1 then the function removes every factor level that is not present in the data", code = { fake_data <- data.frame( test_factor = factor(c("A", "B"), levels = c("A", "B", "C")) ) rec <- recipe(~test_factor, data = fake_data) others <- rec %>% step_other(test_factor, threshold = 1, id = "") %>% prep() tidy_exp_tr <- tibble( terms = rep("test_factor", 2), retained = c("A", "B"), id = "" ) expect_equal(tidy_exp_tr, tidy(others, number = 1)) } ) test_that("tunable", { rec <- recipe(~., data = iris) %>% step_other(all_predictors()) rec_param <- tunable.step_other(rec$steps[[1]]) expect_equal(rec_param$name, c("threshold")) expect_true(all(rec_param$source == "recipe")) expect_true(is.list(rec_param$call_info)) expect_equal(nrow(rec_param), 1) expect_equal( names(rec_param), c("name", "call_info", "source", "component", "component_id") ) }) test_that("issue #415 - strings to factor conversion", { trans_recipe <- recipe(Species ~ ., data = iris) prepped <- prep(trans_recipe, iris) iris_no_outcome <- iris iris_no_outcome["Species"] <- NULL expect_no_error( res <- bake(prepped, iris_no_outcome) ) expect_equal(names(res), names(iris[, 1:4])) }) test_that("othering with case weights", { weighted_props <- sacr_tr %>% mutate(sqft = as.double(sqft)) %>% count(city, wt = sqft, sort = TRUE) %>% mutate(prop = n / sum(n)) sacr_tr_caseweights <- sacr_tr %>% mutate(sqft = frequency_weights(sqft)) for (n_cols in 1:5) { others <- recipe(~ city + sqft, data = sacr_tr_caseweights) %>% step_other(city, other = "another", id = "", threshold = weighted_props$prop[n_cols]) others <- prep(others, training = sacr_tr_caseweights) expect_equal(n_cols, nrow(tidy(others, number = 1))) } expect_snapshot(others) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- unweighted_props <- sacr_tr %>% count(city, sort = TRUE) %>% mutate(prop = n / sum(n)) sacr_tr_caseweights <- sacr_tr %>% mutate(sqft = importance_weights(sqft)) for (n_cols in 1:5) { others <- recipe(~ city + sqft, data = sacr_tr_caseweights) %>% step_other(city, other = "another", id = "", threshold = unweighted_props$prop[n_cols]) others <- prep(others, training = sacr_tr_caseweights) expect_equal(n_cols, nrow(tidy(others, number = 1))) } expect_snapshot(others) }) # Infrastructure --------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("bake method errors when needed non-standard role columns are missing", { others <- rec %>% step_other(city, zip, other = "another", id = "") %>% update_role(city, zip, new_role = "potato") %>% update_role_requirements(role = "potato", bake = FALSE) tidy_exp_un <- tibble( terms = c("city", "zip"), retained = rep(NA_character_, 2), id = "" ) others <- prep(others, training = sacr_tr) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, bake(others, new_data = sacr_te[, 3:9])) }) test_that("empty printing", { rec <- recipe(mpg ~ ., mtcars) rec <- step_other(rec) expect_snapshot(rec) rec <- prep(rec, mtcars) expect_snapshot(rec) }) test_that("empty selection prep/bake is a no-op", { rec1 <- recipe(mpg ~ ., mtcars) rec2 <- step_other(rec1) rec1 <- prep(rec1, mtcars) rec2 <- prep(rec2, mtcars) baked1 <- bake(rec1, mtcars) baked2 <- bake(rec2, mtcars) expect_identical(baked1, baked2) }) test_that("empty selection tidy method works", { rec <- recipe(mpg ~ ., mtcars) rec <- step_other(rec) expect <- tibble(terms = character(), retained = character(), id = character()) expect_identical(tidy(rec, number = 1), expect) rec <- prep(rec, mtcars) expect_identical(tidy(rec, number = 1), expect) }) test_that("printing", { rec <- recipe(~ city + zip, data = sacr_tr) %>% step_other(city, zip) expect_snapshot(print(rec)) expect_snapshot(prep(rec)) }) test_that("tunable is setup to work with extract_parameter_set_dials", { skip_if_not_installed("dials") rec <- recipe(~., data = mtcars) %>% step_other( all_predictors(), threshold = hardhat::tune() ) params <- extract_parameter_set_dials(rec) expect_s3_class(params, "parameters") expect_identical(nrow(params), 1L) })