library(testthat) library(recipes) set.seed(145) example_data <- data.frame( day = lubridate::ymd("2012-06-07") + lubridate::days(1:12), x1 = round(runif(12), 2), x2 = round(runif(12), 2), x3 = round(runif(12), 2) ) example_data$x1[c(1, 5, 6)] <- NA example_data$x2[c(1:4, 10)] <- NA example_data <- as_tibble(example_data) test_that("imputation values with 7-pt median", { seven_pt <- recipe(~., data = example_data) %>% update_role(day, new_role = "time_index") %>% step_impute_roll(all_predictors(), window = 7, id = "") %>% prep(training = example_data) seven_pt_exp <- example_data seven_pt_exp$x1[1] <- median(seven_pt_exp$x1[1:7], na.rm = TRUE) seven_pt_exp$x1[5] <- median(seven_pt_exp$x1[2:8], na.rm = TRUE) seven_pt_exp$x1[6] <- median(seven_pt_exp$x1[3:9], na.rm = TRUE) seven_pt_exp$x2[1] <- median(seven_pt_exp$x2[1:7], na.rm = TRUE) seven_pt_exp$x2[2] <- median(seven_pt_exp$x2[1:7], na.rm = TRUE) seven_pt_exp$x2[3] <- median(seven_pt_exp$x2[1:7], na.rm = TRUE) seven_pt_exp$x2[4] <- median(seven_pt_exp$x2[1:7], na.rm = TRUE) seven_pt_exp$x2[10] <- median(seven_pt_exp$x2[6:12], na.rm = TRUE) expect_equal(seven_pt_exp, bake(seven_pt, new_data = NULL)) seven_pt_tidy_tr <- tibble( terms = paste0("x", 1:3), window = rep(7L, 3), id = "" ) expect_equal(seven_pt_tidy_tr, tidy(seven_pt, number = 1)) }) test_that("imputation values with 3-pt mean", { three_pt <- recipe(~., data = example_data) %>% update_role(day, new_role = "time_index") %>% step_impute_roll(all_predictors(), window = 3, id = "") %>% prep(training = example_data) three_pt_exp <- example_data three_pt_exp$x1[1] <- mean(three_pt_exp$x1[1:3], na.rm = TRUE) three_pt_exp$x1[5] <- mean(three_pt_exp$x1[4:6], na.rm = TRUE) three_pt_exp$x1[6] <- mean(example_data$x1[5:7], na.rm = TRUE) three_pt_exp$x2[1] <- NA three_pt_exp$x2[2] <- NA three_pt_exp$x2[3] <- NA three_pt_exp$x2[4] <- mean(three_pt_exp$x2[3:5], na.rm = TRUE) three_pt_exp$x2[10] <- mean(three_pt_exp$x2[9:11], na.rm = TRUE) expect_equal(three_pt_exp, bake(three_pt, new_data = NULL)) three_pt_tidy_tr <- tibble( terms = paste0("x", 1:3), window = rep(3L, 3), id = "" ) expect_equal(three_pt_tidy_tr, tidy(three_pt, number = 1)) }) test_that("bad args", { expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, recipe(~., data = example_data) %>% step_impute_roll(all_predictors(), window = 3) %>% prep(training = example_data) ) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, recipe(~., data = example_data) %>% update_role(day, new_role = "time_index") %>% step_impute_roll(all_predictors(), window = 4) %>% prep(training = example_data) ) example_data$x4 <- 1:12 expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, recipe(~., data = example_data) %>% update_role(day, new_role = "time_index") %>% step_impute_roll(all_predictors(), window = 3) %>% prep(training = example_data) ) }) test_that("tunable", { rec <- recipe(~., data = iris) %>% step_impute_roll(all_predictors(), outcome = "Species") rec_param <- tunable.step_impute_roll(rec$steps[[1]]) expect_equal(rec_param$name, c("statistic", "window")) expect_true(all(rec_param$source == "recipe")) expect_true(is.list(rec_param$call_info)) expect_equal(nrow(rec_param), 2) expect_equal( names(rec_param), c("name", "call_info", "source", "component", "component_id") ) }) # Infrastructure --------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("bake method errors when needed non-standard role columns are missing", { seven_pt <- recipe(~., data = example_data) %>% update_role(day, new_role = "time_index") %>% step_impute_roll(x1, window = 7) %>% update_role(x1, new_role = "potato") %>% update_role_requirements(role = "potato", bake = FALSE) %>% prep(training = example_data) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, bake(seven_pt, new_data = example_data[, c(-2)]) ) }) test_that("empty printing", { rec <- recipe(mpg ~ ., mtcars) rec <- step_impute_roll(rec) expect_snapshot(rec) rec <- prep(rec, mtcars) expect_snapshot(rec) }) test_that("empty selection prep/bake is a no-op", { rec1 <- recipe(mpg ~ ., mtcars) rec2 <- step_impute_roll(rec1) rec1 <- prep(rec1, mtcars) rec2 <- prep(rec2, mtcars) baked1 <- bake(rec1, mtcars) baked2 <- bake(rec2, mtcars) expect_identical(baked1, baked2) }) test_that("empty selection tidy method works", { rec <- recipe(mpg ~ ., mtcars) rec <- step_impute_roll(rec) expect <- tibble(terms = character(), window = integer(), id = character()) expect_identical(tidy(rec, number = 1), expect) rec <- prep(rec, mtcars) expect_identical(tidy(rec, number = 1), expect) }) test_that("printing", { rec <- recipe(~., data = example_data) %>% update_role(day, new_role = "time_index") %>% step_impute_roll(all_predictors(), window = 7) expect_snapshot(print(rec)) expect_snapshot(prep(rec)) }) test_that("tunable is setup to work with extract_parameter_set_dials", { skip_if_not_installed("dials") rec <- recipe(~., data = mtcars) %>% step_impute_roll( all_predictors(), statistic = hardhat::tune(), window = hardhat::tune() ) params <- extract_parameter_set_dials(rec) expect_s3_class(params, "parameters") expect_identical(nrow(params), 2L) }) test_that("bad args", { expect_snapshot( recipe(~., data = mtcars) %>% step_impute_roll( all_predictors(), statistic = mean, window = 1 ) %>% prep(), error = TRUE ) expect_snapshot( recipe(~., data = mtcars) %>% step_impute_roll( all_predictors(), statistic = mean, window = 4 ) %>% prep(), error = TRUE ) expect_snapshot( recipe(~., data = mtcars) %>% step_impute_roll( all_predictors(), statistic = NULL ) %>% prep(), error = TRUE ) })