library(testthat) library(recipes) skip_if_not_installed("modeldata") data(tate_text, package = "modeldata") color_examples <- tibble( colors = c( "['red', 'blue']", "['red', 'blue', 'white']", "['blue', 'blue', 'blue']" ) ) color_result <- tribble( ~colors_blue, ~colors_red, ~colors_white, ~colors_other, 1L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 0L, 3L, 0L, 0L, 0L ) mini_tate <- tate_text[c(101, 102, 105, 108), ] mini_tate_result <- tibble( medium_Charcoal = c(0L, 0L, 0L, 1L), medium_Etching = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 0L), medium_aquatint = c(1L, 0L, 0L, 0L), medium_gouache = c(0L, 0L, 0L, 1L), medium_paper = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), medium_other = c(0L, 0L, 0L, 0L) ) test_that("dummy variables", { # Using `sep` argument dummy <- recipe(~medium, data = mini_tate) %>% step_dummy_extract(medium, sep = "( and )|( on )", id = "") dummy_prepped <- prep(dummy) dummy_pred <- bake(dummy_prepped, new_data = mini_tate) expect_identical(dummy_pred, mini_tate_result) expect_identical( tidy(dummy_prepped, 1), tibble( terms = "medium", columns = c("paper", "Etching", "Charcoal", "aquatint", "gouache"), id = "" ) ) # Using `pattern` argument dummy <- recipe(~colors, data = color_examples) %>% step_dummy_extract(colors, pattern = "(?<=')[^',]+(?=')", id = "") dummy_prepped <- prep(dummy) dummy_pred <- bake(dummy_prepped, new_data = color_examples) expect_identical(dummy_pred, color_result) expect_identical( tidy(dummy_prepped, 1), tibble( terms = "colors", columns = gsub("colors_", "", names(color_result))[1:3], id = "" ) ) }) test_that("other argument", { # Using `sep` argument dummy <- recipe(~medium, data = mini_tate) %>% step_dummy_extract(medium, sep = "( and )|( on )", id = "", other = "cake") dummy_prepped <- prep(dummy) dummy_pred <- bake(dummy_prepped, new_data = mini_tate) expect_identical(names(dummy_pred)[length(dummy_pred)], "medium_cake") }) test_that("error when neither sep or pattern is specified", { expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, recipe(~medium, data = tate_text) %>% step_dummy_extract(medium) %>% prep() ) }) test_that("dummy variables with threshold", { # threshold = 0.5 dummy <- recipe(~colors, data = color_examples) %>% step_dummy_extract(colors, pattern = "(?<=')[^',]+(?=')", id = "", threshold = 0.5 ) dummy_prepped <- prep(dummy) dummy_pred <- bake(dummy_prepped, new_data = color_examples) expect_identical( dummy_pred, color_result %>% mutate(colors_other = colors_other + colors_white) %>% select(-colors_white) ) expect_identical( tidy(dummy_prepped, 1), tibble( terms = "colors", columns = gsub("colors_", "", names(color_result))[1:2], id = "" ) ) # threshold = 0.8 dummy <- recipe(~colors, data = color_examples) %>% step_dummy_extract(colors, pattern = "(?<=')[^',]+(?=')", id = "", threshold = 0.8 ) dummy_prepped <- prep(dummy) dummy_pred <- bake(dummy_prepped, new_data = color_examples) expect_identical( dummy_pred, color_result %>% mutate(colors_other = colors_other + colors_white + colors_red) %>% select(-colors_white, -colors_red) ) expect_identical( tidy(dummy_prepped, 1), tibble( terms = "colors", columns = gsub("colors_", "", names(color_result))[1], id = "" ) ) }) test_that("dummy variables with integer threshold", { # threshold = 1 dummy <- recipe(~colors, data = color_examples) %>% step_dummy_extract(colors, pattern = "(?<=')[^',]+(?=')", id = "", threshold = 1 ) dummy_prepped <- prep(dummy) dummy_pred <- bake(dummy_prepped, new_data = color_examples) expect_identical( dummy_pred, color_result ) expect_identical( tidy(dummy_prepped, 1), tibble( terms = "colors", columns = gsub("colors_", "", names(color_result))[1:3], id = "" ) ) # threshold = 2 dummy <- recipe(~colors, data = color_examples) %>% step_dummy_extract(colors, pattern = "(?<=')[^',]+(?=')", id = "", threshold = 2 ) dummy_prepped <- prep(dummy) dummy_pred <- bake(dummy_prepped, new_data = color_examples) expect_identical( dummy_pred, color_result %>% mutate(colors_other = colors_other + colors_white) %>% select(-colors_white) ) expect_identical( tidy(dummy_prepped, 1), tibble( terms = "colors", columns = gsub("colors_", "", names(color_result))[1:2], id = "" ) ) # threshold = 3 dummy <- recipe(~colors, data = color_examples) %>% step_dummy_extract(colors, pattern = "(?<=')[^',]+(?=')", id = "", threshold = 3 ) dummy_prepped <- prep(dummy) dummy_pred <- bake(dummy_prepped, new_data = color_examples) expect_identical( dummy_pred, color_result %>% mutate(colors_other = colors_other + colors_white + colors_red) %>% select(-colors_white, -colors_red) ) expect_identical( tidy(dummy_prepped, 1), tibble( terms = "colors", columns = gsub("colors_", "", names(color_result))[1], id = "" ) ) }) test_that("check_name() is used", { dat <- iris dat$Species_setosa <- dat$Species rec <- recipe(~., data = dat) %>% step_dummy_extract(Species, sep = " ") expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, prep(rec, training = dat) ) }) test_that("naming function", { expect_equal( dummy_extract_names("x", letters[c(1, 2, 3, 3)]), c("x_a", "x_b", "x_c", "x_c_2") ) expect_equal( dummy_extract_names("x", letters[c(1, 2, 3, 3)], ordinal = TRUE), c("x_1", "x_2", "x_3", "x_4") ) }) test_that("case weights", { mini_tate_cw <- mini_tate %>% mutate(wts = frequency_weights(c(1, 1, 1, 5))) dummy <- recipe(~medium + wts, data = mini_tate_cw) %>% step_dummy_extract(medium, sep = "( and )|( on )", id = "", threshold = 6) dummy_prepped <- prep(dummy) dummy_pred <- bake(dummy_prepped, new_data = mini_tate) exp_results <- tibble( medium_paper = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), medium_other = c(2L, 1L, 1L, 2L) ) expect_identical(dummy_pred, exp_results) expect_identical( tidy(dummy_prepped, 1), tibble( terms = "medium", columns = "paper", id = "" ) ) expect_snapshot(dummy_prepped) # importance weights are not considered mini_tate_cw <- mini_tate %>% mutate(wts = importance_weights(c(1, 1, 1, 5))) dummy <- recipe(~medium + wts, data = mini_tate_cw) %>% step_dummy_extract(medium, sep = "( and )|( on )", id = "", threshold = 6) dummy_prepped <- prep(dummy) dummy_pred <- bake(dummy_prepped, new_data = mini_tate) exp_results <- tibble( medium_other = c(3L, 2L, 2L, 3L) ) expect_identical(dummy_pred, exp_results) expect_identical( tidy(dummy_prepped, 1), tibble( terms = character(), columns = character(), id = character() ) ) expect_snapshot(dummy_prepped) }) # Infrastructure --------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("bake method errors when needed non-standard role columns are missing", { dummy <- recipe(~medium, data = mini_tate) %>% step_dummy_extract(medium, sep = "( and )|( on )", id = "") %>% update_role(medium, new_role = "potato") %>% update_role_requirements(role = "potato", bake = FALSE) dummy_prepped <- prep(dummy) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, bake(dummy_prepped, new_data = mini_tate[, 1:3])) }) test_that("empty printing", { rec <- recipe(mpg ~ ., mtcars) rec <- step_dummy_extract(rec) expect_snapshot(rec) rec <- prep(rec, mtcars) expect_snapshot(rec) }) test_that("empty selection prep/bake is a no-op", { rec1 <- recipe(mpg ~ ., mtcars) rec2 <- step_dummy_extract(rec1) rec1 <- prep(rec1, mtcars) rec2 <- prep(rec2, mtcars) baked1 <- bake(rec1, mtcars) baked2 <- bake(rec2, mtcars) expect_identical(baked1, baked2) }) test_that("empty selection tidy method works", { rec <- recipe(mpg ~ ., mtcars) rec <- step_dummy_extract(rec) expect <- tibble(terms = character(), columns = character(), id = character()) expect_identical(tidy(rec, number = 1), expect) rec <- prep(rec, mtcars) expect_identical(tidy(rec, number = 1), expect) }) test_that("keep_original_cols works", { new_names <- paste0("colors_", c("blue", "red", "white", "other")) rec <- recipe(~ colors, data = color_examples) %>% step_dummy_extract(colors, pattern = "(?<=')[^',]+(?=')", keep_original_cols = FALSE) rec <- prep(rec) res <- bake(rec, new_data = NULL) expect_equal( colnames(res), new_names ) rec <- recipe(~ colors, data = color_examples) %>% step_dummy_extract(colors, pattern = "(?<=')[^',]+(?=')", keep_original_cols = TRUE) rec <- prep(rec) res <- bake(rec, new_data = NULL) expect_equal( colnames(res), c("colors", new_names) ) }) test_that("keep_original_cols - can prep recipes with it missing", { rec <- recipe(~ colors, data = color_examples) %>% step_dummy_extract(colors, pattern = "(?<=')[^',]+(?=')") rec$steps[[1]]$keep_original_cols <- NULL expect_snapshot( rec <- prep(rec) ) expect_no_error( bake(rec, new_data = color_examples) ) }) test_that("printing", { rec <- recipe(~ medium, data = tate_text) %>% step_dummy_extract(all_predictors(), sep = ", ") expect_snapshot(print(rec)) expect_snapshot(prep(rec)) }) test_that("bad args", { expect_snapshot( recipe(~colors, data = color_examples) %>% step_dummy_extract(colors, pattern = "(?<=')[^',]+(?=')", other = 2) %>% prep(), error = TRUE ) expect_snapshot( recipe(~colors, data = color_examples) %>% step_dummy_extract(colors, pattern = "(?<=')[^',]+(?=')", other = 2) %>% prep(), error = TRUE ) expect_snapshot( recipe(~colors, data = color_examples) %>% step_dummy_extract(colors, pattern = "(?<=')[^',]+(?=')", sep = 2) %>% prep(), error = TRUE ) expect_snapshot( recipe(~colors, data = color_examples) %>% step_dummy_extract(colors, pattern = 2) %>% prep(), error = TRUE ) expect_snapshot( recipe(~colors, data = color_examples) %>% step_dummy_extract(colors, pattern = "(?<=')[^',]+(?=')", naming = NULL) %>% prep(), error = TRUE ) })