# trained Code trained <- prep(Sacramento_rec, training = Sacramento) # bad args Code tidy(trained, number = NULL) Condition Error in `tidy()`: ! If `number` is provided, it must be a length 1 integer vector. --- Code tidy(trained, number = 100) Condition Error in `tidy()`: ! `number` should be a single value between 1 and 4. --- Code tidy(trained, number = 1, id = "id") Condition Error in `tidy()`: ! You may specify `number` or `id`, but not both. --- Code tidy(trained, id = "id") Condition Error in `tidy()`: ! Supplied `id` not found in the recipe. --- Code tidy(trained, id = c("id", "id2")) Condition Error in `tidy()`: ! If `id` is provided, it must be a length 1 character vector. # bag args Code tidy(single_step) Condition Error in `tidy()`: ! No `tidy` method for a step with classes: step_notidy, step --- Code tidy(single_check) Condition Error in `tidy()`: ! No `tidy` method for a check with classes: check_notidy, check