# core function - correct input Code range_check_func(as.character(x), -10, 110) Condition Error in `range_check_func()`: ! is.numeric(x) is not TRUE --- Code range_check_func(x, -10, 110, "a") Condition Error in `range_check_func()`: ! is.numeric(slack_prop) is not TRUE --- Code range_check_func(x, -10, 110, c(0.05, 0.08, 0.05)) Condition Error in `range_check_func()`: ! slack_prop should be of length 1 or of length 2 # core function - workings Code range_check_func(x, 0, 100) Condition Error in `range_check_func()`: ! min x is -10, lower bound is -5, max x is 110, upper bound is 105 --- Code range_check_func(x, 0, 110) Condition Error in `range_check_func()`: ! min x is -10, lower bound is -5.5 --- Code range_check_func(x, -5, 100) Condition Error in `range_check_func()`: ! max x is 110, upper bound is 105.25 --- Code range_check_func(x, 0, 100, slack_prop = c(0.05, 0.1)) Condition Error in `range_check_func()`: ! min x is -10, lower bound is -5 --- Code range_check_func(x, 0, 100, slack_prop = c(0.1, 0.05)) Condition Error in `range_check_func()`: ! max x is 110, upper bound is 105 --- Code range_check_func(x, 0, 100, warn = TRUE) Condition Warning: min x is -10, lower bound is -5, max x is 110, upper bound is 105 # in recipe Code bake(rec2, test) Condition Error in `range_check_func()`: ! min x is -10, lower bound is -5, max x is 110, upper bound is 105 --- Code bake(rec3, test) Condition Warning: min x is -10, lower bound is -5, max x is 110, upper bound is 105 Warning: min y is -10, lower bound is -2.5, max x is 60, upper bound is 52.5 Output # A tibble: 2 x 2 x y 1 -10 -10 2 110 60 --- Code bake(rec4, test) Condition Error in `range_check_func()`: ! max y is 60, upper bound is 55 # empty printing Code rec Message -- Recipe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Inputs Number of variables by role outcome: 1 predictor: 10 -- Operations * Checking range of: --- Code rec Message -- Recipe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Inputs Number of variables by role outcome: 1 predictor: 10 -- Training information Training data contained 32 data points and no incomplete rows. -- Operations * Checking range of: | Trained # printing Code print(rec) Message -- Recipe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Inputs Number of variables by role undeclared role: 11 -- Operations * Checking range of: drat, cyl, am --- Code prep(rec) Message -- Recipe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Inputs Number of variables by role undeclared role: 11 -- Training information Training data contained 32 data points and no incomplete rows. -- Operations * Checking range of: drat, cyl, am | Trained