# bad data Code rec %>% step_impute_lower(carbon, hydrogen, has_neg) %>% prep() Condition Error in `step_impute_lower()`: Caused by error in `prep()`: ! Some columns have negative values. Lower bound imputation is intended for data bounded at zero. # Deprecation warning Code recipe(~., data = mtcars) %>% step_lowerimpute() Condition Error: ! `step_lowerimpute()` was deprecated in recipes 0.1.16 and is now defunct. i Please use `step_impute_lower()` instead. # empty printing Code rec Message -- Recipe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Inputs Number of variables by role outcome: 1 predictor: 10 -- Operations * Lower bound imputation for: --- Code rec Message -- Recipe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Inputs Number of variables by role outcome: 1 predictor: 10 -- Training information Training data contained 32 data points and no incomplete rows. -- Operations * Lower bound imputation for: | Trained # printing Code print(rec) Message -- Recipe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Inputs Number of variables by role outcome: 1 predictor: 3 -- Operations * Lower bound imputation for: carbon, hydrogen --- Code prep(rec) Message -- Recipe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Inputs Number of variables by role outcome: 1 predictor: 3 -- Training information Training data contained 536 data points and no incomplete rows. -- Operations * Lower bound imputation for: carbon, hydrogen | Trained