library(rearrr) context("Pipeline") # TODO I have only tested a few very narrow use cases # I should find some cases and build out some more examples # Test print methods test_that("testing printing Pipeline", { xpectr::set_test_seed(42) pipe <- Pipeline$new() pipe$add_transformation( fn = rotate_2d, args = list( x_col = "Index", y_col = "A", origin = c(0, 0), degrees = 45, suffix = "", overwrite = TRUE ), name = "rotate", group_cols = "G" ) pipe$add_transformation( fn = cluster_groups, args = list( cols = c("Index", "A"), suffix = "", overwrite = TRUE, multiplier = 0.05, scale_min_fn = function(x){ # For testing shortening in print() min(x)+min(x)^2 } ), name = "cluster" ) ## Testing 'testthat::capture_output(print(pipe))' #### ## Initially generated by xpectr xpectr::set_test_seed(42) # Assigning output output_11346 <- testthat::capture_output(print(pipe)) # Testing class expect_equal( class(output_11346), "character", fixed = TRUE) # Testing type expect_type( output_11346, type = "character") # Testing values expect_equal( output_11346, paste0("Pipeline: \n rotate\n Arguments: x_col=\"Index\", y_co", "l=\"A\", origin=c(0, 0), degrees=45, suffix=\"\", overwrite=", "TRUE\n Grouping columns: \"G\"\n cluster\n Arguments", ": cols=c(\"Index\", \"A\"), suffix=\"\", overwrite=TRUE, mu", "ltiplier=0.05, scale_min_fn=function(x){min(x) +..."), fixed = TRUE) # Testing names expect_equal( names(output_11346), NULL, fixed = TRUE) # Testing length expect_equal( length(output_11346), 1L) # Testing sum of element lengths expect_equal( sum(xpectr::element_lengths(output_11346)), 1L) ## Finished testing 'testthat::capture_output(print(pipe))' #### }) test_that("testing printing FixedGroupsPipeline", { xpectr::set_test_seed(42) # Idea for example: agp <- FixedGroupsPipeline$new(3) agp$add_transformation( fn = rotate_2d, args = list( x_col = "Index", y_col = "A", origin = c(0, 0), suffix = "", overwrite = TRUE ), var_args = list(degrees = list(45, 90, 120), .apply = list(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)), name = "rotate" ) agp$add_transformation( fn = cluster_groups, args = list( cols = c("Index", "A"), suffix = "", overwrite = TRUE, scale_min_fn = function(x){ # For testing shortening in print() min(x)+min(x)^2 } ), var_args = list(multiplier = list(0.05, 0.1, 0.2)), name = "cluster" ) ## Testing 'testthat::capture_output(print(agp))' #### ## Initially generated by xpectr xpectr::set_test_seed(42) # Assigning output output_10429 <- testthat::capture_output(print(agp)) # Testing class expect_equal( class(output_10429), "character", fixed = TRUE) # Testing type expect_type( output_10429, type = "character") # Testing values expect_equal( output_10429, paste0("FixedGroupsPipeline: \n No. expected groups: 3\n rotate\n", " Constant arguments: x_col=\"Index\", y_col=\"A\", origi", "n=c(0, 0), suffix=\"\", overwrite=TRUE\n Varying argument", "s: degrees=list(45, 90, 120)\n Don't apply to these gro", "ups: 2, 3\n cluster\n Constant arguments: cols=c(\"Ind", "ex\", \"A\"), suffix=\"\", overwrite=TRUE, scale_min_fn=func", "tion(x){min(x) +...\n Varying arguments: multiplier=lis", "t(0.05, 0.1, 0.2)"), fixed = TRUE) # Testing names expect_equal( names(output_10429), NULL, fixed = TRUE) # Testing length expect_equal( length(output_10429), 1L) # Testing sum of element lengths expect_equal( sum(xpectr::element_lengths(output_10429)), 1L) ## Finished testing 'testthat::capture_output(print(agp))' #### }) test_that("testing printing GeneratedPipeline", { xpectr::set_test_seed(42) agp <- GeneratedPipeline$new() agp$add_transformation( fn = rotate_2d, args = list( x_col = "Index", y_col = "A", suffix = "", overwrite = TRUE ), generators = list(degrees = function(){, 1)}, origin = function(){rnorm(2)}), name = "rotate" ) agp$add_transformation( fn = cluster_groups, args = list( cols = c("Index", "A"), suffix = "", overwrite = TRUE, scale_min_fn = function(x){ # For testing shortening in print() min(x)+min(x)^2 } ), generators = list( multiplier = function() { runif(1) * 3 ^, 1) }, .apply=function(){sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 1)} ), name = "cluster", group_cols = "G" ) ## Testing 'testthat::capture_output(print(agp))' #### ## Initially generated by xpectr xpectr::set_test_seed(42) # Assigning output output_11364 <- testthat::capture_output(print(agp)) # Testing class expect_equal( class(output_11364), "character", fixed = TRUE) # Testing type expect_type( output_11364, type = "character") # Testing values expect_equal( output_11364, paste0("GeneratedPipeline: \n rotate\n Constant arguments: x_c", "ol=\"Index\", y_col=\"A\", suffix=\"\", overwrite=TRUE\n ", "Generators: degrees={, 1)}, origin={rnorm(2)}", "\n cluster\n Constant arguments: cols=c(\"Index\", \"A", "\"), suffix=\"\", overwrite=TRUE, scale_min_fn=function(x){mi", "n(x) +...\n Generators: multiplier={runif(1) * 3^sample.", "int(5, 1)}\n Apply generator: {sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 1)", "}\n Grouping columns: \"G\""), fixed = TRUE) # Testing names expect_equal( names(output_11364), NULL, fixed = TRUE) # Testing length expect_equal( length(output_11364), 1L) # Testing sum of element lengths expect_equal( sum(xpectr::element_lengths(output_11364)), 1L) ## Finished testing 'testthat::capture_output(print(agp))' #### }) # Test applying the pipelines test_that("testing Pipeline", { xpectr::set_test_seed(42) # Create a data frame df <- data.frame( "Index" = 1:12, "A" = c(1:4, 9:12, 15:18), "G" = rep(1:3, each = 4) ) pipe <- Pipeline$new() pipe$add_transformation( fn = rotate_2d, args = list( x_col = "Index", y_col = "A", origin_fn = centroid, degrees = 45, suffix = "", overwrite = TRUE ), name = "rotate", group_cols = "G" ) pipe$add_transformation( fn = cluster_groups, args = list( cols = c("Index", "A"), group_cols = "G", suffix = "", overwrite = TRUE, multiplier = 0.05 ), name = "cluster", group_cols = NULL # cluster_groups need entire dataset as context ) # Because groups were defined in the transformations # The initial grouping is ignored expect_equal(pipe$apply(df), xpectr::suppress_mw(pipe$apply(dplyr::group_by(df, G)))) ## Testing 'pipe$apply(df)' #### ## Initially generated by xpectr xpectr::set_test_seed(42) # Assigning output output_10374 <- pipe$apply(df) # Testing class expect_equal( class(output_10374), c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"), fixed = TRUE) # Testing column values expect_equal( output_10374[["Index"]], c(2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 6.5, 6.5, 6.5, 6.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5), tolerance = 1e-4) expect_equal( output_10374[["A"]], c(0.76759, 0.85448, 0.94138, 1.02827, 10.59853, 10.68542, 10.77231, 10.85921, 17.97173, 18.05862, 18.14552, 18.23241), tolerance = 1e-4) expect_equal( output_10374[["G"]], c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3), tolerance = 1e-4) expect_equal( output_10374[[".degrees"]], c(45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45), tolerance = 1e-4) # Testing column names expect_equal( names(output_10374), c("Index", "A", "G", ".origin", ".degrees"), fixed = TRUE) # Testing column classes expect_equal( xpectr::element_classes(output_10374), c("numeric", "numeric", "integer", "list", "numeric"), fixed = TRUE) # Testing column types expect_equal( xpectr::element_types(output_10374), c("double", "double", "integer", "list", "double"), fixed = TRUE) # Testing dimensions expect_equal( dim(output_10374), c(12L, 5L)) # Testing group keys expect_equal( colnames(dplyr::group_keys(output_10374)), character(0), fixed = TRUE) ## Finished testing 'pipe$apply(df)' #### # Manually applying transformations step_1 <- rotate_2d( data = dplyr::group_by(df, G), x_col = "Index", y_col = "A", origin_fn = centroid, degrees = 45, suffix = "", overwrite = TRUE ) expect_true(!dplyr::is_grouped_df(step_1)) step_2 <- cluster_groups( data = step_1, cols = c("Index", "A"), group_cols = "G", suffix = "", overwrite = TRUE, multiplier = 0.05 ) expect_equal(step_2, pipe$apply(df)) ## Not grouped pipe <- Pipeline$new() pipe$add_transformation( fn = rotate_2d, args = list( x_col = "Index", y_col = "A", origin_fn = centroid, degrees = 45, suffix = "", overwrite = TRUE ), name = "rotate" ) pipe$add_transformation( fn = cluster_groups, args = list( cols = c("Index", "A"), group_cols = "G", suffix = "", overwrite = TRUE, multiplier = 0.05 ), name = "cluster" ) ## Testing 'pipe$apply(dplyr::group_by(df, G))' #### ## Initially generated by xpectr xpectr::set_test_seed(42) # Testing side effects # Assigning side effects side_effects_11387 <- xpectr::capture_side_effects(pipe$apply(dplyr::group_by(df, G)), reset_seed = TRUE) expect_equal( xpectr::strip(side_effects_11387[['warnings']]), xpectr::strip("Ignoring groups in `data`. Only the `group_cols` grouping specifications are used."), fixed = TRUE) expect_equal( xpectr::strip(side_effects_11387[['messages']]), xpectr::strip(character(0)), fixed = TRUE) step_1 <- rotate_2d( data = df, x_col = "Index", y_col = "A", origin_fn = centroid, degrees = 45, suffix = "", overwrite = TRUE ) step_2 <- cluster_groups( data = step_1, cols = c("Index", "A"), group_cols = "G", suffix = "", overwrite = TRUE, multiplier = 0.05 ) expect_equal(step_2, pipe$apply(df)) }) test_that("testing FixedGroupsPipeline()", { xpectr::set_test_seed(42) # Create a data frame df <- data.frame( "Index" = 1:12, "A" = c(1:4, 9:12, 15:18), "G" = rep(1:3, each = 4) ) agp <- FixedGroupsPipeline$new(3) agp$add_transformation( fn = rotate_2d, args = list( x_col = "Index", y_col = "A", origin = c(0, 0), suffix = "", overwrite = TRUE ), var_args = list(degrees = list(45, 90, 120), .apply = list(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)), name = "rotate" ) agp$add_transformation( fn = cluster_groups, args = list( cols = c("Index", "A"), group_cols = "G", # Required as called separately per group with ungrouped subset suffix = "", overwrite = TRUE ), var_args = list(multiplier = list(0.05, 0.1, 0.2)), name = "cluster" ) ## Testing 'agp$apply(df)' #### ## Initially generated by xpectr xpectr::set_test_seed(42) # Testing side effects # Assigning side effects side_effects_11346 <- xpectr::capture_side_effects(agp$apply(df), reset_seed = TRUE) expect_equal( xpectr::strip(side_effects_11346[['error']]), xpectr::strip("`data` did not have exactly 3 groups as expected."), fixed = TRUE) expect_equal( xpectr::strip(side_effects_11346[['error_class']]), xpectr::strip(c("simpleError", "error", "condition")), fixed = TRUE) ## Finished testing 'agp$apply(df)' #### # Note that we don't apply rotation to 2 and 3 ## Testing 'agp$apply(dplyr::group_by(df, G))' #### ## Initially generated by xpectr xpectr::set_test_seed(42) # Assigning output output_11387 <- agp$apply(dplyr::group_by(df, G)) # Testing class expect_equal( class(output_11387), c("grouped_df", "tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"), fixed = TRUE) # Testing column values expect_equal( output_11387[["Index"]], c(0, 0, 0, 0, 5.075, 6.025, 6.975, 7.925, 9.075, 10.025, 10.975, 11.925), tolerance = 1e-4) expect_equal( output_11387[["A"]], c(1.52028, 2.86378, 4.20729, 5.55079, 9.075, 10.025, 10.975, 11.925, 15.075, 16.025, 16.975, 17.925), tolerance = 1e-4) expect_equal( output_11387[["G"]], c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3), tolerance = 1e-4) expect_equal( output_11387[[".degrees"]], c(45, 45, 45, 45, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), tolerance = 1e-4) # Testing column names expect_equal( names(output_11387), c("Index", "A", "G", ".origin", ".degrees"), fixed = TRUE) # Testing column classes expect_equal( xpectr::element_classes(output_11387), c("numeric", "numeric", "integer", "list", "numeric"), fixed = TRUE) # Testing column types expect_equal( xpectr::element_types(output_11387), c("double", "double", "integer", "list", "double"), fixed = TRUE) # Testing dimensions expect_equal( dim(output_11387), c(12L, 5L)) # Testing group keys expect_equal( colnames(dplyr::group_keys(output_11387)), "G", fixed = TRUE) ## Finished testing 'agp$apply(dplyr::group_by(df, G))' #### }) test_that("testing GeneratedPipeline()", { xpectr::set_test_seed(42) # Create a data frame df <- data.frame( "Index" = 1:12, "A" = c(1:4, 9:12, 15:18), "G" = rep(1:3, each = 4) ) agp <- GeneratedPipeline$new() agp$add_transformation( fn = rotate_2d, args = list( x_col = "Index", y_col = "A", suffix = "", overwrite = TRUE ), generators = list(degrees = function(){, 1)}, origin = function(){rnorm(2)}), name = "rotate", group_cols = "G" ) agp$add_transformation( fn = cluster_groups, args = list( cols = c("Index", "A"), suffix = "", overwrite = TRUE, scale_min_fn = function(x){ # For testing shortening in print() min(x)+min(x)^2 }, group_cols = "G" ), generators = list( multiplier = function() { runif(1) * 3 ^, 1) }, .apply=function(){sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 1)} ), name = "cluster", group_cols = "G" ) ## Testing 'agp$apply(df)' #### ## Initially generated by xpectr xpectr::set_test_seed(42) # Assigning output output_16399 <- agp$apply(df) # Testing class expect_equal( class(output_16399), c("grouped_df", "tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"), fixed = TRUE) # Testing column values expect_equal( output_16399[["G"]], c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3), tolerance = 1e-4) expect_equal( output_16399[["Index"]], c(1.09313, 2.45915, 3.82518, 5.19121, -2.65417, -3.52484, -4.39552, -5.2662, -11.69701, 64.92873, 141.55447, 218.1802), tolerance = 1e-4) expect_equal( output_16399[["A"]], c(1.25944, 1.62546, 1.99149, 2.35751, -8.65961, -9.77403, -10.88844, -12.00286, -13.65532, 68.06585, 149.78703, 231.5082), tolerance = 1e-4) expect_equal( output_16399[[".degrees"]], c(330, 330, 330, 330, 187, 187, 187, 187, 165, 165, 165, 165), tolerance = 1e-4) expect_equal( unlist(output_16399$.origin), c(Index = 1.53068, A = 0.95594, Index = 1.53068, A = 0.95594, Index = 1.53068, A = 0.95594, Index = 1.53068, A = 0.95594, Index = 0.63286, A = 0.40427, Index = 0.63286, A = 0.40427, Index = 0.63286, A = 0.40427, Index = 0.63286, A = 0.40427, Index = 0.58021, A = -0.6575, Index = 0.58021, A = -0.6575, Index = 0.58021, A = -0.6575, Index = 0.58021, A = -0.6575), tolerance = 1e-4) # Testing column names expect_equal( names(output_16399), c("G", "Index", "A", ".origin", ".degrees"), fixed = TRUE) # Testing column classes expect_equal( xpectr::element_classes(output_16399), c("integer", "numeric", "numeric", "list", "integer"), fixed = TRUE) # Testing column types expect_equal( xpectr::element_types(output_16399), c("integer", "double", "double", "list", "integer"), fixed = TRUE) # Testing dimensions expect_equal( dim(output_16399), c(12L, 5L)) # Testing group keys expect_equal( colnames(dplyr::group_keys(output_16399)), "G", fixed = TRUE) ## Finished testing 'agp$apply(df)' #### })