context("Read xmile file") test_model <- '
isee systems, inc.
0 4
100 net_growth population * growth_rate 0.01
' test_that("the output from read_xmile() is a list", { expect_is(read_xmile(test_model), "list") }) test_that("the output from read_xmile() produces the required elements", { expect_named(read_xmile(test_model, graph = TRUE), c("description", "deSolve_components", "graph_dfs")) }) sd_simulate <- function(mdl, method = "euler") { # Create the start time, finish time, and time step START <- mdl$description$parameters$start FINISH <- mdl$description$parameters$stop STEP <- mdl$description$parameters$dt # Create time vector simtime <- seq(START, FINISH, by = STEP) data.frame(deSolve::ode(y = mdl$deSolve_components$stocks, times = simtime, func = mdl$deSolve_components$func, parms = mdl$deSolve_components$consts, method = method)) } test_that("read_xmile() returns a runnable model", { mdl <- read_xmile(test_model) expect_is(sd_simulate(mdl), 'data.frame') }) test_that("read_xmile() produces a model function that returns all levels, variables & constants", { mdl <- read_xmile(test_model) o <- sd_simulate(mdl) expect_equal(ncol(o), 4) # including time }) test_that("read_xmile() works for a model that has a NOT statement from Stella", { test_model <- '
isee systems, inc.
0 4
100 net_growth population * growth_rate IF(NOT (TIME = 3)) THEN 0 ELSE 1
' # It is anticipated that this operation will throw a warning because # it has a function that cannot be converted to a graph mdl <- suppressWarnings(read_xmile(test_model)) output <- sd_simulate(mdl) actual_val <- output[output$time == 3.25, "population"] expected_val <- 125 expect_equal(actual_val, expected_val) }) test_that("read_xmile() allows the user to override init values of stocks", { stock_list <- list(population = 200) mdl <- read_xmile(test_model, stock_list = stock_list) expect_equal(mdl$description$levels[[1]]$initValue, 200) expect_equal(mdl$deSolve_components$stocks[[1]], 200) }) test_that("read_xmile() allows the user to override values of constants", { const_list <- list(growth_rate = 0.02) mdl <- read_xmile(test_model, const_list = const_list) expect_equal(mdl$description$constants[[1]]$value, 0.02) expect_equal(mdl$deSolve_components$consts[[1]], 0.02) }) test_that("read_xmile() supports n-dimensional arrays from Vensim", { expect_named(read_xmile("./2d_pop.xmile"), c("description", "deSolve_components")) }) test_that("read_xmile() overrides metaparameter for delay N", { expected <- 12 filepath <- system.file("models/", "SEjIkR.stmx", package = "readsdr") mdl <- read_xmile(filepath, const_list = list(j = 5)) actual <- length(mdl$description$levels) expect_equal(actual, expected) filepath <- "./SEjIkR.xmile" mdl <- read_xmile(filepath, const_list = list(j = 5)) actual <- length(mdl$description$levels) expect_equal(actual, expected) }) test_that("read_xmile() handles Simlin files", { filepath <- "./test_models/SEIR_simlin.stmx" mdl <- read_xmile(filepath) expect_is(mdl, "list") }) #xmile_to_deSolve()------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("xmile_to_deSolve() returns a list", { expect_is(xmile_to_deSolve(test_model), "list") })