test_that("utctime is equivalent to R conversion", { year <- seq(0, 4000) mon <- rep(3L, length(year)) day <- rep(1L, length(year)) zero_i <- rep(0L, length(year)) zero_d <- rep(0, length(year)) expect_equal( utctime(year, mon, day, zero_i, zero_i, zero_i, zero_d), ISOdatetime(year, mon, day, zero_i, zero_i, zero_i, tz = "UTC") ) }) # Parsing ---------------------------------------------------------------------- r_parse <- function(x, fmt) as.POSIXct(strptime(x, fmt, tz = "UTC")) test_that("%d, %m and %y", { target <- utctime(2010L, 2L, 3L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0) expect_equal(parse_datetime("10-02-03", "%y-%m-%d"), target) expect_equal(parse_datetime("10-03-02", "%y-%d-%m"), target) expect_equal(parse_datetime("03/02/10", "%d/%m/%y"), target) expect_equal(parse_datetime("02/03/10", "%m/%d/%y"), target) }) test_that("Compound formats work", { target <- utctime(2010L, 2L, 3L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0) expect_equal(parse_datetime("02/03/10", "%D"), target) expect_equal(parse_datetime("2010-02-03", "%F"), target) expect_equal(parse_datetime("10/02/03", "%x"), target) }) test_that("%y matches R behaviour", { expect_equal( parse_datetime("01-01-69", "%d-%m-%y"), r_parse("01-01-69", "%d-%m-%y") ) expect_equal( parse_datetime("01-01-68", "%d-%m-%y"), r_parse("01-01-68", "%d-%m-%y") ) }) test_that("%e allows leading space", { expect_equal(parse_datetime("201010 1", "%Y%m%e"), utctime(2010L, 10L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0)) }) test_that("%OS captures partial seconds", { x <- parse_datetime("2001-01-01 00:00:01.125", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS") expect_equal(as.POSIXlt(x)$sec, 1.125) x <- parse_datetime("2001-01-01 00:00:01.333", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS") expect_equal(as.POSIXlt(x)$sec, 1.333, tolerance = 1e-6) }) test_that("%y requries 4 digits", { expect_warning(parse_date("003-01-01", "%Y-%m-%d"), "parsing failure") expect_warning(parse_date("03-01-01", "%Y-%m-%d"), "parsing failure") expect_warning(parse_date("00003-01-01", "%Y-%m-%d"), "parsing failure") }) test_that("invalid dates return NA", { expect_warning(x <- parse_datetime("2010-02-30", "%Y-%m-%d")) expect_true(is.na(x)) }) test_that("failed parsing returns NA", { expect_warning({ x <- parse_datetime(c("2010-02-ab", "2010-02", "2010/02/01"), "%Y-%m-%d") }) expect_equal(is.na(x), c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)) expect_equal(n_problems(x), 3) }) test_that("invalid specs returns NA", { expect_warning(x <- parse_datetime("2010-02-20", "%Y-%m-%m")) expect_equal(is.na(x), TRUE) expect_equal(n_problems(x), 1) }) test_that("ISO8601 partial dates are not parsed", { expect_equal(n_problems(parse_datetime("20")), 1) expect_equal(n_problems(parse_datetime("2001")), 1) expect_equal(n_problems(parse_datetime("2001-01")), 1) }) test_that("Year only gets parsed", { expect_equal(parse_datetime("2010", "%Y"), ISOdate(2010, 1, 1, 0, tz = "UTC")) expect_equal(parse_datetime("2010-06", "%Y-%m"), ISOdate(2010, 6, 1, 0, tz = "UTC")) }) test_that("%p detects AM/PM", { am <- parse_datetime(c("2015-01-01 01:00 AM", "2015-01-01 01:00 am"), "%F %I:%M %p") pm <- parse_datetime(c("2015-01-01 01:00 PM", "2015-01-01 01:00 pm"), "%F %I:%M %p") expect_equal(pm, am + 12 * 3600) expect_equal( parse_datetime("12/31/1991 12:01 AM", "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p"), POSIXct(694137660, "UTC") ) expect_equal( parse_datetime("12/31/1991 12:01 PM", "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p"), POSIXct(694180860, "UTC") ) expect_equal( parse_datetime("12/31/1991 1:01 AM", "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p"), POSIXct(694141260, "UTC") ) expect_warning(x <- parse_datetime( c("12/31/1991 00:01 PM", "12/31/1991 13:01 PM"), "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p" )) expect_equal(n_problems(x), 2) }) test_that("%b and %B are case insensitve", { ref <- parse_date("2001-01-01") expect_equal(parse_date("2001 JAN 01", "%Y %b %d"), ref) expect_equal(parse_date("2001 JANUARY 01", "%Y %B %d"), ref) }) test_that("%. requires a value", { ref <- parse_date("2001-01-01") expect_equal(parse_date("2001?01?01", "%Y%.%m%.%d"), ref) expect_warning( out <- parse_date("20010101", "%Y%.%m%.%d") ) expect_equal(n_problems(out), 1) }) test_that("%Z detects named time zones", { ref <- POSIXct(1285912800, "America/Chicago") ct <- locale(tz = "America/Chicago") expect_equal(parse_datetime("2010-10-01 01:00", locale = ct), ref) expect_equal( parse_datetime("2010-10-01 01:00 America/Chicago", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %Z", locale = ct), ref ) }) test_that("parse_date returns a double like as.Date()", { ref <- parse_date("2001-01-01") expect_type(parse_datetime("2001-01-01"), "double") }) test_that("parses NA/empty correctly", { expect_equal(parse_datetime(""), POSIXct(NA_real_)) expect_equal(parse_date(""), as.Date(NA)) expect_equal(parse_datetime("NA"), POSIXct(NA_real_)) expect_equal(parse_date("NA"), as.Date(NA)) expect_equal(parse_datetime("TeSt", na = "TeSt"), POSIXct(NA_real_)) expect_equal(parse_date("TeSt", na = "TeSt"), as.Date(NA)) }) # Locales ----------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("locale affects months", { jan1 <- as.Date("2010-01-01") fr <- locale("fr") expect_equal(parse_date("1 janv. 2010", "%d %b %Y", locale = fr), jan1) expect_equal(parse_date("1 janvier 2010", "%d %B %Y", locale = fr), jan1) }) test_that("locale affects day of week", { a <- parse_datetime("2010-01-01") b <- parse_date("2010-01-01") fr <- locale("fr") expect_equal(parse_datetime("Ven. 1 janv. 2010", "%a %d %b %Y", locale = fr), a) expect_equal(parse_date("Ven. 1 janv. 2010", "%a %d %b %Y", locale = fr), b) expect_warning(parse_datetime("Fri 1 janv. 1020", "%a %d %b %Y", locale = fr)) expect_warning(parse_date("Fri 1 janv. 2010", "%a %d %b %Y", locale = fr)) }) test_that("locale affects am/pm", { a <- parse_time("1:30 PM", "%H:%M %p") b <- parse_time("오후 1시 30분", "%p %H시 %M분", locale = locale("ko")) expect_equal(a, b) }) test_that("locale affects both guessing and parsing", { out <- parse_guess("01/02/2013", locale = locale(date_format = "%m/%d/%Y")) expect_equal(out, as.Date("2013-01-02")) }) test_that("na affects both guessing and parsing (#1041)", { out <- parse_guess(c("123", "NA"), na = "NA") expect_equal(out, c(123, NA_real_)) }) test_that("text re-encoded before strings are parsed", { skip_on_cran() # need to figure out why this fails skip_on_os("solaris") x <- "1 f\u00e9vrier 2010" y <- iconv(x, from = "UTF-8", to = "ISO-8859-1") feb01 <- as.Date(ISOdate(2010, 02, 01)) expect_equal( parse_date(x, "%d %B %Y", locale = locale("fr")), feb01 ) expect_equal( parse_date(y, "%d %B %Y", locale = locale("fr", encoding = "ISO-8859-1")), feb01 ) }) # Time zones ------------------------------------------------------------------ test_that("same times with different offsets parsed as same time", { # From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Time_offsets_from_UTC same_time <- paste("2010-02-03", c("18:30Z", "22:30+04", "1130-0700", "15:00-03:30")) parsed <- parse_datetime(same_time) expect_equal(parsed, rep(utctime(2010L, 2L, 3L, 18L, 30L, 0L, 0), 4)) }) test_that("offsets can cross date boundaries", { expect_equal( parse_datetime("2015-01-31T2000-0500"), parse_datetime("2015-02-01T0100Z") ) }) test_that("unambiguous times with and without daylight savings", { skip_on_cran() # need to figure out why this fails melb <- locale(tz = "Australia/Melbourne") # Melbourne had daylight savings in 2015 that ended the morning of 2015-04-05 expect_equal( parse_datetime(c("2015-04-04 12:00:00", "2015-04-06 12:00:00"), locale = melb), POSIXct(c(1428109200, 1428285600), "Australia/Melbourne") ) # Japan didn't have daylight savings in 2015 ja <- locale(tz = "Japan") expect_equal( parse_datetime(c("2015-04-04 12:00:00", "2015-04-06 12:00:00"), locale = ja), POSIXct(c(1428116400, 1428289200), "Japan") ) }) test_that("ambiguous times always choose the earliest time", { ny <- locale(tz = "America/New_York") format <- "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z" expected <- as.POSIXct("1970-10-25 01:30:00-0400", tz = "America/New_York", format = format) actual <- parse_datetime("1970-10-25 01:30:00", locale = ny) expect_equal(actual, expected) }) test_that("nonexistent times return NA", { ny <- locale(tz = "America/New_York") expected <- .POSIXct(NA_real_, tz = "America/New_York") actual <- parse_datetime("1970-04-26 02:30:00", locale = ny) expect_equal(actual, expected) }) test_that("can use `tz = ''` for system time zone", { withr::local_timezone("Europe/London") system <- locale(tz = "") expected <- as.POSIXct("1970-01-01 00:00:00", tz = "Europe/London") actual <- parse_datetime("1970-01-01 00:00:00", locale = system) expect_equal(actual, expected) }) test_that("can catch faulty system time zones", { withr::local_timezone("foo") expect_error(locale(tz = ""), "Unknown TZ foo") }) # Guessing --------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("DDDD-DD not parsed as date (i.e. doesn't trigger partial date match)", { expect_equal(guess_parser(c("1989-90", "1990-91")), "character") }) test_that("leading zeros don't get parsed as date without explicit separator", { expect_equal(guess_parser("00010203"), "character") expect_equal(guess_parser("0001-02-03"), "date") }) test_that("must have either two - or none", { expect_equal(guess_parser("2000-10-10"), "date") expect_equal(guess_parser("2000-1010"), "character") expect_equal(guess_parser("200010-10"), "character") expect_equal(guess_parser("20001010"), "double") }) test_that("Invalid formats error", { expect_error(parse_date("2020-11-17", "%%Y-%m-%d"), "Unsupported format %%Y-%m-%d") })