test_that("supplied col names must match non-skipped col types", { out <- col_spec_standardise(col_types = "c_c", col_names = c("a", "c")) expect_equal(names(out[[1]]), c("a", "", "c")) }) test_that("supplied col names matches to non-skipped col types", { out <- col_spec_standardise("a,b,c\n1,2,3", col_types = "i_i") expect_equal(names(out[[1]]), c("a", "b", "c")) }) test_that("guess col names matches all col types", { out <- col_spec_standardise("a,b,c\n", col_types = "i_i") expect_equal(names(out[[1]]), c("a", "b", "c")) expect_equal(out[[1]][[2]], col_skip()) }) test_that("col_names expanded to col_types with dummy names", { expect_warning( out <- col_spec_standardise("1,2,3,4\n", c("a", "b"), "iiii"), "Insufficient `col_names`" ) expect_equal(names(out[[1]]), c("a", "b", "X3", "X4")) }) test_that("col_names expanded to match col_types, with skipping", { expect_warning( out <- col_spec_standardise(col_types = "c_c", col_names = "a"), "Insufficient `col_names`" ) expect_equal(names(out[[1]]), c("a", "", "X2")) }) test_that("col_types expanded to col_names by guessing", { skip_if(edition_first()) expect_warning( out <- col_spec_standardise("1,2,3\n", c("a", "b", "c"), "ii"), "Insufficient `col_types`" ) expect_equal(names(out[[1]]), c("a", "b", "c")) expect_equal(out[[1]][[3]], col_double()) }) test_that("defaults expanded to match names", { out <- col_spec_standardise("a,b,c\n1,2,3", col_types = cols(.default = "c")) expect_equal(out[[1]], list( a = col_character(), b = col_character(), c = col_character() )) }) test_that("col_spec_standardise works properly with 1 row inputs and no header columns (#333)", { expect_s3_class(col_spec_standardise("1\n", col_names = FALSE)[[1]]$X1, "collector_double") }) test_that("warns about duplicated names", { expect_warning(col_spec_standardise("a,a\n1,2"), "Duplicated column names") expect_warning( col_spec_standardise("1,2\n1,2", col_names = c("X", "X")), "Duplicated column names" ) }) test_that("warn about missing col names and fill in", { expect_warning(col_spec_standardise(",\n1,2"), "Missing column names") expect_warning( col_spec_standardise("1,2\n1,2", col_names = c("X", NA)), "Missing column names" ) }) test_that("spec object attached to read data", { skip_if(edition_first()) test_data <- read_csv(test_path("basic-df.csv"), col_types = NULL, col_names = TRUE) sp <- spec(test_data) sp$skip <- NULL expect_equal( sp, cols( .delim = ",", a = col_logical(), b = col_double(), c = col_double(), d = col_character() ) ) }) test_that("guess_types errors on invalid inputs", { expect_error(col_spec_standardise("a,b,c\n", guess_max = NA), "`guess_max` must be a positive integer") expect_error(col_spec_standardise("a,b,c\n", guess_max = -1), "`guess_max` must be a positive integer") expect_warning(col_spec_standardise("a,b,c\n", guess_max = Inf), "`guess_max` is a very large value") }) test_that("check_guess_max errors on invalid inputs", { expect_error(check_guess_max(NULL), "`guess_max` must be a positive integer") expect_error(check_guess_max("test"), "`guess_max` must be a positive integer") expect_error(check_guess_max(letters), "`guess_max` must be a positive integer") expect_error(check_guess_max(1:2), "`guess_max` must be a positive integer") expect_error(check_guess_max(NA), "`guess_max` must be a positive integer") expect_error(check_guess_max(-1), "`guess_max` must be a positive integer") expect_warning(check_guess_max(Inf), "`guess_max` is a very large value") }) test_that("as.col_types can handle named character input", { expect_equal(as.col_spec(c(a = "c")), cols(a = col_character())) }) test_that("as.col_types can convert data.frame", { spec <- as.col_spec(iris) exp <- cols( Sepal.Length = col_double(), Sepal.Width = col_double(), Petal.Length = col_double(), Petal.Width = col_double(), Species = col_factor(levels = c("setosa", "versicolor", "virginica"), ordered = FALSE, include_na = FALSE) ) expect_equal(spec, exp) }) test_that("as.character() works on col_spec objects", { spec <- as.col_spec(iris) expect_equal(as.character(spec), "ddddf") }) # Printing ---------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("print(col_spec) with guess_parser", { expect_snapshot(col_spec_standardise("a,b,c\n1,2,3")) }) test_that("print(col_spec) with collector_skip", { expect_snapshot(cols_only(a = col_integer(), c = col_integer())) }) test_that("print(col_spec) with truncated output", { out <- col_spec_standardise("a,b,c\n1,2,3", col_types = cols(.default = "c")) expect_snapshot( print(out, n = 2, condense = FALSE) ) }) test_that("print(col_spec) works with dates", { out <- col_spec_standardise("a,b,c\n", col_types = cols( a = col_date(format = "%Y-%m-%d"), b = col_date(), c = col_date() ) ) expect_snapshot(out) }) test_that("print(col_spec) with unnamed columns", { expect_snapshot( col_spec_standardise(col_types = "c_c", col_names = c("a", "c")) ) }) test_that("print(cols_only()) prints properly", { expect_snapshot( cols_only(a = col_character(), c = col_integer()) ) }) test_that("print(col_spec) with n == 0 prints nothing", { expect_silent(print(col_spec_standardise("a,b,c\n1,2,3"), n = 0)) }) test_that("print(cols_condense(col_spec)) condenses the spec", { expect_snapshot( cols_condense(col_spec_standardise("a,b,c,d\n1,2,3,a")) ) expect_snapshot( cols_condense(col_spec_standardise("a,b,c,d\n1,2,3,4")) ) }) test_that("print(col_spec) with no columns specified", { expect_snapshot(cols()) expect_snapshot(cols(.default = col_character())) }) test_that("print(col_spec) and condense edge cases", { expect_snapshot(print( cols(a = col_integer(), b = col_integer(), c = col_double()), n = 1, condense = TRUE, colour = FALSE )) }) test_that("print(col_spec) with colors", { local_reproducible_output(crayon = TRUE) out <- col_spec_standardise( "a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i\n1,2,F,a,2018-01-01,2018-01-01 12:01:01,12:01:01,foo,blah", col_types = c(b = "i", h = "f", i = "_") ) expect_snapshot_output(out) }) test_that("non-syntatic names are escaped", { expect_snapshot( col_spec_standardise("a b,_c,1,a`b\n1,2,3,4") ) }) # https://github.com/tidyverse/readr/issues/597 test_that("long spec declarations can be formatted", { expect_snapshot( cols(a = col_factor( levels = c("apple", "pear", "banana", "peach", "apricot", "orange", "plum"), ordered = TRUE )) ) }) test_that("options(readr.show_col_types) controls col spec printing", { # skip is temporarily necessary as of January 29 2022, due to the very # recent release of rlang 1.0.0 # Windows binaries aren't available yet and the different rlang versions # make it challenging to form test snapshots that work for whole GHA # build matrix skip_if_edition_first_windows() withr::local_options(list(readr.show_col_types = TRUE)) expect_snapshot( out <- read_csv(readr_example("mtcars.csv")), variant = edition_variant() ) withr::local_options(list(readr.show_col_types = FALSE)) expect_silent(out <- read_csv(readr_example("mtcars.csv"))) }) test_that("`show_col_types` controls col spec printing", { # skip is temporarily necessary as of January 29 2022, due to the very # recent release of rlang 1.0.0 # Windows binaries aren't available yet and the different rlang versions # make it challenging to form test snapshots that work for whole GHA # build matrix skip_if_edition_first_windows() expect_snapshot( out <- read_csv(readr_example("mtcars.csv"), show_col_types = TRUE), variant = edition_variant() ) expect_silent(out <- read_csv(readr_example("mtcars.csv"), show_col_types = FALSE)) })