test_that("read_api helper functions return tibbles with expected structure", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline() check_abs_connection() res <- read_api_dataflows() expect_s3_class(res, "tbl_df") expect_named(res, c("id", "name", "desc", "version")) res <- read_api_datastructure(sample(res$id, 1)) # Using a random dataflow expect_s3_class(res, "tbl_df") expect_named(res, c("role", "var", "position", "desc", "code", "label")) }) test_that("read_api throws expected errors and warnings", { skip_on_cran() check_abs_connection() expect_error(read_api("doesnt_exist"), class = "http_404") expect_error(read_api_datastructure("doesnt_exist"), class = "http_404") expect_error( read_api("ERP_COB", datakey = list(not_a_var = 1), start_period = 2020), "Variable\\(s\\) .+ not found" ) expect_error( read_api("ERP_COB", datakey = list(unit_measure = "PSNS"), start_period = 2020), "Cannot filter on .*" ) expect_warning( read_api("ERP_COB", datakey = list(age = -99:-90), start_period = 2020), "`age` does not contain codes: -99, -98, -97, -96, -95, \\.\\.\\." ) expect_error( read_api_url(c("www.google.com", "www.google.com")), "must be of length 1" ) expect_error( read_api_url("www.google.com"), ".* is not an ABS query ur" ) }) test_that("read_api filtering works as expected", { skip_on_cran() check_abs_connection() x <- read_api("ABS_C16_T10_SA", datakey = list(asgs_2016 = 0, sex_abs = 3)) expect_equal(as.integer(unique(x["asgs_2016"])), 0) expect_equal(as.integer(unique(x["sex_abs"])), 3) }) test_that("url queries work", { skip_on_cran() check_abs_connection() wpi_url <- "https://data.api.abs.gov.au/rest/data/ABS,WPI/all" res <- read_api_url(wpi_url) %>% arrange(measure, index, sector, industry, tsest, region, freq, time_period) expect_s3_class(res, "tbl_df") expect_true(labelled::is.labelled(res$measure)) expect_length(res, 13) expect_gt(nrow(res), 142) })