test_that("conjoint helpers work", { skip_if_not_installed("cjoint") library(dplyr) library(DeclareDesign) library(cjoint) # for the amce regression model # Design features N_subjects <- 500 N_tasks <- 3 # Attributes and levels levels_list = list( gender = c("Man", "Woman"), party = c("Left", "Right"), region = c("North", "South", "East", "West") ) # Conjectured utility function conjoint_utility <- function(data){ data |> mutate(U = 0.25*(gender == "Woman")*(region %in% c("North", "East")) + 0.5*(party == "Right")*(region %in% c("North", "South")) + uij) } declaration_17.5 <- declare_model( subject = add_level(N = N_subjects), task = add_level(N = N_tasks, task = 1:N_tasks), profile = add_level( N = 2, profile = 1:2, uij = rnorm(N, sd = 1) ) ) + declare_inquiry(handler = conjoint_inquiries, levels_list = levels_list, utility_fn = conjoint_utility) + declare_assignment(handler = conjoint_assignment, levels_list = levels_list) + declare_measurement(handler = conjoint_measurement, utility_fn = conjoint_utility) + declare_estimator(choice ~ gender + party + region, respondent.id = "subject", .method = amce) expect_error(simulate_design(declaration_17.5, sims = 1), NA) })