testthat::context("test-rdf.R") doc <- system.file("extdata/example.rdf", package="redland") out <- "testing.rdf" testthat::test_that("We can initialize and free rdf objects", { rdf <- rdf() testthat::expect_is(rdf, "rdf") testthat::expect_is(rdf$world, "World") testthat::expect_is(rdf$model, "Model") testthat::expect_is(rdf$storage, "Storage") rdf_free(rdf) ## Confirm `rdf` has been removed from the workspace testthat::expect_false("rdf" %in% ls()) RDF_graph <- rdf() testthat::expect_true("RDF_graph" %in% ls()) rdf_free(RDF_graph) testthat::expect_false("RDF_graph" %in% ls()) }) testthat::test_that("we can concatenate rdfs", { rdf1 <- rdf_parse(system.file("extdata/ex.xml", package = "rdflib")) rdf2 <- rdf_parse(system.file("extdata/ex2.xml", package = "rdflib")) rdf <- c(rdf1, rdf2) testthat::expect_is(rdf, "rdf") rdf_free(rdf1) rdf_free(rdf2) ## NOTE: rdf is same pointer as rdf1, not a new pointer. cannot free twice }) testthat::test_that("we can add, parse and serialize json-ld", { skip_if_not_installed("jsonld") skip_on_cran() x <- rdf() x <- rdf_add(x, subject="http://www.dajobe.org/", predicate="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/language", object="en") rdf_serialize(x, out, "jsonld") rdf <- rdf_parse(out, format = "jsonld") testthat::expect_is(rdf, "rdf") rdf_free(x) rdf_free(rdf) }) testthat::test_that("print and format work", { rdf <- rdf_parse(doc) txt <- format(rdf, format = "rdfxml") testthat::expect_output(print(rdf), ".*johnsmith.*") testthat::expect_is(txt, "character") rdf_free(rdf) }) unlink(out)