context("RDF Add") test_that("we can print.rdf UTF-8", { # stringi::stri_unescape_unicode fails on some architectures skip_on_cran() skip_on_os("windows") r <- rdf() rdf_add(r, subject="", predicate="", object="Maëlle Salmon") expect_output(print(r), "Maëlle") rdf_free(r) }) test_that("we can initialize add triples to rdf graph", { rdf <- rdf() rdf <- rdf_add(rdf, subject="", predicate="", object=as.Date("2015-01-01")) expect_is(rdf, "rdf") rdf_free(rdf) }) test_that("we can initialize add triples to rdf graph", { rdf <- rdf() rdf <- rdf_add(rdf, subject=NA, predicate="", object=NA) expect_is(rdf, "rdf") rdf_free(rdf) }) test_that("other rdf_add examples work",{ rdf <- rdf() rdf_add(rdf, subject="", predicate="", object="en") ## non-URI string in subject indicates a blank subject ## (prefixes to "_:b0") rdf_add(rdf, "b0", "", "Professor") ## identically a blank subject. ## Note rdf is unchanged when we add the same triple twice. rdf_add(rdf, "b0", "", "Professor", subjectType = "blank") ## blank node with empty string creates a default blank node id rdf_add(rdf, "", "", "Professor") ## Subject and Object both recognized as URI resources: rdf_add(rdf, "", "", "") ## Force object to be literal, not URI resource rdf_add(rdf, "", "", "", objectType = "literal") expect_is(rdf, "rdf") rdf_free(rdf) })