test_that("initialize parameters are checked", { s1 <- MarkovState$new("s1") s2 <- MarkovState$new("s2") expect_silent(Transition$new(s1, s2)) expect_error(Transition$new(s1, s2, label = 42L), class = "non-string_label") n1 <- Node$new() expect_error(Transition$new(n1, s2), class = "invalid_source") expect_error(Transition$new(s1, n1), class = "invalid_target") expect_silent(Transition$new(s1, s2)) expect_error(Transition$new(s1, s2, cost = "200"), class = "invalid_cost") expect_silent(Transition$new(s1, s2, label = "")) expect_silent(Transition$new(s1, s2, label = "mychance")) # check values are retrieved MT <- Transition$new(s1, s2, cost = 20.0) expect_identical(MT$cost(), 20.0) }) test_that("argument name matching supports old names", { s1 <- MarkovState$new("s1") s2 <- MarkovState$new("s2") expect_silent(Transition$new(source = s1, target = s2)) expect_silent(Transition$new(source = s1, target_state = s2)) expect_silent(Transition$new(source_state = s1, target = s2)) }) test_that("costs can be modified", { # default s1 <- MarkovState$new("s1") s2 <- MarkovState$new("s2") t <- Transition$new(s1, s2) expect_identical(t$cost(), 0.0) # defined at creation t <- Transition$new(s1, s2, cost = 42.0) expect_identical(t$cost(), 42.0) t$set_cost(1000.0) expect_identical(t$cost(), 1000.0) # invalid arguments expect_error(t$set_cost(), class = "invalid_cost") # modvars c <- ConstModVar$new("c1", "GBP", 42.0) t <- Transition$new(s1, s2, cost = c) expect_identical(t$cost(), 42.0) t <- Transition$new(s1, s2) t$set_cost(c) expect_identical(t$cost(), 42.0) }) test_that("ModVars are identified and their values are returned", { s1 <- MarkovState$new("s1") s2 <- MarkovState$new("s2") fortytwo <- ConstModVar$new("fortytwo", "GBP", 42.0) # one modvar e <- Transition$new(s1, s2, cost = fortytwo, label = "label") expect_equal(e$cost(), 42.0) mv <- e$modvars() expect_length(mv, 1L) # expression modvar discount <- ConstModVar$new("discount", "rate", 0.1) dcost <- ExprModVar$new( "true cost", "GPB", rlang::quo(fortytwo * (1.0 - discount)) ) e <- Transition$new(s1, s2, cost = dcost, label = "label") expect_identical(e$cost(), 42.0 * 0.9) mv <- e$modvars() expect_length(mv, 3L) })