# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # tests of creating a model # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("incorrect state types are rejected", { s.well <- MarkovState$new("WELL") expect_error( SemiMarkovModel$new( V = list(s.well, "DISABLED", "STROKE", "DEAD"), E = list() ), class = "invalid_vertexes" ) n1 <- Node$new() e.ww <- Transition$new(s.well, s.well) expect_error( SemiMarkovModel$new( V = list(s.well, n1), E = list(e.ww) ), class = "invalid_state" ) }) test_that("incorrect transition types are rejected", { s.well <- MarkovState$new("Well") s.disabled <- MarkovState$new("Disabled") s.dead <- MarkovState$new("Dead") e.ww <- Transition$new(s.well, s.well) e.wd <- Transition$new(s.well, s.dead) e.dd <- Arrow$new(s.dead, s.dead) expect_error( SemiMarkovModel$new( V = list(s.well, s.disabled, s.dead), E = list(e.ww, e.wd, e.dd) ), class = "invalid_transition" ) }) test_that("edge case graphs are rejected", { # empty graph expect_error( SemiMarkovModel$new(V = list(), E = list()), class = "invalid_graph" ) # single node, no edges s.dead <- MarkovState$new("Dead") expect_error( SemiMarkovModel$new(V = list(s.dead), E = list()), class = "invalid_graph" ) # minimal model e.dd <- Transition$new(s.dead, s.dead) expect_silent(SemiMarkovModel$new(V = list(s.dead), E = list(e.dd))) }) test_that("multiple digraph edges are rejected", { s.well <- MarkovState$new("Well") s.dead <- MarkovState$new("Dead") e.ww <- Transition$new(s.well, s.well) e.ww.bleed <- Transition$new(s.well, s.well) e.wd <- Transition$new(s.well, s.dead) e.dd <- Transition$new(s.dead, s.dead) # no outgoing transition from dead expect_error( SemiMarkovModel$new( V = list(s.well, s.dead), E = list(e.ww, e.wd) ), class = "missing_transition" ) # two self loops from well to well expect_error( SemiMarkovModel$new( V = list(s.well, s.dead), E = list(e.ww, e.ww.bleed, e.wd, e.dd) ), class = "multiple_edges" ) # two loops from well to dead e.wd.bleed <- Transition$new(s.well, s.dead) expect_error( SemiMarkovModel$new( V = list(s.well, s.dead), E = list(e.ww, e.wd.bleed, e.wd, e.dd) ), class = "multiple_edges" ) # multiple edges for graph but not digraph are allowed e.dw <- Transition$new(s.dead, s.well) expect_silent( SemiMarkovModel$new( V = list(s.well, s.dead), E = list(e.ww, e.wd, e.dw, e.dd) ) ) }) test_that("unconnected underlying graphs are detected", { s.well <- MarkovState$new("Well") s.disabled <- MarkovState$new("Disabled") s.dead <- MarkovState$new("Dead") e.ww <- Transition$new(s.well, s.well) e.wd <- Transition$new(s.well, s.dead) e.dd <- Transition$new(s.dead, s.dead) expect_error( SemiMarkovModel$new( V = list(s.well, s.disabled, s.dead), E = list(e.ww, e.wd, e.dd) ), class = "invalid_graph" ) }) test_that("non-unique state labels are detected", { s.well <- MarkovState$new("Well") s.disabled <- MarkovState$new("Well") s.dead <- MarkovState$new("Dead") e.ww <- Transition$new(s.well, s.well) e.wd <- Transition$new(s.well, s.dead) e.ws <- Transition$new(s.well, s.disabled) e.ss <- Transition$new(s.disabled, s.disabled) e.sd <- Transition$new(s.disabled, s.dead) e.dd <- Transition$new(s.dead, s.dead) expect_error( SemiMarkovModel$new( V = list(s.well, s.disabled, s.dead), E = list(e.ww, e.wd, e.ws, e.ss, e.sd, e.dd) ), class = "invalid_state_names" ) }) test_that("invalid discount rates are detected", { s.well <- MarkovState$new("Well") s.disabled <- MarkovState$new("Disabled") s.dead <- MarkovState$new("Dead") e.ww <- Transition$new(s.well, s.well) e.wd <- Transition$new(s.well, s.dead) e.ws <- Transition$new(s.well, s.disabled) e.sd <- Transition$new(s.disabled, s.dead) e.ss <- Transition$new(s.disabled, s.disabled) e.dd <- Transition$new(s.dead, s.dead) expect_error( SemiMarkovModel$new( V = list(s.well, s.disabled, s.dead), E = list(e.ww, e.wd, e.ws, e.ss, e.sd, e.dd), discount.cost = "0" ), class = "invalid_discount" ) expect_error( SemiMarkovModel$new( V = list(s.well, s.disabled, s.dead), E = list(e.ww, e.wd, e.ws, e.ss, e.sd, e.dd), discount.utility = "0" ), class = "invalid_discount" ) }) test_that("states are tabulated as expected", { v <- list( s_well = MarkovState$new("Well"), s_disabled = MarkovState$new("Disabled"), s_dead = MarkovState$new("Dead") ) v[["s_dead"]]$set_utility(0.0) v[["s_disabled"]]$set_utility(0.7) e <- list( Transition$new(v[["s_well"]], v[["s_well"]]), Transition$new(v[["s_well"]], v[["s_dead"]]), Transition$new(v[["s_well"]], v[["s_disabled"]]), Transition$new(v[["s_disabled"]], v[["s_dead"]]), Transition$new(v[["s_disabled"]], v[["s_disabled"]]), Transition$new(v[["s_dead"]], v[["s_dead"]]) ) m <- SemiMarkovModel$new(V = v, E = e) expect_s3_class(m, "Digraph") st <- m$tabulate_states() expect_s3_class(st, "data.frame") expect_identical(nrow(st), 3L) with(data = st, expr = { expect_setequal(Name, c("Well", "Disabled", "Dead")) expect_identical(Cost[[which(Name == "Dead")]], 0.0) expect_identical(Cost[[which(Name == "Disabled")]], 0.0) expect_identical(Cost[[which(Name == "Well")]], 0.0) expect_identical(Utility[[which(Name == "Dead")]], 0.0) expect_identical(Utility[[which(Name == "Disabled")]], 0.7) expect_identical(Utility[[which(Name == "Well")]], 1.0) }) }) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # tests of setting transition probabilities # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("invalid transition probabilities are rejected", { # create states s.well <- MarkovState$new(name = "Well") s.disabled <- MarkovState$new(name = "Disabled") s.dead <- MarkovState$new(name = "Dead") # state names snames <- c("Well", "Disabled", "Dead") # create transitions E <- list( Transition$new(s.well, s.well), Transition$new(s.dead, s.dead), Transition$new(s.disabled, s.disabled), Transition$new(s.well, s.disabled), Transition$new(s.well, s.dead), Transition$new(s.disabled, s.dead) ) # create model M <- SemiMarkovModel$new(V = list(s.well, s.disabled, s.dead), E) # check that initial state has equal probabilities EPt <- matrix( data = c(1L / 3L, 1L / 3L, 1L / 3L, 0L, 0.5, 0.5, 0L, 0L, 1L), nrow = 3L, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(source = snames, target = snames) ) OPt <- M$transition_probabilities() OPt <- OPt[snames, snames] expect_identical(OPt, EPt) # no probabilities expect_error( M$set_probabilities() ) # probabilities are not a matrix expect_error( M$set_probabilities(Pt = 42L), class = "invalid_Pt" ) # probability matrix is incorrect size ePt <- matrix(c(1L, 0L, 0L, 1L), nrow = 2L, byrow = TRUE) expect_error( M$set_probabilities(Pt = ePt), class = "invalid_Pt" ) # probability matrix has incorrect state names ePt <- matrix( data = c(0.6, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0, 0.6, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), nrow = 3L, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(source = c("a", "b", "c"), target = c("a", "b", "c")) ) expect_error( M$set_probabilities(Pt = ePt), class = "invalid_Pt" ) ePt <- matrix( data = c(0.6, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0, 0.6, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), nrow = 3L, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(source = snames, target = c("a", "b", "c")) ) expect_error( M$set_probabilities(Pt = ePt), class = "invalid_Pt" ) # probability matrix contains multiple NA per row ePt <- matrix( data = c(0.6, NA, NA, 0.0, 0.6, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), nrow = 3L, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(source = snames, target = snames) ) expect_error( M$set_probabilities(Pt = ePt), class = "invalid_Pt" ) # probability matrix contains values not in range [0,1] ePt <- matrix( data = c(0.6, 1.3, -0.9, 0.0, 0.6, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), nrow = 3L, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(source = snames, target = snames) ) expect_error( M$set_probabilities(Pt = ePt), class = "invalid_Pt" ) # probability matrix has non-zero values for undefined transitions ePt <- matrix( data = c(0.6, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.5, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), nrow = 3L, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(source = snames, target = snames) ) expect_error( M$set_probabilities(Pt = ePt), class = "invalid_Pt" ) # probability matrix has row sums > 1 ePt <- matrix( data = c(0.6, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0, 0.7, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), nrow = 3L, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(source = snames, target = snames) ) expect_error( M$set_probabilities(Pt = ePt), class = "invalid_Pt" ) # Sonnenberg and Beck probability matrix pt_sb <- matrix( data = c(0.6, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0, 0.6, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), nrow = 3L, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(source = snames, target = snames) ) expect_silent(M$set_probabilities(Pt = pt_sb)) # Sonnenberg and Beck probability matrix with NAs - check if NAs replaced pt_sb_na <- matrix( data = c(NA, 0.2, 0.2, NA, 0.6, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0, NA), nrow = 3L, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(source = snames, target = snames) ) expect_silent(M$set_probabilities(Pt = pt_sb_na)) ept_sb <- M$transition_probabilities() ept_sb <- ept_sb[snames, snames] expect_identical(ept_sb, pt_sb) }) test_that("NAs are replaced in transition probability matrix", { # create states s.well <- MarkovState$new(name = "Well") s.disabled <- MarkovState$new(name = "Disabled") s.dead <- MarkovState$new(name = "Dead") # create transitions E <- list( Transition$new(s.well, s.well), Transition$new(s.dead, s.dead), Transition$new(s.disabled, s.disabled), Transition$new(s.well, s.disabled), Transition$new(s.well, s.dead), Transition$new(s.disabled, s.dead) ) # create model M <- SemiMarkovModel$new(V = list(s.well, s.disabled, s.dead), E) # use S&B per-cycle transition probabilities snames <- c("Well", "Disabled", "Dead") EPt <- matrix( data = c(0.6, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0, 0.6, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), nrow = 3L, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(source = snames, target = snames) ) Pt <- matrix( data = c(0.6, NA, 0.2, 0.0, 0.6, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0, NA), nrow = 3L, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(source = snames, target = snames) ) M$set_probabilities(Pt) OPt <- M$transition_probabilities() OPt <- OPt[snames, snames] expect_identical(round(OPt, 2L), round(EPt, 2L)) }) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # tests of setting transition costs # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("transition cost matrix is correct", { # create states s.well <- MarkovState$new(name = "Well") s.disabled <- MarkovState$new(name = "Disabled", cost = 750.0) s.dead <- MarkovState$new(name = "Dead") # create transitions E <- list( Transition$new(s.well, s.well), Transition$new(s.dead, s.dead), Transition$new(s.disabled, s.disabled), Transition$new(s.well, s.disabled, cost = 1000.0), Transition$new(s.well, s.dead, cost = 250.0), Transition$new(s.disabled, s.dead, cost = 500.0) ) # create model M <- SemiMarkovModel$new(V = list(s.well, s.disabled, s.dead), E) # use S&B per-cycle transition probabilities snames <- c("Well", "Disabled", "Dead") Pt <- matrix( data = c(0.6, NA, 0.2, 0.0, 0.6, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0, NA), nrow = 3L, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(source = snames, target = snames) ) M$set_probabilities(Pt) # check the transition cost matrix ECt <- matrix( data = c(0.0, 1000.0, 250.0, 0.0, 0.0, 500.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), nrow = 3L, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(source = snames, target = snames) ) Ct <- M$transition_cost() Ct <- Ct[snames, snames] expect_identical(Ct, ECt) # set the starting populations M$reset(populations = c(Well = 1000L, Disabled = 0L, Dead = 0L)) # check that transition costs are accumulated C1 <- M$cycle(hcc.pop = FALSE, hcc.cost = FALSE, hcc.QALY = FALSE) ec.disabled <- 0.2 * 1000.0 expect_identical( round(C1[[which(C1[, "State"] == "Disabled"), "EntryCost"]], 2L), round(ec.disabled, 2L) ) ec.dead <- 0.2 * 250.0 expect_identical( round(C1[[which(C1[, "State"] == "Dead"), "EntryCost"]], 2L), round(ec.dead, 2L) ) # check that entry costs and occupancy costs are added oc.disabled <- 0.2 * 750.0 expect_identical( round(C1[[which(C1[, "State"] == "Disabled"), "Cost"]], 2L), round(oc.disabled + ec.disabled, 2L) ) expect_identical( round(C1[[which(C1[, "State"] == "Dead"), "Cost"]], 2L), round(ec.dead, 2L) ) }) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # tests of resetting the model # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("invalid population vectors are rejected", { # create the model s.well <- MarkovState$new(name = "Well") s.disabled <- MarkovState$new("Disabled") s.dead <- MarkovState$new("Dead") e.ww <- Transition$new(s.well, s.well) e.ss <- Transition$new(s.disabled, s.disabled) e.dd <- Transition$new(s.dead, s.dead) e.ws <- Transition$new(s.well, s.disabled) e.wd <- Transition$new(s.well, s.dead) e.sd <- Transition$new(s.disabled, s.dead) M <- SemiMarkovModel$new( V = list(s.well, s.disabled, s.dead), E = list(e.ww, e.ss, e.dd, e.ws, e.wd, e.sd) ) # check state names expect_setequal(M$get_statenames(), list("Well", "Disabled", "Dead")) # check default population rp <- M$get_populations() expect_identical(unname(rp[[1L]]), 0.0) expect_identical(unname(rp[[2L]]), 0.0) expect_identical(unname(rp[[3L]]), 0.0) # number of elements pop <- c(Well = 10000L, Disabled = 0L) expect_error(M$reset(pop), class = "invalid_populations") # state names pop <- c(Well = 10000.0, Poorly = 0.0, Disabled = 0.0) expect_error(M$reset(pop), class = "invalid_populations") pop <- c(10000L, 0L, 0L) expect_error(M$reset(pop), class = "invalid_populations") # type pop <- c(Well = 10000L, Disabled = "0", Dead = 0L) expect_error(M$reset(pop), class = "invalid_populations") # correct pop <- c(Well = 10000L, Disabled = 0L, Dead = 0L) expect_silent(M$reset(pop)) rp <- M$get_populations() expect_identical(unname(rp[["Well"]]), 10000.0) expect_identical(unname(rp[["Disabled"]]), 0.0) expect_identical(unname(rp[["Dead"]]), 0.0) }) test_that("invalid cycle numbers are rejected", { # create the model s.well <- MarkovState$new(name = "Well") s.disabled <- MarkovState$new("Disabled") s.dead <- MarkovState$new("Dead") e.ww <- Transition$new(s.well, s.well) e.ss <- Transition$new(s.disabled, s.disabled) e.dd <- Transition$new(s.dead, s.dead) e.ws <- Transition$new(s.well, s.disabled) e.wd <- Transition$new(s.well, s.dead) e.sd <- Transition$new(s.disabled, s.dead) M <- SemiMarkovModel$new( V = list(s.well, s.disabled, s.dead), E = list(e.ww, e.ss, e.dd, e.ws, e.wd, e.sd) ) # attempt to reset with illegal cycle numbers expect_error(M$reset(icycle = 2.0), class = "invalid_icycle") expect_error(M$reset(icycle = "2"), class = "invalid_icycle") expect_error(M$reset(icycle = -1L), class = "invalid_icycle") }) test_that("invalid elapsed times are rejected", { # create the model s.well <- MarkovState$new(name = "Well") s.disabled <- MarkovState$new("Disabled") s.dead <- MarkovState$new("Dead") e.ww <- Transition$new(s.well, s.well) e.ss <- Transition$new(s.disabled, s.disabled) e.dd <- Transition$new(s.dead, s.dead) e.ws <- Transition$new(s.well, s.disabled) e.wd <- Transition$new(s.well, s.dead) e.sd <- Transition$new(s.disabled, s.dead) M <- SemiMarkovModel$new( V = list(s.well, s.disabled, s.dead), E = list(e.ww, e.ss, e.dd, e.ws, e.wd, e.sd) ) # attempt to reset with illegal elapsed times expect_error(M$reset(elapsed = 2.0), class = "invalid_elapsed") expect_error(M$reset(elapsed = "2"), class = "invalid_elapsed") expect_error( M$reset(icycle = as.difftime(-1.0, units = "days")), class = "invalid_icycle" ) }) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # tests of model variables # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("model variables are detected", { # example of monotherapy from Chancellor, 1997 # drug costs cAZT <- 2278.0 # zidovudine drug cost cLam <- 2087.0 # lamivudine drug cost # direct medical and community costs (modelled as gamma distributions) dmca <- GammaModVar$new("dmca", "GBP", shape = 1.0, scale = 1701.0) dmcb <- GammaModVar$new("dmcb", "GBP", shape = 1.0, scale = 1774.0) dmcc <- GammaModVar$new("dmcc", "GBP", shape = 1.0, scale = 6948.0) ccca <- GammaModVar$new("ccca", "GBP", shape = 1.0, scale = 1055.0) cccb <- GammaModVar$new("cccb", "GBP", shape = 1.0, scale = 1278.0) cccc <- GammaModVar$new("cccc", "GBP", shape = 1.0, scale = 2059.0) # occupancy costs with monotherapy cAm <- ExprModVar$new("cA", "GBP", rlang::quo(dmca + ccca + cAZT)) cBm <- ExprModVar$new("cB", "GBP", rlang::quo(dmcb + cccb + cAZT)) cCm <- ExprModVar$new("cC", "GBP", rlang::quo(dmcc + cccc + cAZT)) # Markov model # ============ # states (leave all costs as zero initially) sA <- MarkovState$new("A", cost = cAm) sB <- MarkovState$new("B", cost = cBm) sC <- MarkovState$new("C", cost = cCm) sD <- MarkovState$new("D", cost = 0.0, utility = 0.0) # transitions tAA <- Transition$new(sA, sA) tAB <- Transition$new(sA, sB) tAC <- Transition$new(sA, sC) tAD <- Transition$new(sA, sD) tBB <- Transition$new(sB, sB) tBC <- Transition$new(sB, sC) tBD <- Transition$new(sB, sD) tCC <- Transition$new(sC, sC) tCD <- Transition$new(sC, sD) tDD <- Transition$new(sD, sD) # model m <- SemiMarkovModel$new( V = list(sA, sB, sC, sD), E = list(tAA, tAB, tAC, tAD, tBB, tBC, tBD, tCC, tCD, tDD) ) # check modvars mv <- m$modvars() expect_length(mv, 9L) mvt <- m$modvar_table() expect_identical(nrow(mvt), 9L) }) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # tests of cycling # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("low-level population cycling operates as expected", { # create states s.well <- MarkovState$new(name = "Well") s.disabled <- MarkovState$new(name = "Disabled") s.dead <- MarkovState$new(name = "Dead") # use S&B per-cycle transition probabilities and calculate rates snames <- c("Well", "Disabled", "Dead") Pt <- matrix( data = c(0.6, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0, 0.6, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), nrow = 3L, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(source = snames, target = snames) ) # create transitions E <- list( Transition$new(s.well, s.well), Transition$new(s.dead, s.dead), Transition$new(s.disabled, s.disabled), Transition$new(s.well, s.disabled), Transition$new(s.well, s.dead), Transition$new(s.disabled, s.dead) ) # use a subclass to add a test wrapper for method cycle_pop TestSemiMarkovModel <- R6::R6Class( classname = "TestSemiMarkovModel", inherit = SemiMarkovModel, public = list( test_cycle_pop = function() { # get the populations and cycle details prior to cycling pop_pre <- private$smm.pop icycle_pre <- private$smm.icycle elapsed_pre <- private$smm.elapsed # run one low-level cycle n_t <- private$cycle_pop() # reorder the probability matrix with revised state names snames <- self$get_statenames() lpt <- Pt[snames, snames, drop = FALSE] # check that the populations and cycle details have updated epop <- drop(pop_pre %*% lpt) expect_identical(private$smm.pop, epop) expect_identical(private$smm.icycle, icycle_pre + 1L) expect_identical(private$smm.elapsed, elapsed_pre + private$smm.tcycle) # return the transition count return(n_t) } ) ) # create the model m <- TestSemiMarkovModel$new(V = list(s.well, s.disabled, s.dead), E) m$set_probabilities(Pt) m$reset(c(Well = 10000.0, Disabled = 0.0, Dead = 0.0)) expect_identical(m$get_cycle(), 0L) # run one low-level population cycle and check against expected populations n_t <- m$test_cycle_pop() expect_identical(m$get_cycle(), 1L) expect_true(is.matrix(n_t)) expect_identical(nrow(n_t), 3L) expect_identical(ncol(n_t), 3L) expect_setequal(rownames(n_t), snames) expect_setequal(colnames(n_t), snames) expect_intol(n_t[["Well", "Disabled"]], 2000.0, tolerance = 1.0) # run one more cycle (to 2 years) n_t <- m$test_cycle_pop() expect_identical(m$get_cycle(), 2L) expect_intol(n_t[["Well", "Disabled"]], 1200.0, tolerance = 1.0) expect_intol(n_t[["Disabled", "Dead"]], 800.0, tolerance = 1.0) pop <- m$get_populations() expect_identical(round(pop[["Well"]]), 3600.0) expect_identical(round(pop[["Disabled"]]), 2400.0) expect_identical(round(pop[["Dead"]]), 4000.0) # run 23 more cycles for (i in 1L : 23L) { m$test_cycle_pop() } expect_identical(m$get_cycle(), 25L) expect_identical(m$get_elapsed(), as.difftime(25.0 * 365.25, units = "days")) }) test_that("model is cyclable", { # create states s_well <- MarkovState$new(name = "Well") s_disabled <- MarkovState$new(name = "Disabled") s_dead <- MarkovState$new(name = "Dead") # create transitions e <- list( Transition$new(s_well, s_well), Transition$new(s_dead, s_dead), Transition$new(s_disabled, s_disabled), Transition$new(s_well, s_disabled), Transition$new(s_well, s_dead), Transition$new(s_disabled, s_dead) ) # detect illegal parameters to cycle() expect_error( SemiMarkovModel$new( V = list(s_well, s_disabled, s_dead), E = e, tcycle = 42L ), class = "invalid_tcycle" ) # create the model m <- SemiMarkovModel$new(V = list(s_well, s_disabled, s_dead), E = e) # check cycle time dt <- m$get_tcycle() expect_s3_class(dt, "difftime") expect_identical(dt, as.difftime(365.25, units = "days")) # set utilities s_disabled$set_utility(0.7) s_dead$set_utility(0.0) # use S&B per-cycle transition probabilities and calculate rates snames <- c("Well", "Disabled", "Dead") pt <- matrix( data = c(0.6, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0, 0.6, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), nrow = 3L, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(source = snames, target = snames) ) m$set_probabilities(pt) pto <- m$transition_probabilities() # test illegal arguments to cycle expect_error(m$cycle(hcc.pop = 3.0), class = "invalid_hcc") expect_error(m$cycle(hcc.cost = 3.0), class = "invalid_hcc") # run one cycle with cycle() m$reset(populations = c(Well = 10000L, Disabled = 0L, Dead = 0L)) df <- m$cycle(hcc.pop = FALSE, hcc.cost = FALSE, hcc.QALY = FALSE) expect_identical(m$get_elapsed(), as.difftime(365.25, units = "days")) expect_s3_class(df, "data.frame") expect_setequal( names(df), c("State", "Cycle", "Time", "Population", "EntryCost", "OccCost", "Cost", "QALY") ) expect_identical(nrow(df), 3L) with(data = df, expr = { expect_setequal(State, c("Well", "Disabled", "Dead")) expect_identical(Population[[which(State == "Well")]], 6000.0) expect_identical(Population[[which(State == "Disabled")]], 2000.0) expect_identical(Population[[which(State == "Dead")]], 2000.0) expect_identical(QALY[[which(State == "Well")]], 0.6) expect_intol(QALY[[which(State == "Disabled")]], 0.2 * 0.7, tol = 0.01) expect_identical(QALY[[which(State == "Dead")]], 0.0) }) # run one cycle with cycles() m$reset(populations = c(Well = 10000L, Disabled = 0L, Dead = 0L)) mt <- m$cycles( ncycles = 1L, hcc.pop = FALSE, hcc.cost = FALSE, hcc.QALY = FALSE ) with(data = mt, expr = { expect_identical(Well[[which(Cycle == 1L)]], 6000.0) expect_identical(Disabled[[which(Cycle == 1L)]], 2000.0) expect_identical(Dead[[which(Cycle == 1L)]], 2000.0) expect_intol(QALY[[which(Cycle == 1L)]], 0.6 + 0.2 * 0.7, tol = 0.01) }) # run a further 23 cycles mt <- m$cycles( ncycles = 23L, hcc.pop = FALSE, hcc.cost = FALSE, hcc.QALY = FALSE ) with(data = mt, expr = { expect_intol(Well[[which(Cycle == 24L)]], 0.0, tol = 1.0) expect_intol(Disabled[[which(Cycle == 24L)]], 0.0, tol = 1.0) expect_intol(Dead[[which(Cycle == 24L)]], 10000.0, tol = 1.0) }) # reset and run all cycles in one call m$reset(populations = c(Well = 10000L, Disabled = 0L, Dead = 0L)) mt <- m$cycles( ncycles = 24L, hcc.pop = FALSE, hcc.cost = FALSE, hcc.QALY = FALSE ) with(data = mt, expr = { expect_intol(sum(QALY), 2.3752, tol = 0.0005) }) # check half cycle correction for population, costs and utilities, including # comparing with S&B's estimated QALY gain with HCC after 24 cycles cdis <- 2000.0 s_disabled$set_cost(cdis) m$reset(populations = c(Well = 10000L, Disabled = 0L, Dead = 0L)) mt <- m$cycles( ncycles = 24L, hcc.pop = TRUE, hcc.cost = TRUE, hcc.QALY = TRUE ) mt[, "cQALY"] <- cumsum(mt[, "QALY"]) with(data = mt, expr = { expect_intol(Well[[which(Cycle == 1L)]], 8000.0, tol = 1.0) expect_intol(Disabled[[which(Cycle == 1L)]], 1000.0, tol = 1.0) expect_intol(Dead[[which(Cycle == 1L)]], 1000.0, tol = 1.0) expect_intol(Cost[[which(Cycle == 1L)]], cdis * 1000.0 / 10000.0, tol = 1.0) expect_intol(cQALY[[which(Cycle == 24L)]], 2.875, tol = 0.01) }) }) # cycling with utilities > 1 test_that("utilities > 1 are supported via model variables", { cv <- ConstModVar$new(description = "", units = "", const = 2.0) a <- MarkovState$new(name = "A", cost = 0.0, utility = 0.9) b <- MarkovState$new(name = "B", cost = 0.0, utility = 0.8) c <- MarkovState$new(name = "C", cost = 0.0, utility = cv) aa <- Transition$new(source = a, target = a, cost = 0.0) ab <- Transition$new(source = a, target = b, cost = 0.0) ac <- Transition$new(source = a, target = c, cost = 0.0) bb <- Transition$new(source = b, target = b, cost = 0.0) cc <- Transition$new(source = c, target = c, cost = 0.0) m <- SemiMarkovModel$new(V = list(a, b, c), E = list(aa, ab, ac, bb, cc)) pt <- matrix( data = c(NA, 0.2, 0.1, 0.0, NA, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, NA), nrow = 3L, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(source = c("A", "B", "C"), target = c("A", "B", "C")) ) m$set_probabilities(pt) m$reset(populations = c(A = 1000L, B = 0L, C = 0L)) tr <- m$cycle(hcc.pop = FALSE, hcc.cost = FALSE, hcc.QALY = FALSE) expect_intol( tr[[which(tr[, "State"] == "C" & tr[, "Cycle"] == 1L), "QALY"]], (1000.0 * 0.1 * 2.0) / 1000.0, 0.01 ) })