# ensure suggested packages needed for testing are loaded requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE) # tests of graph creation test_that("incorrect node and edge types are rejected", { n1 <- Node$new() n2 <- Node$new() e1 <- Edge$new(n1, n2) # expect_error(Graph$new(n1, list(e1)), class = "invalid_vertexes") expect_error(Graph$new(list(n1, n2), e1), class = "invalid_edges") expect_error(Graph$new(list(n1, 42L), list(e1)), class = "invalid_vertexes") expect_error(Graph$new(list(n1, n2), list(e1, 42L)), class = "invalid_edges") expect_error( Graph$new(V = list(n1, n1), E = list(e1)), class = "invalid_vertexes" ) expect_error( Graph$new(V = list(n1, n2), E = list(e1, e1)), class = "invalid_edges" ) # n3 <- Node$new() e2 <- Edge$new(n1, n3) expect_error( Graph$new(V = list(n1, n2), E = list(e1, e2)), class = "invalid_edges" ) # n1 <- Node$new("n1") n2 <- Node$new("n1") n3 <- Node$new() e1 <- Edge$new(n1, n2, "e1") expect_silent(Graph$new(V = list(n1, n2), E = list(e1))) expect_silent(Graph$new(V = list(n1, n2, n3), E = list(e1))) # n1 <- Node$new("n1") n2 <- Node$new("n2") e1 <- Edge$new(n1, n2, "e1") e2 <- Edge$new(n2, n1, "e1") e3 <- Edge$new(n1, n2) expect_silent(Graph$new(V = list(n1, n2), E = list(e1, e2))) expect_silent(Graph$new(V = list(n1, n2), E = list(e1, e2, e3))) }) # tests of simple graph properties test_that("basic graph properties are set and got", { # n1 <- Node$new() n2 <- Node$new() e1 <- Edge$new(n1, n2) # empty graph V <- list() E <- list() G <- Graph$new(V, E) expect_identical(G$order(), 0L) expect_identical(G$size(), 0L) expect_length(G$vertex_along(), 0L) expect_length(G$edge_along(), 0L) # a graph with 2 nodes and an edge V <- list(n1, n2) E <- list(e1) G <- Graph$new(V, E) expect_identical(G$order(), length(V)) expect_identical(G$size(), length(E)) expect_length(G$vertex_along(), 2L) expect_length(G$edge_along(), 1L) # a graph with one node V <- list(n1) E <- list() G <- Graph$new(V, E) expect_identical(G$order(), 1L) expect_identical(G$size(), 0L) expect_length(G$vertex_along(), 1L) expect_length(G$edge_along(), 0L) }) # tests of vertex and edge properties test_that("vertex and edge properties are set and got", { # create graph n1 <- Node$new() n2 <- Node$new() n3 <- Node$new() e1 <- Edge$new(n1, n2, label = "e1") e2 <- Edge$new(n1, n3) G <- Graph$new(V = list(n1, n2), E = list(e1)) # check that valid vertices in the graph are identified expect_false(G$has_vertex(42L)) expect_true(G$has_vertex(n1)) expect_true(G$has_vertex(n2)) expect_false(G$has_vertex(n3)) # check that valid edges in the graph are identified expect_false(G$has_edge(42L)) expect_true(G$has_edge(e1)) # tests of vertex indices in1 <- G$vertex_index(n1) expect_identical(G$vertex_at(in1), n1) in2 <- G$vertex_index(n2) expect_identical(G$vertex_at(in2), n2) in3 <- G$vertex_index(n3) expect_true(is.na(in3)) expect_error(G$vertex_at(in3), class = "invalid_index") expect_error(G$vertex_at(42L), class = "invalid_index") expect_error(G$vertex_at("42"), class = "invalid_index") expect_length(G$vertex_along(), 2L) # tests of edge indexes ie1 <- G$edge_index(e1) expect_identical(G$edge_at(ie1), e1) ie2 <- G$edge_index(e2) expect_true(is.na(ie2)) ie3 <- G$edge_index(42L) expect_true(is.na(ie3)) expect_length(G$edge_index(list()), 0L) # test of finding edges, given index expect_error(G$edge_at(42L), class = "invalid_index") expect_error(G$edge_at("42"), class = "invalid_index") expect_error(G$edge_at(ie2), class = "invalid_index") expect_error(G$edge_at(-1L, class = "invalid_index")) # tests of degree function expect_error(G$degree(42L), class = "invalid_vertex") expect_error(G$degree(n3), class = "invalid_vertex") expect_error(G$degree(e1), class = "invalid_vertex") expect_identical(G$degree(n1), 1L) }) # tests of node and edge indexes in vector mode test_that("vectorized node and edge indexes are as expected", { # create graph n1 <- Node$new() n2 <- Node$new() n3 <- Node$new() e1 <- Edge$new(n1, n2, label = "e1") e2 <- Edge$new(n1, n3) G <- Graph$new(V = list(n1, n2, n3), E = list(e1, e2)) # vertexes v <- G$vertexes() expect_r6_setequal(v, list(n1, n2, n3)) # vertex indexes in1 <- G$vertex_index(n1) in2 <- G$vertex_index(n2) in3 <- G$vertex_index(n3) expect_identical(G$vertex_index(list(n1, n2, n3)), c(in1, in2, in3)) expect_identical(G$vertex_index(list(n1, 42L)), c(in1, NA_integer_)) expect_identical(G$vertex_index(G$vertexes()), G$vertex_along()) # vertexes at given indexes expect_length(G$vertex_at(vector(mode = "integer", length = 0L)), 0L) expect_identical(G$vertex_at(c(in1, in2)), c(n1, n2)) expect_identical(G$vertex_at(c(in2, in1)), c(n2, n1)) expect_identical(G$vertex_at(list(in1, in2)), c(n1, n2)) expect_identical(G$vertex_at(list(in1, in1)), c(n1, n1)) expect_r6_setequal(G$vertex_at(c(in1, in2, in3)), list(n1, n2, n3)) expect_error(G$vertex_at(c(in1, NA_integer_)), class = "invalid_index") expect_error(G$vertex_at(c(in1, G$order() + 1L)), class = "invalid_index") # test vertex_at with single index forced to a list expect_false(is.list(G$vertex_at(in1))) expect_identical(G$vertex_at(in1), n1) expect_type(G$vertex_at(in1, as_list = TRUE), "list") expect_identical(G$vertex_at(in1, as_list = TRUE), list(n1)) # vertex existence expect_identical(G$has_vertex(list(n1, n2)), c(TRUE, TRUE)) expect_identical(G$has_vertex(list(n1, n1, n2)), c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)) expect_identical(G$has_vertex(list(n1, n2, 42L)), c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)) # edges e <- G$edges() expect_r6_setequal(e, list(e1, e2)) # edge indexes ie1 <- G$edge_index(e1) ie2 <- G$edge_index(e2) expect_identical(G$edge_index(list(e1, e2)), c(ie1, ie2)) expect_identical(G$edge_index(list(e1, 42L)), c(ie1, NA_integer_)) expect_identical(G$edge_index(G$edges()), G$edge_along()) # edges at given indexes expect_length(G$edge_at(vector(mode = "integer", length = 0L)), 0L) expect_identical(G$edge_at(c(ie1, ie2)), c(e1, e2)) expect_identical(G$edge_at(c(ie2, ie1)), c(e2, e1)) expect_identical(G$edge_at(list(ie1, ie2)), c(e1, e2)) expect_identical(G$edge_at(list(ie1, ie1)), c(e1, e1)) expect_error(G$edge_at(c(ie1, NA_integer_)), class = "invalid_index") expect_error(G$edge_at(c(ie1, G$size() + 1L)), class = "invalid_index") # test edge_at with single index forced to a list expect_false(is.list(G$edge_at(ie1))) expect_identical(G$edge_at(ie1), e1) expect_type(G$edge_at(ie1, as_list = TRUE), "list") expect_identical(G$edge_at(ie1, as_list = TRUE), list(e1)) # edge existence expect_identical(G$has_edge(list(e1, e2)), c(TRUE, TRUE)) expect_identical(G$has_edge(list(e1, e1, e2)), c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)) expect_identical(G$has_edge(list(e1, e2, 42L)), c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)) }) # tests of node and edge labels test_that("node and edge label indexes are as expected", { # create graph n1 <- Node$new() n2 <- Node$new(label = "n2") n3 <- Node$new(label = "n3") e1 <- Edge$new(n1, n2, label = "e1") e2 <- Edge$new(n1, n3) G <- Graph$new(V = list(n1, n2, n3), E = list(e1, e2)) # indexes in1 <- G$vertex_index(n1) in2 <- G$vertex_index(n2) in3 <- G$vertex_index(n3) ie1 <- G$edge_index(e1) ie2 <- G$edge_index(e2) # tests of edge labels expect_identical(e1$label(), "e1") expect_identical(e2$label(), "") expect_identical(G$edge_label(ie1), "e1") expect_identical(G$edge_label(ie2), "") expect_error(G$edge_label(42L), class = "invalid_index") expect_identical(G$edge_label(c(ie1, ie2)), c("e1", "")) expect_error(G$edge_label(c(ie1, as.numeric(ie2))), class = "invalid_index") expect_identical(G$edge_label(list(ie1, ie2)), c("e1", "")) # tests of vertex labels expect_identical(n1$label(), "") expect_identical(n2$label(), "n2") expect_identical(n3$label(), "n3") expect_identical(G$vertex_label(in1), "") expect_identical(G$vertex_label(in2), "n2") expect_identical(G$vertex_label(in3), "n3") expect_error(G$vertex_label(42L), class = "invalid_index") expect_identical(G$vertex_label(c(in1, in2)), c("", "n2")) expect_error(G$vertex_label(c(in1, as.numeric(in2))), class = "invalid_index") expect_identical(G$vertex_label(list(in1, in2, in3)), c("", "n2", "n3")) }) # tests of adjacency matrix test_that("adjacency matrix has correct properties", { # empty graph G <- Graph$new(V = list(), E = list()) expect_error(G$graph_adjacency_matrix(42L), class = "non-logical_boolean") A <- G$graph_adjacency_matrix() expect_true(is.matrix(A)) expect_identical(nrow(A), 0L) expect_identical(ncol(A), 0L) # trivial graph n1 <- Node$new() G <- Graph$new(V = list(n1), E = list()) A <- G$graph_adjacency_matrix() expect_true(is.matrix(A)) expect_identical(nrow(A), 1L) expect_identical(ncol(A), 1L) expect_identical(A[[1L, 1L]], 0L) # graph with some labelled nodes should have indices as labels n1 <- Node$new("n1") n2 <- Node$new() e1 <- Edge$new(n1, n2) G <- Graph$new(V = list(n1, n2), E = list(e1)) A <- G$graph_adjacency_matrix() dn <- dimnames(A) expect_setequal(names(dn), c("out.node", "in.node")) expect_setequal(dn$out.node, as.character(G$vertex_along())) expect_setequal(dn$in.node, as.character(G$vertex_along())) # graph with all nodes named should have node names as labels n1 <- Node$new("n1") n2 <- Node$new("n2") e1 <- Edge$new(n1, n2) G <- Graph$new(V = list(n1, n2), E = list(e1)) A <- G$graph_adjacency_matrix() dn <- dimnames(A) expect_setequal(names(dn), c("out.node", "in.node")) expect_setequal(dn$out.node, c("n1", "n2")) expect_setequal(dn$in.node, c("n1", "n2")) expect_identical(sum(A - matrix(c(0L, 1L, 0L, 1L), nrow = 2L)), 0L) # binary n1 <- Node$new("n1") n2 <- Node$new("n2") e1 <- Edge$new(n1, n2) e2 <- Edge$new(n1, n1) G <- Graph$new(V = list(n1, n2), E = list(e1, e2)) A <- G$graph_adjacency_matrix(boolean = FALSE) expect_identical(A[["n1", "n1"]], 2L) A <- G$graph_adjacency_matrix(boolean = TRUE) expect_true(A[["n1", "n1"]]) }) # tests of graph algorithms test_that("simple and non-simple graphs are detected", { n1 <- Node$new() n2 <- Node$new() e1 <- Edge$new(n1, n2) # G <- Graph$new(V = list(n1, n2), E = list(e1)) expect_true(G$is_simple()) # e2 <- Edge$new(n1, n1) G <- Graph$new(V = list(n1, n2), E = list(e1, e2)) expect_false(G$is_simple()) # e2 <- Edge$new(n2, n1) G <- Graph$new(V = list(n1, n2), E = list(e1, e2)) expect_false(G$is_simple()) }) test_that("connected and non-connected graphs are identified", { # G <- Graph$new(V = list(), E = list()) expect_false(G$is_connected()) # n1 <- Node$new() G <- Graph$new(V = list(n1), E = list()) expect_true(G$is_connected()) e1 <- Edge$new(n1, n1) G <- Graph$new(V = list(n1), E = list(e1)) expect_true(G$is_connected()) # n1 <- Node$new() n2 <- Node$new() n3 <- Node$new() e1 <- Edge$new(n1, n2) e2 <- Edge$new(n3, n3) G <- Graph$new(V = list(n1, n2, n3), E = list(e1, e2)) expect_false(G$is_connected()) # n1 <- Node$new() n2 <- Node$new() n3 <- Node$new() e1 <- Edge$new(n1, n2) e2 <- Edge$new(n1, n3) G <- Graph$new(V = list(n2, n3, n1), E = list(e1, e2)) expect_true(G$is_connected()) }) test_that("cyclic and acyclic graphs are identified", { # G <- Graph$new(V = list(), E = list()) expect_true(G$is_simple()) expect_true(G$is_acyclic()) # n1 <- Node$new() G <- Graph$new(V = list(n1), E = list()) expect_true(G$is_acyclic()) # n1 <- Node$new() e1 <- Edge$new(n1, n1) G <- Graph$new(V = list(n1), E = list(e1)) expect_false(G$is_acyclic()) # n0 <- Node$new("0") n1 <- Node$new("1") n2 <- Node$new("2") n3 <- Node$new("3") e1 <- Edge$new(n0, n1) e2 <- Edge$new(n1, n2) e3 <- Edge$new(n2, n3) # G <- Graph$new(V = list(n0, n1, n2, n3), E = list(e1, e2, e3)) expect_true(G$is_acyclic()) # e4 <- Edge$new(n0, n2) G <- Graph$new(V = list(n0, n1, n2, n3), E = list(e1, e2, e3, e4)) expect_false(G$is_acyclic()) }) # Published examples test_that("Fig 1.1.1 from Gross & Yellen (2013)", { # the graph u <- Node$new("u") v <- Node$new("v") w <- Node$new("w") x <- Node$new("x") a <- Edge$new(u, v, "a") b <- Edge$new(v, u, "b") c <- Edge$new(x, x, "c") d <- Edge$new(x, w, "d") e <- Edge$new(x, v, "e") f <- Edge$new(w, v, "f") G <- Graph$new(V = list(u, v, w, x), E = list(a, b, c, d, e, f)) # counts expect_identical(G$order(), 4L) expect_identical(G$size(), 6L) expect_identical(G$degree(u), 2L) expect_identical(G$degree(v), 4L) expect_identical(G$degree(w), 2L) expect_identical(G$degree(x), 4L) # adjacency, noting that nodes may not be in the same order as supplied nodenames <- c("u", "v", "w", "x") EA <- matrix( data = c( 0L, 2L, 0L, 0L, 2L, 0L, 1L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 1L, 2L ), nrow = 4L, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(out.node = nodenames, in.node = nodenames) ) A <- G$graph_adjacency_matrix() A <- A[nodenames, nodenames] expect_identical(A, EA) # neighbours XX <- Node$new("XX") expect_error(G$neighbours(XX), class = "invalid_argument") expect_r6_setequal(G$neighbours(u), list(v)) expect_r6_setequal(G$neighbours(v), list(u, w, x)) expect_r6_setequal(G$neighbours(w), list(v, x)) expect_r6_setequal(G$neighbours(x), list(v, w)) expect_error(G$neighbours(list(u, v)), class = "invalid_argument") # connected expect_true(G$is_connected()) # cycle expect_false(G$is_acyclic()) # tree expect_false(G$is_tree()) }) test_that("Fig 1.1.1 from Gross & Yellen (2013) is drawn correctly", { # the graph u <- Node$new("u") v <- Node$new("v") w <- Node$new("w") x <- Node$new("x") a <- Edge$new(u, v, "a") b <- Edge$new(v, u, "b") c <- Edge$new(x, x, "c") d <- Edge$new(x, w, "d") e <- Edge$new(x, v, "e") f <- Edge$new(w, v, "f") G <- Graph$new(V = list(u, v, w, x), E = list(a, b, c, d, e, f)) # draw it as a GraphViz dot stream expect_silent(G$as_DOT()) # draw it as a GML stream and check its properties with igraph gmlfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".gml") gml <- G$as_gml() writeLines(gml, con = gmlfile) ig <- igraph::read_graph(gmlfile, format = "gml") expect_identical(as.integer(igraph::gorder(ig)), 4L) expect_identical(as.integer(igraph::gsize(ig)), 6L) vlabels <- igraph::vertex_attr(ig, name = "label") expect_setequal(vlabels, c("u", "v", "w", "x")) elabels <- igraph::edge_attr(ig, name = "label") expect_setequal(elabels, c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f")) expect_false(igraph::is_simple(ig)) expect_false(igraph::is_dag(ig)) })