# ensure suggested packages needed for testing are loaded requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE) # tests of digraph creation test_that("incorrect node and edge types are rejected", { n1 <- Node$new() n2 <- Node$new() a1 <- Arrow$new(n1, n2) expect_error(Digraph$new(n1, list(a1)), class = "invalid_vertexes") expect_error(Digraph$new(list(n1, n2), a1), class = "invalid_edges") expect_error(Digraph$new(list(n1, 42L), list(a1)), class = "invalid_vertexes") expect_error( Digraph$new(list(n1, n2), list(a1, 42L)), class = "invalid_edges" ) }) # tests of simple digraph properties test_that("order and size are correct", { # n1 <- Node$new() n2 <- Node$new() a1 <- Arrow$new(n1, n2) # V <- list(n1, n2) A <- list(a1) G <- Digraph$new(V, A) expect_identical(G$order(), length(V)) expect_identical(G$size(), length(A)) # V <- list(n1) A <- list() G <- Digraph$new(V, A) expect_identical(G$order(), 1L) expect_identical(G$size(), 0L) }) test_that("connectedness of underlying graph is correct", { # three nodes and two edges n1 <- Node$new() n2 <- Node$new() n3 <- Node$new() e1 <- Arrow$new(n1, n2) e2 <- Arrow$new(n1, n3) G <- Digraph$new(V = list(n1, n2, n3), A = list(e1, e2)) expect_false(G$is_connected()) expect_true(G$is_weakly_connected()) # same, but specified in different order G <- Digraph$new(V = list(n2, n3, n1), A = list(e1, e2)) expect_false(G$is_connected()) expect_true(G$is_weakly_connected()) }) # tests of adjacency and incidence matrix test_that("adjacency matrix has correct properties", { # empty graph G <- Digraph$new(V = list(), A = list()) expect_error(G$digraph_adjacency_matrix(42L), class = "non-logical_boolean") A <- G$digraph_adjacency_matrix() expect_true(is.matrix(A)) expect_identical(nrow(A), 0L) expect_identical(ncol(A), 0L) # trivial graph n1 <- Node$new() G <- Digraph$new(V = list(n1), A = list()) A <- G$digraph_adjacency_matrix() expect_true(is.matrix(A)) expect_identical(nrow(A), 1L) expect_identical(ncol(A), 1L) expect_identical(A[[1L, 1L]], 0L) # named nodes n1 <- Node$new("n1") n2 <- Node$new() e1 <- Arrow$new(n1, n2) G <- Digraph$new(V = list(n1, n2), A = list(e1)) A <- G$digraph_adjacency_matrix() expect_null(dimnames(A)) n1 <- Node$new("n1") n2 <- Node$new("n2") e1 <- Arrow$new(n1, n2) G <- Digraph$new(V = list(n1, n2), A = list(e1)) A <- G$digraph_adjacency_matrix() dn <- dimnames(A) expect_setequal(names(dn), c("out.node", "in.node")) expect_setequal(dn$out.node, c("n1", "n2")) expect_setequal(dn$in.node, c("n1", "n2")) expect_identical( sum(A - matrix(c(0L, 1L, 0L, 0L), nrow = 2L, byrow = TRUE)), 0L ) # self loops and double self loops n1 <- Node$new("n1") n2 <- Node$new("n2") ea <- Arrow$new(n1, n1, "a") eb <- Arrow$new(n1, n2, "b") ec <- Arrow$new(n2, n2, "c") ed <- Arrow$new(n2, n2, "d") G <- Digraph$new(V = list(n1, n2), A = list(ea, eb, ec, ed)) A <- G$digraph_adjacency_matrix(boolean = FALSE) expect_identical( sum(A - matrix(c(1L, 1L, 0L, 2L), nrow = 2L, byrow = TRUE)), 0L ) # boolean n1 <- Node$new("n1") n2 <- Node$new("n2") e1 <- Arrow$new(n1, n2) e2 <- Arrow$new(n1, n2) e3 <- Arrow$new(n1, n1) G <- Digraph$new(V = list(n1, n2), A = list(e1, e2, e3)) A <- G$digraph_adjacency_matrix(boolean = FALSE) expect_identical(A[["n1", "n1"]], 1L) expect_identical(A[["n1", "n2"]], 2L) A <- G$digraph_adjacency_matrix(boolean = TRUE) expect_true(A[["n1", "n1"]]) expect_true(A[["n1", "n2"]]) }) test_that("incidence matrix has correct properties", { # named nodes n1 <- Node$new("n1") n2 <- Node$new() e1 <- Arrow$new(n1, n2) G <- Digraph$new(V = list(n1, n2), A = list(e1)) B <- G$digraph_incidence_matrix() expect_null(dimnames(B)) # two nodes linked by two edges n1 <- Node$new("n1") n2 <- Node$new("n2") ea <- Arrow$new(n1, n2, "a") eb <- Arrow$new(n1, n2, "b") G <- Digraph$new(V = list(n1, n2), A = list(ea, eb)) B <- G$digraph_incidence_matrix() dn <- dimnames(B) expect_setequal(names(dn), c("vertex", "edge")) expect_setequal(dn$vertex, c("n1", "n2")) expect_setequal(dn$edge, c("a", "b")) expect_identical( sum(B - matrix(c(-1L, 1L, 1L, -1L), nrow = 2L, byrow = TRUE)), 0L ) # two nodes and two edges with self loops n1 <- Node$new("n1") n2 <- Node$new("n2") ea <- Arrow$new(n1, n1, "a") eb <- Arrow$new(n1, n2, "b") ec <- Arrow$new(n2, n2, "c") G <- Digraph$new(V = list(n1, n2), A = list(ea, eb, ec)) B <- G$digraph_incidence_matrix() dn <- dimnames(B) expect_setequal(names(dn), c("vertex", "edge")) expect_setequal(dn$vertex, c("n1", "n2")) expect_setequal(dn$edge, c("a", "b", "c")) expect_identical( sum(B - matrix(c(0L, 1L, 0L, 0L, -1L, 0L), nrow = 2L, byrow = TRUE)), 0L ) }) test_that("arborescences are detected", { # out tree (single root) n1 <- Node$new() n2 <- Node$new() n3 <- Node$new() e1 <- Arrow$new(n1, n2) e2 <- Arrow$new(n1, n3) G <- Digraph$new(V = list(n1, n2, n3), A = list(e1, e2)) expect_true(G$is_arborescence()) # in tree (2 roots) e1 <- Arrow$new(n2, n1) e2 <- Arrow$new(n3, n1) G <- Digraph$new(V = list(n1, n2, n3), A = list(e1, e2)) expect_false(G$is_arborescence()) # tree with one root and 3 branches n4 <- Node$new() e1 <- Arrow$new(n2, n1) e2 <- Arrow$new(n2, n3) e3 <- Arrow$new(n2, n4) G <- Digraph$new(V = list(n1, n2, n3, n4), A = list(e1, e2, e3)) expect_true(G$is_arborescence()) # tree with two roots n4 <- Node$new() e1 <- Arrow$new(n1, n2) e2 <- Arrow$new(n3, n2) e3 <- Arrow$new(n2, n4) G <- Digraph$new(V = list(n1, n2, n3, n4), A = list(e1, e2, e3)) expect_false(G$is_arborescence()) }) # tests of topological sorting # (https://www.cs.hmc.edu/~keller/courses/cs60/s98/examples/acyclic/) test_that("topological sorting is correct", { # attempt to sort an empty graph g <- Digraph$new(V = list(), A = list()) l <- g$topological_sort() expect_length(l, 0L) # non-trivial DAG with one sort order n1 <- Node$new("1") n2 <- Node$new("2") n3 <- Node$new("3") n4 <- Node$new("4") n5 <- Node$new("5") n6 <- Node$new("6") e1 <- Arrow$new(n1, n2) e2 <- Arrow$new(n2, n3) e3 <- Arrow$new(n2, n4) e4 <- Arrow$new(n4, n6) e5 <- Arrow$new(n4, n5) e6 <- Arrow$new(n5, n6) e7 <- Arrow$new(n6, n3) V <- list(n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6) A <- list(e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7) G <- Digraph$new(V, A) L <- G$topological_sort() expect_identical(L, list(n1, n2, n4, n5, n6, n3)) # same graph with e4 reversed, making a cycle e4 <- Arrow$new(n6, n4) A <- list(e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7) G <- Digraph$new(V, A) L <- G$topological_sort() expect_false(length(L) == length(V)) }) # tests of directed paths test_that("all paths in a 4-node graph with cycle are discovered", { # https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/find-paths-given-source-destination/ n0 <- Node$new("0") n1 <- Node$new("1") n2 <- Node$new("2") n3 <- Node$new("3") ea <- Arrow$new(n0, n2) eb <- Arrow$new(n2, n0) ec <- Arrow$new(n0, n1) ed <- Arrow$new(n0, n3) ee <- Arrow$new(n2, n1) ef <- Arrow$new(n1, n3) G <- Digraph$new(V = list(n0, n1, n2, n3), A = list(ea, eb, ec, ed, ee, ef)) # test paths and walks nX <- Node$new("X") expect_error(G$paths(nX, n3), class = "not_in_graph") expect_error(G$paths(n2, nX), class = "not_in_graph") P <- list() expect_error(G$walk(P), class = "invalid_argument") P <- list(n0) expect_error(G$walk(P), class = "invalid_argument") P <- list(n0, n1, nX) expect_error(G$walk(P), class = "not_in_graph") P <- list(n2, n3) expect_error(G$walk(P), class = "missing_edge") # test that all paths are found P <- G$paths(n2, n3) expect_length(P, 3L) PE <- list(c(n2, n1, n3), c(n2, n0, n3), c(n2, n0, n1, n3)) nmatch <- 0L for (p in P) { for (pe in PE) { if (r6_setequal(p, pe)) nmatch <- nmatch + 1L } } expect_identical(nmatch, 3L) # check that walks for one path in edge and index form are as expected p <- list(n2, n1, n3) w <- G$walk(p) expect_length(w, 2L) expect_r6_setequal(w, list(ee, ef)) w <- G$walk(p, what = "index") expect_length(w, 2L) expect_setequal(w, list(G$edge_index(ee), G$edge_index(ef))) expect_error(G$walk(p, "42"), class = "invalid_argument") }) # example (Wikipedia Directed Graph page, "Basic Terminology" example # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Directed_graph test_that("example of 4 node digraph with cycle has correct properties", { # construct graph a <- Node$new("a") b <- Node$new("b") c <- Node$new("c") d <- Node$new("d") a1 <- Arrow$new(a, b) a2 <- Arrow$new(b, c) a3 <- Arrow$new(c, a) a4 <- Arrow$new(a, d) V <- list(a, b, c, d) A <- list(a1, a2, a3, a4) G <- Digraph$new(V, A) # check graph dimensions expect_identical(G$order(), 4L) expect_identical(G$size(), 4L) # check direct successors expect_error(G$direct_successors(42L), class = "invalid_argument") expect_error(G$direct_successors(list(a, c)), class = "invalid_argument") e <- Node$new("e") expect_error(G$direct_successors(e), class = "invalid_argument") expect_r6_setequal(G$direct_successors(a), list(b, d)) expect_r6_setequal(G$direct_successors(c), list(a)) expect_length(G$direct_successors(d), 0L) expect_identical(G$direct_successors(d), list()) expect_length(G$direct_successors(b), 1L) expect_identical(G$direct_successors(b), list(c)) # # test of target() function expect_error(G$arrow_target(42L), class = "not_in_graph") expect_error(G$arrow_target(a), class = "not_in_graph") a5 <- Arrow$new(b, d) expect_true(is_Arrow(a5)) expect_error(G$arrow_target(a5), class = "not_in_graph") expect_true(G$has_edge(a1)) expect_identical(G$arrow_target(a1), G$vertex_index(b)) expect_identical(G$arrow_target(a2), G$vertex_index(c)) expect_identical(G$arrow_target(a4), G$vertex_index(d)) # check direct predecessors expect_error(G$direct_predecessors(42L), class = "invalid_argument") expect_error(G$direct_predecessors(e), class = "invalid_argument") expect_error(G$direct_predecessors(list(a, c)), class = "invalid_argument") expect_r6_setequal(G$direct_predecessors(a), list(c)) expect_r6_setequal(G$direct_predecessors(c), list(b)) expect_r6_setequal(G$direct_predecessors(d), list(a)) expect_length(G$direct_predecessors(d), 1L) expect_identical(G$direct_predecessors(d), list(a)) # # test of source() function expect_error(G$arrow_source(42L), class = "not_in_graph") expect_error(G$arrow_source(a), class = "not_in_graph") a5 <- Arrow$new(b, d) expect_true(is_Arrow(a5)) expect_error(G$arrow_source(a5), class = "not_in_graph") expect_true(G$has_edge(a1)) expect_identical(G$arrow_source(a1), G$vertex_index(a)) expect_identical(G$arrow_source(a2), G$vertex_index(b)) expect_identical(G$arrow_source(a4), G$vertex_index(a)) # expect_false(G$is_acyclic()) }) # create DOT representation of a graph (Sonnenberg & Beck, 1993, Fig 3) test_that("DOT files of S&B fig 3 are as expected", { # check that a graph with some unlabelled nodes has nodes labelled without # text strings s1 <- Node$new("Well") s2 <- Node$new("Disabled") s3 <- Node$new() e1 <- Arrow$new(s1, s1) e2 <- Arrow$new(s1, s2, "ill") e3 <- Arrow$new(s1, s3) e4 <- Arrow$new(s2, s2) e5 <- Arrow$new(s2, s3) e6 <- Arrow$new(s3, s3) s3x <- Node$new() G <- Digraph$new(V = list(s1, s2, s3), A = list(e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6)) # case as described in the paper s1 <- Node$new("Well") s2 <- Node$new("Disabled") s3 <- Node$new("Dead") e1 <- Arrow$new(s1, s1) e2 <- Arrow$new(s1, s2, "ill") e3 <- Arrow$new(s1, s3) e4 <- Arrow$new(s2, s2) e5 <- Arrow$new(s2, s3) e6 <- Arrow$new(s3, s3) G <- Digraph$new(V = list(s1, s2, s3), A = list(e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6)) expect_error(G$as_DOT(rankdir = "TT"), class = "invalid_rankdir") expect_error(G$as_DOT(width = "42"), class = "invalid_size") dot <- G$as_DOT() expect_true(any(grepl(pattern = 'rankdir="LR"', fixed = TRUE, x = dot))) dot <- G$as_DOT(rankdir = "TB") expect_true(any(grepl(pattern = 'rankdir="TB"', fixed = TRUE, x = dot))) dot <- G$as_DOT() expect_true(any(grepl(pattern = 'size="7,7"', fixed = TRUE, x = dot))) dot <- G$as_DOT(width = 6.0) expect_true(any(grepl(pattern = 'size="6,7"', fixed = TRUE, x = dot))) dot <- G$as_DOT(rankdir = "TB", width = 6.5, height = 6.5) expect_true(any(grepl(pattern = 'size="6.5,6.5"', fixed = TRUE, x = dot))) }) # check GML representation of a graph (Sonnenberg & Beck, 1993, Fig 3) test_that("gml representation of S&B fig 3 is as expected", { # graph with some unlabelled nodes s1 <- Node$new("Well") s2 <- Node$new("Disabled") s3 <- Node$new() e1 <- Arrow$new(s1, s1) e2 <- Arrow$new(s1, s2, "ill") e3 <- Arrow$new(s1, s3) e4 <- Arrow$new(s2, s2) e5 <- Arrow$new(s2, s3) e6 <- Arrow$new(s3, s3) s3x <- Node$new() G <- Digraph$new(V = list(s1, s2, s3), A = list(e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6)) # represent in GML format gml <- G$as_gml() expect_true(any(grepl(pattern = "Well", fixed = TRUE, x = gml))) expect_true(any(grepl(pattern = "ill", fixed = TRUE, x = gml))) # check import to igraph gmlfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".gml") writeLines(gml, con = gmlfile) ig <- igraph::read_graph(gmlfile, format = "gml") expect_identical(as.integer(igraph::gorder(ig)), 3L) expect_identical(as.integer(igraph::gsize(ig)), 6L) # case as described in the paper s1 <- Node$new("Well") s2 <- Node$new("Disabled") s3 <- Node$new("Dead") e1 <- Arrow$new(s1, s1) e2 <- Arrow$new(s1, s2, "ill") e3 <- Arrow$new(s1, s3) e4 <- Arrow$new(s2, s2) e5 <- Arrow$new(s2, s3) e6 <- Arrow$new(s3, s3) G <- Digraph$new(V = list(s1, s2, s3), A = list(e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6)) # check import to igraph gmlfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".gml") gml <- G$as_gml() writeLines(gml, con = gmlfile) ig <- igraph::read_graph(gmlfile, format = "gml") expect_identical(as.integer(igraph::gorder(ig)), 3L) expect_identical(as.integer(igraph::gsize(ig)), 6L) vlabels <- igraph::vertex_attr(ig, name = "label") expect_setequal(vlabels, c("Well", "Disabled", "Dead")) elabels <- igraph::edge_attr(ig, name = "label") expect_setequal(elabels, c(rep("", times = 5L), "ill")) })