test_that("new object arguments are checked", { d1 <- DecisionNode$new("d1") t1 <- LeafNode$new("t1") expect_error( Action$new(t1, d1, cost = "200", label = "e"), class = "invalid_source" ) expect_error(Action$new(d1, t1, 42L), class = "invalid_label") expect_error(Action$new(d1, t1, ""), class = "invalid_label") expect_error( Action$new(d1, t1, cost = "200", label = "e"), class = "invalid_cost" ) expect_error( Action$new(d1, t1, benefit = "200", label = "e"), class = "invalid_benefit" ) expect_silent(Action$new(d1, t1, "mychoice")) }) test_that("class parameters are updated dynamically", { # create edge and check it d1 <- DecisionNode$new("d1") t1 <- LeafNode$new("t1") e1 <- Action$new(source = d1, target = t1, label = "e") expect_identical(e1$cost(), 0.0) expect_identical(e1$benefit(), 0.0) # attempt to set an invalid cost expect_error(e1$set_cost("42"), class = "invalid_cost") expect_error(e1$set_cost(NA_real_), class = "invalid_cost") # set cost to default, and check it e1$set_cost() expect_identical(e1$cost(), 0.0) # set cost and check it e1$set_cost(42.0) expect_identical(e1$cost(), 42.0) # attempt to set an invalid benefit expect_error(e1$set_benefit("42"), class = "invalid_benefit") expect_error(e1$set_benefit(NA_real_), class = "invalid_benefit") # set benefit to default, and check it e1$set_benefit() expect_identical(e1$benefit(), 0.0) # set cost and check it e1$set_benefit(42.0) expect_identical(e1$benefit(), 42.0) }) test_that("argument name matching supports old and new parameter names", { d1 <- DecisionNode$new("d1") t1 <- LeafNode$new("t1") expect_silent(Action$new(source = d1, target = t1, label = "e")) expect_silent(Action$new(d1, target_node = t1, label = "e")) expect_silent(Action$new(source = d1, target_node = t1, label = "e")) expect_silent(Action$new(s = d1, t = t1, label = "e")) }) test_that("conditional probability is 1", { n1 <- DecisionNode$new("d") n2 <- LeafNode$new("n2") e1 <- Action$new(n1, n2, "mychoice") expect_intol(e1$p(), 1.0, 0.01) }) test_that("modvars are identified", { n1 <- DecisionNode$new("d") n2 <- LeafNode$new("n2") fortytwo <- ConstModVar$new("fortytwo", "GBP", 42.0) free <- ConstModVar$new("free", "GBP", 0.0) # one modvar e <- Action$new(n1, n2, "label", cost = 42.0, benefit = fortytwo) mv <- e$modvars() expect_length(mv, 1L) # two modvars e <- Action$new(n1, n2, "label", cost = free, benefit = fortytwo) mv <- e$modvars() expect_length(mv, 2L) d <- vapply(X = mv, FUN.VALUE = "x", FUN = function(v) { return(v$description()) }) expect_setequal(d, c("fortytwo", "free")) expect_intol(e$benefit(), 42.0, 0.01) # add a modvar dynamically e <- Action$new( n1, n2, cost = 42.0, benefit = fortytwo, label = "label" ) mv <- e$modvars() expect_length(mv, 1L) e$set_cost(c = free) mv <- e$modvars() expect_length(mv, 2L) # add an expression model variable with two operands o1 <- ConstModVar$new("o1", "GBP", 100.0) o2 <- ConstModVar$new("o2", "GBP", 200.0) c1 <- ExprModVar$new("o1+o2", "GBP", rlang::quo(o1 + o2)) e$set_cost(c = c1) mv <- e$modvars() expect_length(mv, 4L) d <- vapply(X = mv, FUN.VALUE = "x", FUN = function(v) { return(v$description()) }) expect_setequal(d, c("fortytwo", "o1+o2", "o1", "o2")) }) test_that("graphical representation of the edge is as expected", { # source and target nodes n1 <- DecisionNode$new("d") n2 <- LeafNode$new("n2") # one modvar e <- Action$new(n1, n2, "label") grDevices::pdf(file = NULL) grid::grid.newpage() vp <- grid::viewport() grid::pushViewport(vp) xs <- grid::unit(0.25, "npc") ys <- grid::unit(0.5, "npc") xt <- grid::unit(0.75, "npc") yt <- grid::unit(0.75, "npc") eg <- e$grob(xs = xs, ys = ys, xt = xt, yt = yt) expect_s3_class(eg, "grob") grid::grid.draw(eg) grid::popViewport() grDevices::dev.off() })