context("Testing functions for times operations") example_run <- rbi::bi_read(system.file(package = "rbi", "")) example_model_file <- system.file(package = "rbi", "") example_bi <- rbi::attach_data( rbi::libbi(example_model_file), "output", example_run ) test_that("We can convert numeric to actual times", { expect_equal( class( numeric_to_time( example_bi, origin = as.Date("2018-01-01"), unit = "day" )$Z$time ), "Date" ) expect_true( "POSIXt" %in% class(numeric_to_time( bi_read(example_bi), origin = as.Date("2018-01-01"), unit = "2 minutes" )$Z$time) ) }) test_that("We can convert actual to numeric times", { out <- numeric_to_time( example_bi, origin = as.Date("2018-01-01"), unit = "day" ) expect_equal( class( time_to_numeric( out, origin = as.Date("2018-01-01"), unit = "day" )$Z$time ), "numeric" ) expect_equal( class( time_to_numeric( out$Z, origin = as.Date("2018-01-01"), unit = "day" )$time ), "numeric" ) }) test_that("Errors are recognised", { expect_error(time_to_numeric(3), "must be") expect_error(numeric_to_time(3), "must be") })