context("Testing generating multivariate proposals") library(data.table) set.seed(12124) setDTthreads(1) model_str <- " model test { const no_a = 2 const no_b = 3 dim a(no_a) dim b(no_b) obs M[a] state N[a] (has_input = 0) noise e[a, b] param m[a, b] param p sub parameter { m[0,0] ~ beta() m[0,1] ~ gamma() m[0,2] ~ gaussian(mean = 1) m[1,b] ~ truncated_gaussian(mean = 1, lower = m[0,b]) p ~ uniform(lower = 0, upper = 1) } sub initial { N[a] <- 1 } sub transition { e[a, b] ~ gaussian(mean = m[a,b]) N[a] <- N[a] + e[a, 0] + e[a, 1] } sub observation { inline x = m M[a] ~ gaussian(mean = N[a]) } } " model <- rbi::bi_model(lines = stringi::stri_split_lines(model_str)[[1]]) bi <- rbi::libbi(model, dims = list(a = c("first", "second"))) test_output <- Map( function(x) { if ( x$value <- abs(rnorm(nrow(x))) x }, list( e = data.frame( expand.grid(time = 0:1, a = c("first", "second"), b = 0:2, np = 0:1) ), N = data.frame( expand.grid(time = 0:1, a = c("first", "second"), np = 0:1) ), m = data.frame(expand.grid(a = c("first", "second"), b = 0:2, np = 0:1)), p = data.frame(np = 0:1), close = 0, loglikelihood = data.frame(np = 0:1), logprior = data.frame(np = 0:1) ) ) bi <- rbi::attach_data(bi, "output", test_output) test_that("multivariate proposals can be generated with multiple parameters", { skip_on_cran() updated_model <- update_proposal(model) bi$model <- updated_model expect_gt(length(get_mvn_params(bi)), 0) expect_gt(length(get_mvn_params(bi, fix = 0)), 0) }) test_that("multivariate proposals can be generated with one parameter", { skip_on_cran() updated_model <- update_proposal(model) bi$model <- updated_model bi$model <- rbi::fix(bi$model, m = 0) test_output$m <- NULL test_output$p$value <- 1 ## no variation bi <- rbi::attach_data(bi, "output", test_output) expect_gt(length(get_mvn_params(bi)), 0) test_output$p$value <- 1 ## no variation expect_gt(length(get_mvn_params(bi)), 0) }) test_that("multivariate proposals can be generated if covariance is 0", { skip_on_cran() updated_model <- update_proposal(model) bi$model <- updated_model test_output$m$value <- 1 test_output$p$value <- 1 bi <- rbi::attach_data(bi, "output", test_output) expect_gt(length(get_mvn_params(bi)), 0) }) test_that("errors are reported", { expect_error(update_proposal(3), "must be a") })