test_that(".api_args works with inputs", { expect_error( .api_args(pairlist(a = 1, b = 2), list2env(list(a = 100))), ) expect_identical( .api_args(pairlist(a = 1, b = 2), list2env(list(a = 100, b = 200))), list(a = 100, b = 200) ) expect_identical( .api_args( pairlist(a = 1, b = 2), list2env(list(a = 100, b = 200, c = 300)) ), list(a = 100, b = 200) ) }) test_that(".api_body works with inputs", { expect_identical( .api_body( pairlist(a = 1, .__body__ = list(a = 1)), .__body__= list(a = 100, b = NULL) ), list(a = 100) ) expect_error( .api_body( pairlist(a = 1, .__body__ = list(a = 1)), b = 100, .__body__= list(a = 100, b = NULL) ) ) expect_error( .api_body( pairlist(a = 1, .__body__ = list(a = 1)), .__body__= list(c = 3) ) ) expect_error( .api_body( pairlist(a = 1, .__body__ = list(a = 1)), a = 100, .__body__= list(a = 100) ), "duplicate values.*" ) expect_identical( .api_body( pairlist(a = 1, .__body__ = list(a = NULL)), .__body__= list(a = NULL) ), structure(list(), .Names = character(0L)) ) }) test_that(".get_content_type works", { expect_identical( .get_content_type(list(consumes = "application/json")), httr::content_type("application/json") ) expect_identical( .get_content_type(list(consumes = NULL)), httr::content_type("application/json") ) }) test_that(".get_accept works", { expect_identical( .get_accept(list(produces = "application/json")), httr::accept("*/*") ) expect_identical( .get_accept(list(produces = "*/*")), httr::accept("*/*") ) expect_identical( .get_accept(list(produces = NULL)), httr::accept("*/*") ) }) test_that(".api_is_message_body_parameter works", { expect_true( .api_is_message_body_parameter( list(parameters = list(list(`in` = "body"))) ) ) expect_true( .api_is_message_body_parameter( list(parameters = list(list(`in` = "formData"))) ) ) expect_false( .api_is_message_body_parameter( list(parameters = list(list(`in` = "not"))) ) ) }) test_that("other helpers work", { expect_identical( .get_config(list(config = list(a = 1, b = 2))), list(a = 1, b = 2) ) })