library(randtoolbox) #see e.g. RNGkind() #Park Miller congruential generator : mod = 2147483647= 2^31-1, mult=16807, incr=0 LCG.par <- c("2147483647", "16807", "0") set.generator(name="congruRand", mod=LCG.par[1], mult=LCG.par[2], incr=LCG.par[3], seed=12345) LCG <- get.description() LCG$parameters == LCG.par x1 <- runif(5) setSeed(12345) x2 <- congruRand(5, dim=1, mod=2^31-1, mult=16807, incr=0) print(cbind(x1, x2)) print(sum(abs(x1 - x2))) RNGkind() # the Knuth Lewis RNG : mod=4294967296 == 2^32, mult=1664525, incr=1013904223 LCG.par <- c("4294967296", "1664525", "1013904223") set.generator(name="congruRand", mod=LCG.par[1], mult=LCG.par[2], incr=LCG.par[3], seed=1) LCG <- get.description() LCG$parameters == LCG.par x1 <- runif(5) setSeed(1) x2 <- congruRand(5, dim=1, mod=4294967296, mult=1664525, incr=1013904223) print(cbind(x1, x2)) print(sum(abs(x1 - x2))) if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") { # the POSIX rand48 : 281474976710656 == 2^48 LCG.par <- c("281474976710656", "25214903917", "11") set.generator(name="congruRand", mod=LCG.par[1], mult=LCG.par[2], incr=LCG.par[3], seed=1) LCG <- get.description() LCG$parameters == LCG.par x1 <- runif(5) setSeed(1) x2 <- congruRand(5, dim=1, mod=281474976710656, mult=25214903917, incr=11) print(cbind(x1, x2)) print(sum(abs(x1 - x2))) } if(FALSE) #congruRand() does not handle 2^64 correctly but set.generator() does { # the MMIX RNG by Donald Knuth => produce two different result after the second term # 18446744073709551616 == 2^64 LCG.par <- c("18446744073709551616", "1442695040888963407", "1013904223") set.generator(name="congruRand", mod=LCG.par[1], mult=LCG.par[2], incr=LCG.par[3], seed=1) LCG <- get.description() LCG$parameters == LCG.par x1 <- runif(5) setSeed(1) x2 <- congruRand(5, dim=1, mod=18446744073709551616, mult=1442695040888963407, incr=1013904223) print(cbind(x1, x2)) #only first value is correct (1442695040888963407 * 1 + 1013904223) / 2^64 #Haynes RNG LCG.par <- c("18446744073709551616", "636412233846793005", "1") set.generator(name="congruRand", mod=LCG.par[1], mult=LCG.par[2], incr=LCG.par[3], seed=1) LCG <- get.description() LCG$parameters == LCG.par x1 <- runif(5) setSeed(1) x2 <- congruRand(5, dim=1, mod=18446744073709551616, mult=636412233846793005, incr=1, echo = TRUE) print(cbind(x1, x2)) #only first value is correct (636412233846793005 * 1 + 1) / 2^64 }