library(randtoolbox) params <- c( "512a", "521a", "521b", "607a", "607b", "800a", "800b", "1024a", "1024b", "19937a", "19937b", "19937c", "21701a", "23209a", "23209b", "44497a", "44497b") result1 <- rep(NA, times=length(params)) result2 <- rep(NA, times=length(params)) seed <- floor(2^31*runif(1)) cat("using seed", seed, "for test of the output of WELL RNG\n") m <- 100 cat("generating sequences of the length", m, "from each generator\n") for (i in 1:length(params)) { cat(i, "") set.generator("WELL", version=params[i], seed=seed) s0 <- getWELLState() x <- runif(m) out <- rngWELLScriptR(m, s0, params[i], includeState=TRUE) s1 <- getWELLState() result1[i] <- all(x == out$x) result2[i] <- all(s1 == out$state) } cat("\n\n") print(data.frame(params, result1, result2)) stopifnot(all(result1, result2))