context("Unit test of the .xfcvl-familiy of functions") lambda. <- symm(matrix(rchisq(9, df = pi), 3, 3)) ns. <- c(50, 60, 70) Ylist. <- createS(n = ns., p = 15, dataset = TRUE, topology = "banded") Tlist. <- replicate(length(ns.), rchisq(1,5)*diag(15), simplify = FALSE) k. <- 10 for (i in 1:4) { res <- switch(i, rags2ridges:::.fcvl(lambda., Ylist., Tlist.), rags2ridges:::.sfcvl(lambda., Ylist., Tlist.), rags2ridges:::.kfcvl(lambda., Ylist., Tlist., k = k.), rags2ridges:::.afcvl(lambda., Ylist., Tlist.)) test_that(".xfcl functions returns correctly formatted output", { expect_that(res, is_a("numeric")) expect_that(length(res), equals(1L)) }) } test_that(".xfcl functions works properly on degenerated data", { expect_that(TRUE, is_true()) # To be tested }) # Expand tests