context("Unit test of the .armaRidgeP.fused function") suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) armaRidgeP.fused <- rags2ridges:::.armaRidgeP.fused armaRidgeP <- rags2ridges:::.armaRidgeP # Random number of sample, random number of classes p <- 10 n <- replicate(sample(2:5, 1), sample(3:9, 1)) S <- createS(n = n, p = p) tgt <-, n) G <- length(n) test_that("armaRidgeP.fused returns proper format", { test.lambdas <- c(1e-200, 1e-100, 1e-50, 1e-10, 1, 1e10, 1e50, 1e100, 1e200, 1e300, 1e500, Inf) lm <- matrix(1, length(n), length(n)) for (l in test.lambdas) { diag(lm) <- l res <- armaRidgeP.fused(S, n, tgt, lambda = lm, Plist = tgt) expect_that(res, is_a("list")) expect_that(length(res), equals(G)) for (i in 1:G) { expect_that(res[[i]], is_a("matrix")) # Returns a matrix expect_that(typeof(res[[i]]), equals("double")) # Returns a matrix expect_that(dim(res[[i]]), equals(c(p, p))) # .. of the correct size } } }) test_that("armaRidgeP.fused does not ignore the diagonal in lambda", { lm <- matrix(1, G, G) res.diag <- armaRidgeP.fused(S, n, tgt, lambda = lm, tgt) diag(lm) <- 0 res.nodiag <- armaRidgeP.fused(S, n, tgt, lambda = lm, tgt) expect_false(isTRUE(all.equal(res.diag, res.nodiag))) }) ################################################################################ # Test against the old funciton: ################################################################################ # Test against an old, slow implementation ridgeP.fused.old <- function(Slist, ns, Tlist =, ns), lambda, lambdaF, lambdaFmat, Plist, maxit = 100L, verbose = TRUE, eps = 1e-4) { stopifnot(length(Slist) == length(Tlist)) G <- length(Slist) # Number of groups # Initialize estimates with the regular ridges from the pooled covariance if (missing(Plist)) { Spool <- pooledS(Slist, ns, mle = FALSE) Plist <- list() for (i in seq_len(G)) { Plist[[i]] <- .armaRidgeP(Spool, target = Tlist[[i]], lambda = G*lambda/sum(ns)) } } stopifnot(length(Slist) == length(Plist)) if (!missing(lambdaF) && !missing(lambdaFmat)) { stop("Supply only either lambdaF or lambdaFmat.") } else if (missing(lambdaF) && missing(lambdaFmat)) { stop("Either lambdaF or lambdaFmat must be given.") } else if (missing(lambdaF) && !missing(lambdaFmat)) { lambdaF <- matrix(lambdaF, G, G) } if (verbose) { cat("iteration | difference in Frobenius norm\n") } tmp.lambda <- lambdaF diag(tmp.lambda) <- lambda lambda <- tmp.lambda lambdasize <- sum(lambdaF) tmpPlist <- list() diffs <- rep(NA, G) i <- 1 while (i <= maxit) { for (g in seq_len(G)) { if (lambdasize < 1e50) { tmpPlist[[g]] <- .armaFusedUpdateI(g0 = g-1, Plist = Plist, Slist = Slist, Tlist = Tlist, ns = ns, lambda = lambda) } else { tmpPlist[[g]] <- .armaFusedUpdateIII(g0 = g-1, Plist = Plist, Slist = Slist, Tlist = Tlist, ns = ns, lambda = lambda) } diffs[g] <- .FrobeniusLoss(tmpPlist[[g]], Plist[[g]]) Plist[[g]] <- tmpPlist[[g]] } mx <- max(diffs) if (verbose) { cat(sprintf("i = %-3d | max diffs = %0.10f\n", i, mx)) } if (is.nan(mx)) { warning("NaNs where introduced likely due to very largs penalties.") break } if (mx < eps) { break } i <- i + 1 } if (i == maxit + 1) { warning("Maximum iterations (", maxit, ") hit") } # Keep dimnames and names for (g in seq_along(Slist)) { dimnames(Plist[[g]]) <- dimnames(Slist[[g]]) } names(Plist) <- names(Slist) return(Plist) } environment(ridgeP.fused.old) <- asNamespace('rags2ridges') # TESTING test_that("armaRidgeP.fused agrees with the old R implmentation", { lambda <- matrix(1, G, G) diag(lambda) <- abs(rcauchy(n = 1)) Spool <- pooledS(S, n, mle = FALSE) P <- list() for (i in seq_len(G)) { P[[i]] <- armaRidgeP(Spool, target = tgt[[i]], lambda = G*lambda[1,1]/sum(n)) } res_old <- ridgeP.fused.old(S, n, tgt, lambda = lambda[1,1], lambdaF = lambda, maxit = 1000, eps = 1e-10, verbose = FALSE) res_new <- armaRidgeP.fused(S, n, tgt, lambda, Plist = P, maxit = 1000, eps = 1e-10, verbose = FALSE) expect_true(isTRUE(all.equal(res_old, res_new, check.attributes = FALSE, tolerance = 1e-4))) })