test_that("fitPBK", { options(warn=-1) # bacause warning appears with convergence of the chain # (1) load data data("dataCompartment4") # (2) prepare data set dataPBK_C4 <- dataPBK( object = dataCompartment4, col_time = "temps", col_replicate = "replicat", col_exposure = "condition", col_compartment = c("intestin", "reste", "caecum", "cephalon"), time_accumulation = 7) # (3) run Bayesian fitting: > 5 sec to be executed fitPBK_C4 <- fitPBK(dataPBK_C4, chains = 1, iter = 100) # (4) check run has been executed: testthat::expect_true(is.list(fitPBK_C4)) testthat::expect_true(all(class(fitPBK_C4$stanPBKdata) == c("stanPBKdata", "list"))) testthat::expect_true(class(fitPBK_C4$stanfit) == "stanfit") })