testthat::context("amOHLC") require(pipeR) data("data_candleStick2") testthat::test_that("Basic example", { testthat::expect_silent({ amOHLC(data = data_candleStick2) }) }) testthat::test_that("Change colors", { testthat::expect_silent({ amOHLC(data = data_candleStick2, positiveColor = "green", negativeColor = "red") }) }) testthat::test_that("Naming the axes", { testthat::expect_silent({ amOHLC(data = data_candleStick2, xlab = "categories", ylab = "values") %>>% setChartCursor() }) }) testthat::test_that("Rotate the labels for x axis", { testthat::expect_silent({ amOHLC(data = data_candleStick2, labelRotation = 90) }) }) testthat::test_that("Change names", { testthat::expect_silent({ amOHLC(data = data_candleStick2, names = c("min", "begin", "end", "max")) %>>% setChartCursor() }) }) testthat::test_that("Use amOptions", { testthat::expect_silent({ amOHLC(data = data_candleStick2, zoom = FALSE) }) })