context("amBarplot") library(pipeR) data("data_bar") data("data_gbar") testthat::test_that("amBarplot: basic example", { testthat::expect_silent({ # Test with label rotation amBarplot(x = "country", y = "visits", data = data_bar, labelRotation = -45) # Test with label rotation amBarplot(x = "country", y = "visits", data = data_bar, labelRotation = -45) # Horizontal bar amBarplot(x = "country", y = "visits", data = data_bar, horiz = TRUE, labelRotation = -45) # 3D bar amBarplot(x = "country", y = "visits", data = data_bar, depth = 15, labelRotation = -45) # Display values amBarplot(x = "country", y = "visits", data = data_bar, show_values = TRUE, labelRotation = -45) }) }) testthat::test_that("amBarplot: grouped columns", { testthat::expect_silent({ # Grouped columns amBarplot(x = "year", y = c("income", "expenses"), data = data_gbar) # Change groups colors amBarplot(x = "year", y = c("income", "expenses"), data = data_gbar, groups_color = c("#87cefa", "#c7158")) }) }) testthat::test_that("amBarplot: parse date", { testthat::expect_silent({ amBarplot(x = "year", y = c("income", "expenses"), data = data_gbar, dataDateFormat = "YYYY", minPeriod = "YYYY") # Default label: first day of each month amBarplot(x = "month", y = c("income", "expenses"), data = data_gbar, dataDateFormat = "MM/YYYY", minPeriod = "MM") amBarplot(x = "day", y = c("income", "expenses"), data = data_gbar, dataDateFormat = "DD/MM/YYYY") }) }) testthat::test_that("amBarplot: stacked bars", { testthat::expect_silent({ amBarplot(x = "year", y = c("income", "expenses"), data = data_gbar, stack_type = "regular") # 100% stacked bars amBarplot(x = "year", y = c("income", "expenses"), data = data_gbar, stack_type = "100") }) }) testthat::test_that("amBarplot: layered bars", { testthat::expect_silent({ amBarplot(x = "year", y = c("income", "expenses"), data = data_gbar, layered = TRUE) # Data with row names dataset <- data.frame(get(x = "USArrests", pos = "package:datasets")) amBarplot(y = c("Murder", "Assault", "UrbanPop", "Rape"), data = dataset, stack_type = "regular") # Round values amBarplot(x = "year", y = c("income", "expenses"), data = data_gbar) %>>% setProperties(precision = 0) }) })