testthat::context("amSolidGauge") testthat::test_that("Simple example", { testthat::expect_silent({ amSolidGauge(x = 65) }) }) testthat::test_that("Change min and max values", { testthat::expect_silent({ amSolidGauge(x = 65, min = 0, max = 200) }) }) testthat::test_that("Semi gauge", { testthat::expect_silent({ amSolidGauge(x = 70, min = 0, max = 100, type = "semi", width = 20, text = "%", color = c("#00ff00", "#ffd700", "#ff0000"), textSize = 25) amSolidGauge(x = 65, type = "semi") }) }) testthat::test_that("Change width", { testthat::expect_silent({ amSolidGauge(x = 65, width = 50) }) }) testthat::test_that("Change color", { testthat::expect_silent({ amSolidGauge(x = 65, color = "#2F4F4F") }) }) testthat::test_that("Put a color scale", { testthat::expect_silent({ amSolidGauge(x = 10, color = c("#00ff00", "#ffd700", "#ff0000")) amSolidGauge(x = 35, color = c("#00ff00", "#ffd700", "#ff0000")) amSolidGauge(x = 70, color = c("#00ff00", "#ffd700", "#ff0000")) amSolidGauge(x = 90, color = c("#00ff00", "#ffd700", "#ff0000")) }) }) testthat::test_that("Add some text to the printed value", { testthat::expect_silent({ amSolidGauge(x = 65, text = "%") }) }) testthat::test_that("Modify textSize value", { testthat::expect_silent({ amSolidGauge(x = 65, text = "%", textSize = 50) }) }) testthat::test_that("amSolidGauge: Full example", { testthat::expect_silent({ amSolidGauge(x = 75, min = 0, max = 100, type = "full", width = 20, color = "#1e90ff", text = "%", textSize = 50) }) })