testthat::context("amBullet") x <- replicate(1000, { if (round(runif(1))) { rnorm(1) } else { rnorm(1, mean = 5) } }) testthat::test_that("Basic example", { testthat::expect_silent({ # Default method (object <- amHist(x = x)) # Without plot amHist(x = x, plot = FALSE) # With options amHist(x = x, border = "blue") amHist(x = x, col = "lightblue", control_hist = list(breaks = 100)) amHist(x = x, col = "grey") amHist(x = x, col = "gray") amHist(x = x, main = "Histogram", ylab = "y-axis", xlab = "x-axis", col = "red") amHist(x = x, main = "Histogram", ylab = "y-axis", xlab = "x-axis", ylim = c(10, 15)) amHist(x = x, main = "Histogram", ylab = "y-axis", xlab = "x-axis") # Options for computing the histogram amHist(x = x, control_hist = list(breaks = "Scott")) }) })