testthat::context("amBullet") testthat::test_that("Basic example", { testthat::expect_silent({ amBullet(value = 65) }) }) testthat::test_that("Remove steps for background", { testthat::expect_silent({ amBullet(value = 65, steps = FALSE) }) }) testthat::test_that("Tune the colors with name or HTML code", { testthat::expect_silent({ amBullet(value = 65, val_color = "purple", limit_color = "#3c8dbc") }) }) testthat::test_that("Change the orientation", { testthat::expect_silent({ amBullet(value = 65, steps = FALSE, horiz = FALSE) }) }) testthat::test_that("Add text", { testthat::expect_silent({ amBullet(value = 65, label = "Evaluation") }) }) testthat::test_that("Change min and max values", { testthat::expect_silent({ amBullet(value = 65, min = 20, max = 90) }) })