# Build Temporary vector for use in testing teststr <- "The quick brown fox (){}[]$#&%@,.;:=_+-*/" # Check Temporary dataset attributes teststratt <- attributes(teststr) test_that("RTF text default color", { # Check no default color assigned for foreground when background color is null expect_false(c("cf") %in% rtf_text(text = teststr)) # Check default black color is assigned for foreground when background color is not null expect_match( rtf_text( text = teststr, background_color = "white" ), "cf24" ) }) test_that("check for valid input arguments to font", { # Check font argument matches font_type()$type expect_error( rtf_text( text = teststr, font = "xyz" ), "font %in% font_type$type is not TRUE", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("check for valid input arguments to font_size", { # Check font_size argument only takes atomic numeric vector arguments expect_error( rtf_text( text = teststr, font_size = "xyz" ), "is.numeric(font_size) is not TRUE", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("check for valid input arguments to format", { # Check format argument matches font_format()$type expect_error(rtf_text(text = teststr, format = "xyz")) }) test_that("check for valid input arguments to color", { # Check color argument matches color_table()$color expect_error( rtf_text( text = teststr, color = "check" ), "color %in% col_tb$color is not TRUE", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("check for valid input arguments to background_color", { # Check background_color argument matches color_table()$color expect_error( rtf_text( text = teststr, background_color = "check" ), "background_color %in% col_tb$color is not TRUE", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("text font, size and format checks", { # Check font expect_match( rtf_text( text = teststr, font = 2 ), "f1" ) expect_match( rtf_text( text = teststr, font = 3 ), "f2" ) # Check font_size expect_match( rtf_text( text = teststr, font_size = 2 ), "fs4" ) expect_match( rtf_text( text = teststr, font_size = 100 ), "fs200" ) # Check format expect_match( rtf_text( text = teststr, format = "b" ), "\\b" ) expect_match( rtf_text( text = teststr, format = "ib" ), "\\i\\b" ) }) test_that("text color checks", { # Check foreground color expect_match( rtf_text( text = teststr, color = "red", background_color = "white" ), "cf552" ) expect_match( rtf_text( text = teststr, color = "yellow4", background_color = "white" ), "cf656" ) # Check background_color expect_match( rtf_text( text = teststr, color = "white", background_color = "darkviolet" ), "cb115" ) expect_match( rtf_text( text = teststr, color = "white", background_color = "mistyrose" ), "cb479" ) })