# Build Temporary vector for use in testing teststr <- "The quick brown fox (){}[]$#&%@,.;:=_+-*/" # Use rtf_text on temporary vector to use as input rtf_text( text = teststr, font = 1, font_size = 6, format = "b", color = "black", background_color = "white" ) # Check Temporary input attributes teststratt <- attributes(teststr) test_that("check valid input arguments to justification", { # Check justification argument matches justification()$type expect_error( rtf_paragraph( text = teststr, justification = 1 ), "as.vector(justification) %in% para_justification$type is not TRUE", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("check valid input arguments to indent_first", { # Check indent_first argument only takes atomic numeric vector arguments expect_error( rtf_paragraph( text = teststr, indent_first = "4" ), "is.numeric(indent_first) is not TRUE", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("check valid input arguments to indent_left", { # Check indent_left argument only takes atomic numeric vector arguments expect_error( rtf_paragraph( text = teststr, indent_left = "4" ), "is.numeric(indent_left) is not TRUE", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("check valid input arguments to indent_right", { # Check indent_right argument only takes atomic numeric vector arguments expect_error( rtf_paragraph( text = teststr, indent_right = "4" ), "is.numeric(indent_right) is not TRUE", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("check valid input arguments to spacing", { # Check space argument matches spacing()$type expect_error( rtf_paragraph( text = teststr, space = "2.5" ), "space %in% spacing$type is not TRUE", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("check valid input arguments to space_before", { # Check space_before argument only takes atomic numeric vector arguments expect_error( rtf_paragraph( text = teststr, space_before = "4" ), "is.numeric(space_before) is not TRUE", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("check valid input arguments to space_after", { # Check space_after argument only takes atomic numeric vector arguments expect_error( rtf_paragraph( text = teststr, space_after = "4" ), "is.numeric(space_after) is not TRUE", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("check line, paragraph space encoding", { # Check paragraph space encoding expect_match( rtf_paragraph( text = teststr, space = 1.5 ), "sl360\\\\slmult1" ) # Check line space_before encoding expect_match( rtf_paragraph( text = teststr, space_before = 240 ), "sb240" ) # Check line space_after encoding expect_match( rtf_paragraph( text = teststr, space_after = 480 ), "sa480" ) }) test_that("check page break encoding", { # Check page break new_page encoding expect_match( rtf_paragraph( text = teststr, new_page = TRUE ), "pagebb" ) }) test_that("check indentation, alignment encoding", { # Check alignment justification encoding expect_match( rtf_paragraph( text = teststr, justification = "d" ), "qj" ) # Check indentation indent_first encoding expect_match( rtf_paragraph( text = teststr, indent_first = 134 ), "fi134" ) # Check indentation indent_left encoding expect_match( rtf_paragraph( text = teststr, indent_left = 134 ), "li134" ) # Check indentation indent_right encoding expect_match( rtf_paragraph( text = teststr, indent_right = 134 ), "ri134" ) }) test_that("check hyphenation encoding", { # Check page break new_page encoding expect_match( rtf_paragraph( text = teststr, hyphenation = TRUE ), "hyphpar" ) })