library(dplyr) svg(tempfile("tmp.svg")) test_that("Test for case when output has title, footnote and source", { x <- iris[1:2, ] |> rtf_title("Title") |> rtf_footnote("Footnote") |> rtf_source("DataSource") |> rtf_body() |> rtf_pageby(page_by = "Species", new_page = TRUE, pageby_header = TRUE) |> as_rtf_pageby() expect_snapshot_output(x) }) test_that("Test the pageby rows are the last rows of a page", { x <- iris |> rtf_title("Title") |> rtf_footnote("Footnote") |> rtf_source("DataSource") |> rtf_body() |> rtf_pageby(page_by = "Species", new_page = TRUE, pageby_header = FALSE) y <- |> group_by( |> summarise_all(last) |> mutate(row = substr(as.character(, 1, 1)) z <-$Species)) |> mutate(cu = cumsum(Freq)) z <- z |> mutate(cum = cu + as.numeric(rownames(z))) expect_equal(y$row, rownames(y)) expect_equal(y$info.index, z$cum) expect_false(all(y$info.pageby)) }) test_that("Test if border type/color for first/last row are assigned correctly", { x <- iris |> rtf_body( border_first = c("single", "dash", "dot", "triple", ""), border_last = c("single", "dash", "dot", "triple", ""), border_color_top = c("black", "gold", "ivory", "blue", "white"), border_color_bottom = c("black", "gold", "ivory", "blue", "white"), border_color_first = c("azure", "gold", "ivory", "bisque", "white"), border_color_last = c("red", "gold", "ivory", "bisque", "white") ) |> rtf_pageby(page_by = "Species", new_page = TRUE, pageby_header = TRUE) |> as_rtf_pageby() attr(x, "info") <- NULL expect_snapshot_output(x[1]) }) test_that("Test if page_dict attribute is created for tbl", { x <- iris |> rtf_body() |> rtf_pageby(page_by = "Species", new_page = TRUE, pageby_header = FALSE) y <- as_rtf_pageby(x) expect_equal(names(attributes(y)), "info") if (interactive()) expect_snapshot_output(y) }) test_that("Test for more than one page_by var", { x <- iris |> mutate(cat = rep(1:5, 30)) |> arrange(Species, cat) |> rtf_page(nrow = 5) |> rtf_body() |> rtf_pageby(page_by = c("Species", "cat"), new_page = TRUE, pageby_header = TRUE) y <- as_rtf_pageby(x) expect_equal(names(attributes(y)), c("names", "info")) if (interactive()) expect_snapshot_output(y) }) test_that("Test if new_page is FALSE and group_by is NOT NULL", { iris1 <- iris iris1$cat <- iris1$Species x <- iris1 |> rtf_body(group_by = "cat") |> rtf_pageby(page_by = "Species", new_page = FALSE, pageby_header = FALSE) y <- as_rtf_pageby(x) expect_equal(names(attributes(y)), "info") if (interactive()) expect_snapshot_output(y) }) test_that("Test whether lines with '-----' were removed correctly", { x <- distinct(iris |> subset(Species != "virginica"), Species, .keep_all = T) |> mutate(Species = ifelse(Species == "setosa", "-----", Species)) |> rtf_colheader("Sepal.Length | Sepal.Width | Petal.Length | Petal.Width", col_rel_width = rep(1, 4) ) |> rtf_body( page_by = "Species", text_justification = c(rep("c", 4), "l"), border_top = c(rep("", 4), "single"), border_bottom = c(rep("", 4), "single") ) |> rtf_encode() expect_snapshot_output(x$body) }) test_that("Test when using subline_by and page_by together in rtf_body", { tbl1 <- iris[c(1:4, 51:54), 3:5] |> mutate(s2 = paste0(Species, 1:2), s3 = s2) |> arrange(Species, s2) |> rtf_body( subline_by = "s2", page_by = "Species" ) |> rtf_encode() expect_snapshot_output(tbl1$body) }) test_that("Test when using subline_by and page_by with pageby_row = 'first_row' in rtf_body", { tbl2 <- iris[c(1:4, 51:54), 3:5] |> mutate(s2 = paste0(Species, 1:2), s3 = s2) |> arrange(Species, s2) |> rtf_body( subline_by = "s2", page_by = "Species", pageby_row = "first_row" ) |> rtf_encode() expect_snapshot_output(tbl2$body) })